Html select title text


HTML tag is used to create drop down list of options, which appears when the user clicks on form element, and it allows to choose one of the options.

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The first option from the list of options is selected by default. To change a predefined option, the selected attribute is used.

The list appearance depends on the size attribute, which specifies the height of the list. The width of the list depends on the length of the text inside . The width can also be regulated with CSS styles.

The tag is difficult to style effectively with CSS. You can affect certain parts of an element. For example, it’s possible to control the displayed font, box model, etc., as well as you can use the appearance property for removing the default system appearance. But these properties do not give a stable result across browsers. The internal structure of the tag is complicated, and it is difficult to control. For getting a full control, you may need a library with better styling form widgets, or a dropdown menu using non-semantic elements.

If you need to send the data to the server or refer to the list with scripts, the


The ) and closing () tags.

Example of the HTML tag:

html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> form> select> option value="books">Books option> option value="html">HTML option> option value="css">CSS option> option value="php">PHP option> option value="js">JavaScript option> select> form> body> html>


Example of the HTML tag with the tag:

html> html> head> title>Window title of the page title> head> body> select aria-label="Books nad Snippets"> optgroup label="Books"> option value="html">HTML option> option value="css">CSS option> optgroup> optgroup label="Snippets"> option value="git">Git option> option value="java">Java option> optgroup> select> body> html>

In this example, the tag is used to collect the options into groups.

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Example of the HTML tag with the tag:

html> html> head> title>Window title of the page title> head> body> p>Airport of departure: p> form action="action_form.php" method="get"> input type="text" list="airports" name="airports"> datalist id="airports"> option value="Berlin"> option value="Los Angeles"> option value="Moscow"> option value="Paris"> datalist> input type="submit" value="confirm"> form> body> html>

In this example, the tag is used because we need to send information to the server.



Attribute Value Description
autofocus autofocus Defines that the list should be focused after the page loads.
disabled disabled Indicates that the list is disabled, the user cannot interact with it.
form form_id Defines the form which the element is connected with.
Is not supported in Firefox.
multiple: multiple: Indicates that more than one options can be chosen. The method of choosing more than one option depends on the operating system. In Windows, you need to keep CTRL button pressed, in Mac CMD button.
name name Defines a name for the drop down menu. It can be used to access the data of the form after it has been sent or to link to JavaScript element.
required required Indicated that the the choice of an option is required.
size number Indicated the count of the options in drop down list. If the value of «size» attribute is bigger than 1 and smaller than the total number of the options in the list, the browser will automatically add a scroll to indicate that there are more options to view.
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How to style tag?

Common properties to alter the visual weight/emphasis/size of text in tag:

  • CSS font-style property sets the style of the font. normal | italic | oblique | initial | inherit.
  • CSS font-family property specifies a prioritized list of one or more font family names and/or generic family names for the selected element.
  • CSS font-size property sets the size of the font.
  • CSS font-weight property defines whether the font should be bold or thick.
  • CSS text-transform property controls text case and capitalization.
  • CSS text-decoration property specifies the decoration added to text, and is a shorthand property for text-decoration-line, text-decoration-color, text-decoration-style.

Coloring text in tag:

  • CSS color property describes the color of the text content and text decorations.
  • CSS background-color property sets the background color of an element.

Text layout styles for tag:

  • CSS text-indent property specifies the indentation of the first line in a text block.
  • CSS text-overflow property specifies how overflowed content that is not displayed should be signalled to the user.
  • CSS white-space property specifies how white-space inside an element is handled.
  • CSS word-break property specifies where the lines should be broken.

Other properties worth looking at for tag:

  • CSS text-shadow property adds shadow to text.
  • CSS text-align-last property sets the alignment of the last line of the text.
  • CSS line-height property specifies the height of a line.
  • CSS letter-spacing property defines the spaces between letters/characters in a text.
  • CSS word-spacing property sets the spacing between words.


How to add a title to a html select tag?

Adding a title to a HTML select tag can be done by using the title attribute. This attribute provides a short description or a tooltip about the select element. When a user hovers over the select element, the text inside the title attribute will be displayed as a tooltip. This can be useful in providing additional information to the user, such as what options they can choose from or what type of input is expected. There are a couple of methods to achieve this:

Method 1: Using the title attribute

To add a title to a HTML select tag using the title attribute, follow these steps:

  1. Open the HTML file in a text editor.
  2. Locate the select tag you want to add the title to.
  3. Add the title attribute to the select tag.
  4. Enter the desired title text within the double quotes of the title attribute.

Here is an example of how to add a title to a select tag using the title attribute:

select title="Select your favorite fruit"> option value="apple">Appleoption> option value="banana">Bananaoption> option value="orange">Orangeoption> select>

In this example, the title attribute is added to the select tag with the title text «Select your favorite fruit». When the user hovers over the select tag, the title text will appear as a tooltip.

You can also use JavaScript to dynamically set the title attribute of a select tag. Here is an example:

select id="fruitSelect"> option value="apple">Appleoption> option value="banana">Bananaoption> option value="orange">Orangeoption> select> script> document.getElementById("fruitSelect").title = "Select your favorite fruit"; script>

In this example, the JavaScript code sets the title attribute of the select tag with the id «fruitSelect» to «Select your favorite fruit».

That’s all there is to it! By using the title attribute, you can easily add a tooltip to a HTML select tag.

Method 2: Using the aria-label attribute

To add a title to an HTML select tag using the aria-label attribute, follow these steps:

select aria-label="Select your favorite fruit"> option value="apple">Appleoption> option value="banana">Bananaoption> option value="orange">Orangeoption> option value="grape">Grapeoption> select>
  1. In the select tag, add the aria-label attribute and set its value to the title you want to display.
  2. Inside the select tag, add the options you want to display in the dropdown menu. Each option should have a value attribute to specify its value, and the text between the opening and closing option tags will be displayed as the option label.
  3. Save your HTML file and open it in a web browser to see the select tag with the title and dropdown menu.

Here’s an example HTML code that demonstrates how to add a title to a select tag using the aria-label attribute:

DOCTYPE html> html> head> title>HTML Select Tag Exampletitle> head> body> h1>Select your favorite fruit:h1> select aria-label="Select your favorite fruit"> option value="apple">Appleoption> option value="banana">Bananaoption> option value="orange">Orangeoption> option value="grape">Grapeoption> select> body> html>

This code will display a title «Select your favorite fruit» above the dropdown menu with four options: Apple, Banana, Orange, and Grape.

Note that the aria-label attribute is used to provide an accessible label for screen readers and other assistive technologies, so it’s important to use it correctly to ensure that your web page is accessible to all users.


How to add a title to a html select tag

Questions : How to add a title to a html select tag

How would I go about setting a title in query uvdos html select tag? Here is my select box:


When I visit the site, by default it shows query uvdos html «Sydney». But I want to display a title, query uvdos html such as, «What is the name of your city?»

Answers 1 : of How to add a title to a html select tag


Using selected and disabled will make articles uvdos html «Choose one» be the default selected articles uvdos html value, but also make it impossible for articles uvdos html the user to actually select the item, articles uvdos html like so:

Answers 2 : of How to add a title to a html select tag


Answers 3 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

You can combine it with selected and articles uvdos html hidden


Your dropdown title will be selected and articles uvdos html cannot chose by the user.

Answers 4 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

You can use the following


Answers 5 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

I think that this would help:


Answers 6 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

Using selected and using display: none; articles uvdos html for hidden item in list.

Answers 7 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

You can add an option tag on top of the articles uvdos html others with no value and a prompt like articles uvdos html this:


Or leave it blank instead of saying articles uvdos html Choose one if you want.

Answers 8 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

Typically, I would suggest that you use articles uvdos html the option, as that articles uvdos html gives some nice styling and indenting to articles uvdos html the element.

The HTML element creates a grouping of articles uvdos html options within a element. (Source: MDN articles uvdos html Web Docs: .

But, since an cannot be articles uvdos html a selected value, you can make an articles uvdos html and articles uvdos html then stylize it with CSS so that it articles uvdos html behaves like an .


Answers 9 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

With a default option having selected articles uvdos html attribute


Answers 10 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

The first option’s text will always articles uvdos html display as default title.


Answers 11 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

You can create dropdown title | label articles uvdos html with selected, hidden and style for old articles uvdos html or unsupported device.


Answers 12 : of How to add a title to a html select tag

I added a and it worked fine


Answers 13 : of How to add a title to a html select tag


You can use the unique id for the value articles uvdos html instead


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