Html table to json convert to

Convert HTML Table Data To JSON Format

This is a free online tool to convert a HTML table formatted data to JSON. This can be useful for webscraping needs. You can convert any HTML table on web pages to JSON and use as input for other software.

What is a JSON?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular format used to transfer data between applications. It is very common object format in web applications. JavaScript applications do not require any speciall handling for this type of data since its is already an object of javascript format.

What is a HTML table?

The HTML tables are also a rich form of display on web page. This is possible with the help of JavaScript programming. Now users can interact with table e.g. sort it, or highlight the line to match content etc.

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Why Convert From HTML table to JSON?

There is a lot of information on web that can used to develop other tools and information. JSON is a easy to consume data for dynamic web applications. If you find a web page with HTML table fromatted data then you can easily convert it using this tool and use it in your application.

Why Do We Need A Html Table to JSON Converter Online?

The online converter is a good help for content researchers and manual web scrappers. This tool can be handy since you just need to use a web browser.

Any HTML table can be browsed on a web browser and a view source (on IE) or inspect element (on Chrome, Firefox and other browsers) can show you the HTML code of table.

You just need to copy and paste the HTML table code into this tool and get the JSON data.


Html table to json convert to

Last updated: May 3, 2023
Reading time · 5 min


# Table of Contents

  1. How to convert an HTML table to a JSON array of arrays.
  2. How to convert an HTML table to a JSON array of objects.
  3. How to export the resulting JSON string to a .json file.

# How to convert an HTML table to JSON

To convert an HTML table to JSON:

  1. Store the values of the th elements in an array.
  2. Store the values of the td elements in an array.
  3. Concatenate the two arrays and use the JSON.stringify() method.

Here is the HTML for the example.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8" /> head> body> div class="box">bobbyhadz.comdiv> br /> br /> br /> table id="my-table"> thead> tr> th>Col 1th> th>Col 2th> th>Col 3th> tr> thead> tbody> tr> td>A1td> td>A2td> td>A3td> tr> tr> td>B1td> td>B2td> td>B3td> tr> tr> td>C1td> td>C2td> td>C3td> tr> tbody> table> script src="index.js"> script> body> html>

example table

And here is the code for the index.js file.

function toObject(table) const thead = Array.from(table.tHead.rows[0].children).map( el => el.textContent, ); const tbody = Array.from(table.tBodies[0].rows).map(row => Array.from(row.cells).map(cell => cell.textContent), ); return table: [thead].concat(tbody), thead, tbody, >; > const table = document.getElementById('my-table'); const obj = toObject(table); // 👇️ [['Col 1','Col 2','Col 3'],['A1', 'A2', 'A3'], ['B1', 'B2', 'B3'], ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']] console.log(obj.table); // 👇️ ['Col 1', 'Col 2', 'Col 3'] console.log(obj.thead); // [['A1', 'A2', 'A3'], ['B1', 'B2', 'B3'], ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']] console.log(obj.tbody); const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(obj.table); // [["Col 1","Col 2","Col 3"],["A1","A2","A3"],["B1","B2","B3"],["C1","C2","C3"]] console.log(jsonStr);

The toObject function converts the table to an object that has 3 properties:

// 👇️ [['Col 1','Col 2','Col 3'],['A1', 'A2', 'A3'], ['B1', 'B2', 'B3'], ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']] console.log(obj.table);
// 👇️ ['Col 1', 'Col 2', 'Col 3'] console.log(obj.thead);
// [['A1', 'A2', 'A3'], ['B1', 'B2', 'B3'], ['C1', 'C2', 'C3']] console.log(obj.tbody);

If you need to convert any of the properties to JSON, use the JSON.stringify method.

const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(obj.table); // [["Col 1","Col 2","Col 3"],["A1","A2","A3"],["B1","B2","B3"],["C1","C2","C3"]] console.log(jsonStr);

# How to convert an HTML table to an Array of Objects

If you need to convert the HTML table to an array of objects:

  1. Get an array of the table’s headings.
  2. Get an array of the table’s rows.
  3. Iterate over the table’s rows and store each heading as a key and the current th text content as the value.

The HTML for the example is the same as in the previous subheading.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8" /> head> body> div class="box">bobbyhadz.comdiv> br /> br /> br /> table id="my-table"> thead> tr> th>Col 1th> th>Col 2th> th>Col 3th> tr> thead> tbody> tr> td>A1td> td>A2td> td>A3td> tr> tr> td>B1td> td>B2td> td>B3td> tr> tr> td>C1td> td>C2td> td>C3td> tr> tbody> table> script src="index.js"> script> body> html>

Here is the related JavaScript code.

function toArrayOfObjects(table) const columns = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('th')).map( heading => heading.textContent, ); const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr'); return Array.from(rows).map(row => const dataCells = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('td')); return columns.reduce((obj, column, index) => obj[column] = dataCells[index].textContent; return obj; >, >); >); > const table = document.getElementById('my-table'); // [ // // "Col 1": "A1", // "Col 2": "A2", // "Col 3": "A3" // >, // // "Col 1": "B1", // "Col 2": "B2", // "Col 3": "B3" // >, // // "Col 1": "C1", // "Col 2": "C2", // "Col 3": "C3" // > // ] console.log(toArrayOfObjects(table)); const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(toArrayOfObjects(table)); // [,,] console.log(jsonStr);

The toArrayOfObjects() function takes a table element as a parameter and returns an array of objects.

The table headings are used as properties in each object and the text content of the td elements is used as the values.

If you need to convert the array of objects to a JSON string, use the JSON.stringify() method.

# Convert an HTML table to JSON and export it as a JSON file

  1. Converts the HTML table to a JSON array of objects (could be any other data structure).
  2. Exports the JSON to a file.

Here is the HTML for the example.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8" /> head> body> div class="box">bobbyhadz.comdiv> br /> br /> br /> table id="my-table"> thead> tr> th>Col 1th> th>Col 2th> th>Col 3th> tr> thead> tbody> tr> td>A1td> td>A2td> td>A3td> tr> tr> td>B1td> td>B2td> td>B3td> tr> tr> td>C1td> td>C2td> td>C3td> tr> tbody> table> button id="btn">Click to Download Table as JSONbutton> script src="index.js"> script> body> html>

html table with download as json button

And here is the code for the index.js file.

function toArrayOfObjects(table) const columns = Array.from(table.querySelectorAll('th')).map( heading => heading.textContent, ); const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tbody > tr'); return Array.from(rows).map(row => const dataCells = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('td')); return columns.reduce((obj, column, index) => obj[column] = dataCells[index].textContent; return obj; >, >); >); > const table = document.getElementById('my-table'); function downloadJSONTable(jsonStr, fileName) const dataStr = `data:text/json;charset=utf-8,$encodeURIComponent( jsonStr, )>`; const anchorElement = document.createElement('a'); anchorElement.href = dataStr; = `$fileName>.json`; document.body.appendChild(anchorElement);; document.body.removeChild(anchorElement); > const downloadButton = document.getElementById('btn'); downloadButton.addEventListener('click', () => const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(toArrayOfObjects(table)); downloadJSONTable(jsonStr, 'myFile'); >);

Here are the contents of the exported .json file.

contents of exported json file

The downloadJSONTable function takes a JSON string and the name the downloaded file should have on the user’s file system as parameters and exports the supplied JSON string to a file.

The file is a bit difficult to read because it only consists of a single line, however, you could pretty print the JSON by passing a third argument to the JSON.stringify() method.

const jsonStr = JSON.stringify( toArrayOfObjects(table), null, 2, );

export json table pretty print

The third argument is the indentation of the JSON string.

The new JSON string is much more readable as each key-value pair is displayed on a separate line.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

  • Download Images using JavaScript (Local and from URL)
  • How to fetch Data on Button click in React
  • TypeError: Failed to fetch and CORS in JavaScript [Solved]
  • fetch() returns empty Response Body in JavaScript [Solved]
  • How to Use an Image as a Link in React.js
  • Import and use an Image in a React component
  • Add an on Click event to Table Rows in JavaScript
  • How to wrap the content of a table cell using CSS
  • Resource interpreted as stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html
  • How to put an Input element on the same line as its Label
  • How to export an HTML table to Excel using JavaScript
  • [DOM] Input elements should have autocomplete attributes

I wrote a book in which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer.


Конвертировать HTML Таблица в JSON массив

Подготовьте код HTML Таблица для преобразования в JSON массив. Мы не будем хранить какие-либо ваши данные.

Excel подобный редактору или Builder позволяет легко отредактировать данные HTML Таблица предыдущих данных.

Delete blank rows or columns

Как Конвертировать HTML Таблица в JSON массив онлайн?

1. Загрузить или вставить свой HTML Таблица

Просто вставьте (скопируйте исходный код HTML из браузера) или перетащите файл HTML в TextArea of Источник данных, и он немедленно выполнит магию преобразования. Конвертер Table HTML автоматически ищет таблицы из исходного кода HTML, который вы предоставляете.

2. Отредактируйте свой HTML Таблица онлайн, если это необходимо

Вы можете редактировать свои данные онлайн, например, Excel через Редактор таблицы, а изменения будут преобразованы в JSON массив в режиме реального времени.

3. Скопируйте преобразованный JSON массив

Данные JSON были сгенерированы в поле Генератор таблицы. Этот удобный преобразователь выпускает массив объектов по умолчанию, в дополнение к этому, он также может генерировать различные форматы JSON, таких как 2D массив, массив столбцов и массив клавиш.

Примечание. Ваши данные безопасны, конверты полностью выполняются в вашем веб-браузере, и мы не будем хранить какие-либо ваши данные.

Что такое HTML?


HTML Подписчики для гипертекстового языка разметки. HTML — код, который используется для структурирования веб-страницы и его содержимого, абзацев, списка, изображений и таблиц и т. Д.

Что такое JSON?


JSON Подписчики для объекта JavaScript. Файл JSON — это текстовый формат для представления структурированных данных на основе синтаксиса объекта JavaScript.


Convert HTML table to JSON

Do you find this tool useful? Then share it with your friends or colleagues. This will help us to make our free web tools better.

This form allows you convert HTML tables to JSON data, paste or upload your HTML file below:


Use first row for property names
No line breaks in values (Use this to remove line breaks in field values)
Remove HTML tags in values (Use this to prevent seeing HTML tags in your output)
Replace multiple spaces with 1 space in values (Use this if you have too much space in your output)

Result of HTML conversion to JSON

About HTML conversion to JSON

About HTML tables conversion to JSON data

The HTML to JSON Converter was created for online transform code of HTML tables into JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) data. It’s very simple and easy way to transform and share HTML to JSON data.

How it Works?

Just paste or upload your HTML data to the textarea above and click to the button «Convert» and you will instantly get JSON data.

Example of HTML conversion to JSON


HTML example!

This is a paragraph.

id firstName lastName age
1 Kim Kardashian 39
2 Ariana Grande 26
3 Cristiano Ronaldo 35


Оцените статью