- Table Background Color
- Background Color for Whole Table
- Background Color for Table Row
- Background Color for Table Cell
- Using CSS Classes
- HTML Table Background Color
- Background Color for the Whole Table
- Background Color of a Table Row
- Background Color of a Single Cell
- Using Classes
- How to Remove Background Color in CSS?
- Method 1: Remove Existing Background Color by Making it Transparent
- Heading with yellow background
- Method 2: Remove Existing Background Color Using background: none
- Heading with yellow background
- background-color: transparent OR background: none Which One Should You Use?
- Conclusion
- Related posts:
- HTML Table Background
- Setting All Background Styles
- Background Color
- Table Background Image
- Non-Repeating Background Image
- Background Image on Table Cells
- Related
Table Background Color
This page demonstrates how to set the table background color within your web pages and other HTML documents. You can use the same colors presented here, or use any background color you like, as long as the color is specified in a way that is recognized by HTML.
In HTML, table background color is defined using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Specifically, you use the background-color property to define background color. You can apply this property against the whole table, a row, or a single cell.
Below are some examples of applying background color to a table in HTML.
Background Color for Whole Table
Background Color for Table Row
Here, we add a different background color to the first row, which happens to be the table header row. Therefore, we have one background color for the table, and a different background color for the table header row. Note that we also change the text color for the table header — this makes it easier to read.
Background Color for Table Cell
Using CSS Classes
It’s good practice to keep your CSS separate from the table when setting its styles. For example, you can define all your styles at the top of your HTML document or even in a separate CSS file. When you do this, you can create a «class» that holds all the styles for your table (or any other element). Then, to use these styles, you simply add class=»» where is the name of your class.
Here’s an example of using an embedded style sheet to define the background color of your HTML tables. Note that the styles are set in between the tags.
Here’s another example, but this one’s using a different set of styles, including a different background color for the table and the table header.
You’ll notice that we’ve also modified the bottom border of each table cell and changed the font family within each table cell (but not the table headers).
HTML Table Background Color
This page contains HTML table background color code. These are HTML codes for specifying or changing the background color of your tables within your blog or web page.
In HTML, table background color is specified using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). In particular, you use the CSS background-color property to set the background color for your table. You can also specify a separate background color for your table rows and table cells if you like.
Background Color for the Whole Table
To change the background color of the whole table, use the background-color property against the table tag.
Background Color of a Table Row
To change the background color of a table row, you apply the same code, but to the table row in question (i.e. the tr tag).
Here we also use border-collapse:collapse; to collapse the border.
Background Color of a Single Cell
To change the background color of a single table cell, you apply the same code, but to the table cell in question (i.e. the td tag or the th tag, depending on whether the cell is a normal table data row or part of a table header).
Using Classes
The above examples use inline style sheets to set the CSS properties. This is only because it makes it easier for demonstration purposes. I strongly encourage you to use a CSS class defined in an external style sheet to set your styles. Even embedded style sheets are usually better than inline.
Here’s an example of setting the table’s background color and other properties using a CSS class.
How to Remove Background Color in CSS?
In CSS, if we want to set the background color of an element, we use the background-color property. For example, background-color: red; sets the element’s background color to red, background-color: yellow; to the yellow background, and so on.
But, there may be situations where an element already has some background color and you want to remove it now. For example, you are working on an old project which has a really bad color scheme and you want to change things now.
In this article, I will explain both methods in detail and also some key points to remember while doing this.
Method 1: Remove Existing Background Color by Making it Transparent
The simplest way to remove any existing background color from an element is to make it transparent. When you make the background color of an element transparent, it will not be visible, doesn’t matter what background color have you applied to the element.
Let’s say we have two subheadings () in our HTML document.
Heading with yellow background
Now, we want don’t to keep any background color on the first subheading i.e. subheading with class=»no-background» .
To achieve that, we can set its background-color property to transparent . This will make the existing background color fully transparent and it will look like there is no background color applied to the element.
/* Apply yellow background color on all subheadings */ h2 < background-color: yellow; >/* Make background color fully transpaernt */ .no-background
Below is the outcome of the above code:
As you can see from the above image, the background color of the first subheading is not visible because we have set its background-color property to transparent .
Method 2: Remove Existing Background Color Using background: none
The second method to remove the background color of an element is to set its background property to none .
When you set the background property of an element to none , it means that no background color or image will be applied to the element.
If there is any existing background color applied to the element and you set the background property to none, that existing background color will be completely removed from the element i.e. all existing background colors and images will be overridden by the value none .
Let’s take the same example again, and see if it works:
Heading with yellow background
Now, set the background property to none to remove the existing background color from the first subheading:
/* Apply yellow background color on all subheadings */ h2 < background-color: yellow; >/* Remove background color completely */ .no-background
… And here is the outcome of the above code:
Bingo! the background color is completely removed from the first subheading.
background-color: transparent OR background: none Which One Should You Use?
In the above two examples, we saw that both methods can remove the existing background color from an element. Now, the biggest question arises, which approach should you choose?
The answer depends on your requirements.
If you want to remove only the existing background color of the element, you should choose the first approach i.e. apply background-color: transparent; .
This is because, when you set the background-color property to transparent , only the element’s background color is affected, the background images remain the same.
To explain this, let’s take an example, which has a div element with a yellow background color and a background image:
And here is the CSS applied to it:
This is how it is looking after applying the above CSS:
Now, if we use the background-color: transparent; to remove its background color, it will only remove its yellow background color, not the background image. See the following image:
But, if we use the background: none; to remove its background color, its background color and background image both will be removed. This is because background: none; overrides all existing background properties. See the result in the following image:
I think now you got the answer when you should choose which approach.
In this article, we learned how we can remove the existing background color from an element.
To remove the existing background color of an element, you have two approaches. First, make the existing background color transparent by setting the background-color property to transparent .
Second, completely remove the background color from the element by setting its background property to none .
Related posts:
HTML Table Background
This page contains HTML table background code. This code enables you to modify the background of your HTML tables. For example, you can change the background color or add a background image to your tables.
Setting All Background Styles
There is a shorthand CSS property that allows you to set all your background styles in one go. This property is the background property.
This is the property that most web developers use for setting their table backgrounds, as it’s quicker to use and it helps to minimize code. This property allows you to set the background color and a background image properties using one property. You can see it in action with the following example.
If you have difficulty understanding this property, have a look at the other examples on this page. They should make things a bit clearer for you.
Background Color
The following example demonstrates how background color can be applied to the table using the background-color property. Check out HTML Table Background Color to see more examples of adding background color to a table.
Table Background Image
Here’s an example of adding a background image to your table by using the CSS background-image property.
The background image in this example automatically repeats across the full width and height of the table. In other words, if the background image is smaller than the table, it will be displayed again and again until it reaches the edge of the table.
Here’s the actual image that we will use in the following example:
As you can see, this image is smaller than the width of the table, so it repeated across the full width and height of the table.
In this example, we also add a thin border to our table. Here’s more about HTML table borders.
Non-Repeating Background Image
Sometimes you might not want the background image to repeat. Sometimes you might want it to appear once only. For this effect, you can use the CSS background-repeat property. You can also use the background-position property to define where the image is positioned within the table. For example, you could position the image in the center of the table, or at the top-left or bottom-right etc.
Background Image on Table Cells
You could also add a background image to each individual table cell. You could use a different image for each cell or the same image. If you use the same image, it would give it that «repeat» effect and the «repeat» could be precisely aligned with each table cell (but it doesn’t have to be). You could also achieve this effect using a repeating background image on the whole table, but you’d need to ensure that each cell is exactly the same size as the image, and you might need to play around with the table border.
Here’s an example of adding a background image to each cell using a CSS class with an embedded style sheet: