Html span hidden text


The hidden global attribute is an enumerated attribute indicating that the browser should not render the contents of the element. For example, it can be used to hide elements of the page that can’t be used until the login process has been completed.

Try it


The hidden attribute is used to indicate that the content of an element should not be presented to the user. This attribute can take any one of the following values:

There are two states associated with the hidden attribute: the hidden state and the hidden until found state.

  • An empty string, or the keyword hidden , set the element to the hidden state. Additionally, invalid values set the element to the hidden state.
  • The keyword until-found sets the element to the hidden until found state.

Thus, all the following set the element to the hidden state:

span hidden>I'm hiddenspan> span hidden="hidden">I'm also hiddenspan> span hidden="something else">I'm hidden too!span> 

The following sets the element to the hidden until found state:

span hidden="until-found">I'm hidden until foundspan> 

The hidden attribute must not be used to hide content just from one presentation. If something is marked hidden, it is hidden from all presentations, including, for instance, screen readers.

Hidden elements shouldn’t be linked from non-hidden elements. For example, it would be incorrect to use the href attribute to link to a section marked with the hidden attribute. If the content is not applicable or relevant, then there is no reason to link to it.

It would be fine, however, to use the ARIA aria-describedby attribute to refer to descriptions that are themselves hidden. While hiding the descriptions implies that they are not useful on their own, they could be written in such a way that they are useful in the specific context of being referenced from the element that they describe.

Similarly, a canvas element with the hidden attribute could be used by a scripted graphics engine as an off-screen buffer, and a form control could refer to a hidden form element using its form attribute.

Elements that are descendants of a hidden element are still active, which means that script elements can still execute and form elements can still submit.

The hidden state

The hidden state indicates that the element is not currently relevant to the page, or that it is being used to declare content for reuse by other parts of the page and should not be directly presented to the user. The browser will not render elements that are in the hidden state.

Web browsers may implement the hidden state using display: none , in which case the element will not participate in page layout. This also means that changing the value of the CSS display property on an element in the hidden state will override the state. For instance, elements styled display: block will be displayed despite the hidden attribute’s presence.

The hidden until found state

In the hidden until found state, the element is hidden but its content will be accessible to the browser’s «find in page» feature or to fragment navigation. When these features cause a scroll to an element in a hidden until found subtree, the browser will:

  • fire a beforematch event on the hidden element
  • remove the hidden attribute from the element
  • scroll to the element

This enables a developer to collapse a section of content, but make it searchable and accessible via fragment navigation.

Note that browsers typically implement hidden until found using content-visibility: hidden . This means that unlike elements in the hidden state, elements in the hidden until found state will have generated boxes, meaning that:

  • the element will participate in page layout
  • margin, borders, padding, and background for the element will be rendered.

Also, the element needs to be affected by layout containment in order to be revealed. This means that if the element in the hidden until found state has a display value of none , contents , or inline , then the element will not be revealed by find in page or fragment navigation.


Using until-found

The hidden until found element has a dotted red border and a gray background.

We also have some JavaScript that listens for the beforematch event firing on the hidden until found element. The event handler changes the text content of the box.


a href="#until-found-box">Go to hidden contenta> div>I'm not hiddendiv> div id="until-found-box" hidden="until-found">Hidden until founddiv> div>I'm not hiddendiv> 
button id="reset">Resetbutton> 


div  height: 40px; width: 300px; border: 5px dashed black; margin: 1rem 0; padding: 1rem; font-size: 2rem; > div#until-found-box  color: red; border: 5px dotted red; background-color: lightgray; > 
#until-found-box  scroll-margin-top: 200px; > 


const untilFound = document.querySelector("#until-found-box"); untilFound.addEventListener( "beforematch", () => (untilFound.textContent = "I've been revealed!"), ); 
.querySelector("#reset").addEventListener("click", () =>  document.location.hash = ""; document.location.reload(); >); 


Note that although the content of the element is hidden, the element still has a generated box, occupying space in the layout and with background and borders rendered.

Clicking the «Go to hidden content» button navigates to the hidden until found element. The beforematch event fires, the text content is updated, and the element content is displayed.

To run the example again, click «Reset».


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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This page was last modified on Jul 17, 2023 by MDN contributors.

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HTML hidden Attribute

Did you know? The Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest building in the world for over 3,800 years, until the construction of the Lincoln Cathedral in the UK in 1311.


The Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest building in the world for over 3,800 years, until the construction of the Lincoln Cathedral in the UK in 1311.

Using hidden



More Examples

Did you know? The Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest building in the world for over 3,800 years , until the construction of the Lincoln Cathedral in the UK in 1311.
Hide Span


Did you know? The Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest building in the world for over 3,800 years, until the construction of the Lincoln Cathedral in the UK in 1311.

Code explanation

Initially, the is visible. Clicking the button calls JavaScript that toggles the hidden attribute. With the hidden attribute the span element is invisible.


Span как скрыть текст

сделала возможно не правильно обернула не могли бы подскозать как правильно display:none в данном случает применить?

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это называется «клоакинг» и за такое поисковики жестоко карают сайты.
озвучьте лучше, зачем Вам это и что Вы хотите получить, может, другие варианты есть

клоакинг — это подмена контента. не путайте термины и не вводите в заблуждение. меню выпадающее — скрывают таким же образом часто

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это называется «клоакинг» и за такое поисковики жестоко карают сайты.
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клоакинг — это подмена контента.
не путайте термины и не вводите в заблуждение.
меню выпадающее — скрывают таким же образом часто

А разве не «предоставление разного контента роботу и пользователю» т.е. в данном случае роботу отдают текст, а пользователю нет. Если это элемент дизайна, то ничего страшного. Если хотите засунуть туда основной текст, то если на вас стуканут — будут проблемы


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