- How to Center the Text in the HTML Table Row
- Create HTML
- Add CSS
- Example of centering the text in table row using the CSS text-align property:
- Result
- Example of centering the text in table row using the style attributes:
- Example of centering only elements:
- Center a table with CSS
- Method 1
- Method 2
- Method 3
- How to center the contents of an HTML table?
- Example
- Use The align Property Within The td Tag
- Example
- Use CSS text-align Property
- Example
- Conclusion
- How to center a table in HTML
- Centering a table in HTML
- Related information
- CSS Table Alignment
- Example
- Vertical Alignment
- Example
- Report Error
- Thank You For Helping Us!
How to Center the Text in the HTML Table Row
Earlier, it was possible to do this using the align attribute, however, it is deprecated in HTML5. Instead of using that attribute, use the CSS text-align property, or specify it through the inline style attributes.
In this snippet, we’ll show and explain examples with the text-align property and style attribute.
Create HTML
table> tr> td>Text td> td>Text td> tr> tr> td>Text td> td>Text td> tr> table>
table, table td < border: 1px solid #cccccc; > td < height: 80px; width: 160px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; >
Now, you can see the full example.
Example of centering the text in table row using the CSS text-align property:
html> html> head> style> table, table td < border: 1px solid #cccccc; > td < height: 80px; width: 160px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; > style> head> body> table> tr> td>Text td> td>Text td> tr> tr> td>Text td> td>Text td> tr> table> body> html>
In our next example, we specify the text-align and vertical-align properties through the style inline attribute.
Example of centering the text in table row using the style attributes:
html> html> head> style> td < height: 80px; width: 160px; > style> head> body> table border="1"> tr> td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">Text td> td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">Text td> tr> tr> td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">Text td> td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;">Text td> tr> table> body> html>
The style attribute overrides the styles set globally. It will override any style set in the tag or external style sheet.
Example of centering only elements:
html> html> head> style> table, table th, td < border: 1px solid #cccccc; border-collapse: collapse; > th, td < height: 80px; width: 160px; padding: 5px 10px; vertical-align: middle; > th < text-align: right; > td < text-align: center; > style> head> body> table> thead> tr> th>Heading th> th>Heading th> tr> thead> tbody> tr> td>Text td> td>Text td> tr> tr> td>Text td> td>Text td> tr> tr> td>Text td> td>Text td> tr> tbody> table> body> html>
Center a table with CSS
The «align» attribute has been deprecated, however, in favor of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and this is a good thing. However, it’s not so obvious how to center a table using CSS.
The obvious way might appear to use the CSS «text-align: center;» somewhere, maybe like one of these:
OR, if you get really desperate,
None of these will work. The table itself will be left-aligned, but all the content in the table cells will be centered.
Why? Because «text-align» applies to inline content, not to a block-level element like «table».
Method 1
To center a table, you need to set the margins, like this:
table.center { margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; }
At this point, Mozilla and Opera will center your table. Internet Explorer 5.5 and up, however, needs you to add this to your CSS as well:
Method 2
If you want your table to be a certain percentage width, you can do this:
table#table1 { width:70%; margin-left:15%; margin-right:15%; }
And then in your HTML/XHTML, you would do this:
Note that I was using an id to describe the table. You can only use an id once on a page. If you had many tables on a page that you wanted to be the same width and centered, you would do this in your CSS:
table.center { width:70%; margin-left:15%; margin-right:15%; }
Method 3
If you want your table to be of fixed width, define your CSS like this:
div.container { width:98%; margin:1%; } table#table1 { text-align:center; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width:100px; } tr,td {text-align:left;}
Set «width:100px» to whatever width you need.
«text-align: center» is there for Internet Explorer, which won’t work without it. Unfortunately, «text-align: center» will center all the text inside your table cells, but we counter that by setting «tr» and «td» to align left.
In your HTML, you would then do this:
Once again, I’m using an id. If you need to center several tables the same way, use a class instead of an id.
How to center the contents of an HTML table?
As the name suggests, the tag helps align the texts within any container. To center align the texts, we need to use the texts within the and the tags.
However, this is not a recommended process. We should use this process only when we only have to design using HTML tags. The inconvenience associated with the tag is that you have to enclose every text within the tags manually.
Name Id Designation Tom Holland 12124325 Software Engineer Pascal 12124329 Designer
Use The align Property Within The td Tag
We can use the align property within the td tag to achieve similar results. How ever this method is again not recommended because we have to manually use this code within each tag.
Name Qualification Designation Hellen Smith MBA Marketing officer John Summerfield CSE Software Engineer
Use CSS text-align Property
Although CSS won’t complain if you use multiple text-align properties, using any one among the following will serve our requirements.
td,th < border:1px solid; padding:3vw; >table
Name city Country Steve Smith Sydny Australia Virat Kohli Mumbai India
In this article, we have understood how to center align the texts within the tables. Using the tag is a traditional method. It was used while the internet relied on web 1.0. Nowadays, we use the CSS properties like text-align to center-align the texts.
How to center a table in HTML
A table is an excellent way to present a lot of information in an organized way. Sales data, web page traffic, stock market trends, and student’s grades are examples of information that are often presented in tables.
When adding a table to a web page using HTML, it may be more visually appealing to center it on the page. Centering text and pictures is usually done via the text-align class or through CSS, but centering a table requires a different approach. Details are provided below for how to center a table on a web page.
Centering a table in HTML
When adding a table to a web page, by default, it’s aligned to the left side of the page or container, as shown below.
324,497 | January 1998 | — |
436,699 | February 1998 | 112,172 |
The HTML source code for the table above is the following.
324,497 | January 1998 | - |
436,699 | February 1998 | 112,172 |
To center this table, you would need to add ;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto; to the end of the style attribute in the tag. The table tag would look like the following.
324,497 | January 1998 | — |
436,699 | February 1998 | 112,172 |
Related information
CSS Table Alignment
To left-align the content, force the alignment of elements to be left-aligned, with the text-align: left property:
Firstname | Lastname | Savings |
Peter | Griffin | $100 |
Lois | Griffin | $150 |
Joe | Swanson | $300 |
Vertical Alignment
Firstname | Lastname | Savings |
Peter | Griffin | $100 |
Lois | Griffin | $150 |
Joe | Swanson | $300 |
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