Html table data width

CSS Table Size

The width and height of a table are defined by the width and height properties.

The example below sets the width of the table to 100%, and the height of the elements to 70px:

Firstname Lastname Savings
Peter Griffin $100
Lois Griffin $150
Joe Swanson $300


To create a table that should only span half the page, use width: 50% :

Firstname Lastname Savings
Peter Griffin $100
Lois Griffin $150
Joe Swanson $300


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HTML Table Sizes

HTML tables can have different sizes for each column, row or the entire table.

Use the style attribute with the width or height properties to specify the size of a table, row or column.

HTML Table Width


Set the width of the table to 100%:

Note: Using a percentage as the size unit for a width means how wide will this element be compared to its parent element, which in this case is the element.

HTML Table Column Width


Set the width of the first column to 70%:

HTML Table Row Height

To set the height of a specific row, add the style attribute on a table row element:


Set the height of the second row to 200 pixels:

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How to set HTML Table Width?

Javascript Course - Mastering the Fundamentals

The HTML table width attribute is used to specify the width of a table or the width of a table cell. The width can be absolute as in pixels or relative as in percentage (%). If no particular value is assigned for the width attribute, it takes up the space according to the content.


HTML Width Attribute


Table width in pixels(px)

Table width in percentage (%)

Attribute Values

The values that the width attribute supports are as follows:

  • pixels: It sets a fixed width to the table in pixels.
  • %: It sets the table width in percentage (%). Since percentage assigns a variable size determined by the proportion of the window, it causes tables to vary from browser to browser.


The width attribute can manipulate the width of the entire table, as well as the width of a single cell.

Example 1: A Table With a Fixed Width of 200 Pixels

The following code displays the HTML table width for two tables, one without a width attribute and another one that has a 200px width.


Example 2: Cell Width or Column width

The following code displays the HTML table width for two tables, one without a width attribute, and the other one with a width attribute assigned to a particular cell.

Note: Altering the width of one cell in a row or column affects all the corresponding cells in the table.


Example 3: A Table With a Width of 50% of the Width of the Window

The following code displays the HTML table width for two tables, one without a width attribute and the other one with 50% width.

Note: Since % assigns values with respect to the window size, the dimensions of the tables vary from browser to browser.


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