- >_Countries dropdown with flags
- Please use latest msDropdown. This jQuery plugin is now graduated.
- Countries dropdown with flags
- HTML Select Country Dropdown List With Flags
- Adding Country Flags to Select Options in HTML and HTML5
- How to make a languages selector button with flag? (html + js)
- The best way to add images in <select> <option> [duplicate]
- Icon flags with value in dropdown menu
- HTML Select Country Phone Code List with Flags
- Complete Code
>_Countries dropdown with flags
Please use latest msDropdown. This jQuery plugin is now graduated.
Countries dropdown with flags
I’ve made an image dropdown. So I thought it can be used for a great purpose. Countries dropdown with flags. Right?
Well, here we goes. If you don’t want to go in technical etc just download it from the bottom links.
Please note: Verify the country flag. Its downloaded from http://code.google.com/p/csscountrycodes/.
- Auto Complete
- Flag with each country name
- Value has short code
- Auto-scroll to the value if not visible
Its not a full list. Just for an example.
HTML Select Country Dropdown List With Flags
HTML Select Code snippet for all the countries in the World with their flags. For this to work, we will need a few imports.
If you do not want to use BootStrap this is the code snippet for Simple HTML Country Select DorpDown.
Adding Country Flags to Select Options in HTML and HTML5
To include external libraries in your Codepen project, you can use Solution 2 which allows you to add CSS and Javascript libraries that are not visible until you click on the settings/gear link. Alternatively, Solution 3 suggests closing the script tag. Another option is Solution 1 where you can use the jquery-image-dropdown plugin or follow the article on Icons for Select Menu Options in HTML/CSS. For HTML & CSS together, Solution 3 provides an example. Lastly, Solution suggests using FontAwesome & Font Flag Icons for select drop-downs with demos available for both.
How to make a languages selector button with flag? (html + js)
Based on the codepen provided, it is necessary to incorporate certain stylesheets in the following manner.
Also add the following scripts,
To incorporate CSS and Javascript libraries from external sources on Codepen, you must click the settings/gear link to reveal them as they are not initially visible.
Select Country Dropdown in html page, OP asked specifically for an HTML select tag, nothing more. – Stranger. Aug 10 at 17:42. Add a comment. 3. Select Tag : . you can write multiple
The best way to add images in <select> <option> [duplicate]
I believe that the implementation of the jquery-image-dropdown plugin can provide assistance to you.
Follow the steps outlined in the article titled «Icons for Select Menu Options in HTML/CSS» to customize your select menu icons.
$(".dropdown img.flag").addClass("flagvisibility"); $(".dropdown dt a").click(function() < $(".dropdown dd ul").toggle(); >); $(".dropdown dd ul li a").click(function() < var text = $(this).html(); $(".dropdown dt a span").html(text); $(".dropdown dd ul").hide(); $("#result").html("Selected value is: " + getSelectedValue("sample")); >); function getSelectedValue(id) < return $("#" + id).find("dt a span.value").html(); >$(document).bind('click', function(e) < var $clicked = $(e.target); if (! $clicked.parents().hasClass("dropdown")) $(".dropdown dd ul").hide(); >); $(".dropdown img.flag").toggleClass("flagvisibility");
body < font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size:0.75em; color:#000;>.desc < color:#6b6b6b;>.desc a .dropdown dd, .dropdown dt, .dropdown ul < margin:0px; padding:0px; >.dropdown dd < position:relative; >.dropdown a, .dropdown a:visited < color:#816c5b; text-decoration:none; outline:none;>.dropdown a:hover < color:#5d4617;>.dropdown dt a:hover < color:#5d4617; border: 1px solid #d0c9af;>.dropdown dt a .dropdown dt a span .dropdown dd ul < background:#e4dfcb none repeat scroll 0 0; border:1px solid #d4ca9a; color:#C5C0B0; display:none; left:0px; padding:5px 0px; position:absolute; top:2px; width:auto; min-width:170px; list-style:none;>.dropdown span.value < display:none;>.dropdown dd ul li a < padding:5px; display:block;>.dropdown dd ul li a:hover < background-color:#d0c9af;>.dropdown img.flag < border:none; vertical-align:middle; margin-left:10px; >.flagvisibility
- Please select the country
- Brazil
- France
One option to enhance the functionality of a select element is to utilize Selectize, a jQuery library that can transform it and enable the embedding of images and other dynamic features.
select#country option[value="USA"] < background-image:url(usa.png); >select#country option[value="UK"] < background-image:url(uk.png); >select#country option[value="France"]
Html — Add flag image to select option, It’s Difficult to Customize
Icon flags with value in dropdown menu
Choose from Dropdowns that feature both FontAwesome and Font Flag symbols.
Demonstration of FontAwesome
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '.dropdown-menu li', function( event ) < var $target = $( event.currentTarget ); $target.closest( '.btn-group' ) .find( '[data-bind="label"]' ).text( $target.text() ) .end() .children( '.dropdown-toggle' ).dropdown( 'toggle' ); return false; >);
.btn-input < display: block; >.btn-input .btn.form-control < text-align: left; >.btn-input .btn.form-control span:first-child < left: 10px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; right: 25px; >.btn-input .btn.form-control .caret
Sample of Flag Icons in Different Fonts
$( document.body ).on( 'click', '.dropdown-menu li', function( event ) < var $target = $( event.currentTarget ); $target.closest( '.btn-group' ) .find( '[data-bind="label"]' ).text( $target.text() ) .end() .children( '.dropdown-toggle' ).dropdown( 'toggle' ); return false; >);
/* CSS used here will be applied after bootstrap.css */.btn-input < display: block; >.btn-input .btn.form-control < text-align: left; >.btn-input .btn.form-control span:first-child < left: 10px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; right: 25px; >.btn-input .btn.form-control .caret
Select2 drop-down for countries, with flags, The Select2; Examples — Templating shows the flag when you choose a country as the selected option in the non-drop-down view. I’ve copied what they’ve done, similar to your Demo 2 with flags however this does not show the flag upon chosing an option.
HTML Select Country Phone Code List with Flags
This is a code snippet for HTML Select country code list with flags. It is based on powerful twilio’s API. It is plug and play, everything is hosted on CDN. Its usage is simple, simply add this in the of your web page «head» tag.
var input = document.querySelector("#phone"); window.intlTelInput(input, < separateDialCode: true >);
var input = document.querySelector("#phone"); window.intlTelInput(input, < // show dial codes too separateDialCode: true, // If there are some countries you want to show on the top. // here we are promoting russia and singapore. preferredCountries: ["ru", "sg"], //Default country initialCountry:"sg", // show only these countres, remove all other onlyCountries: ["ru", "cn","pk", "sg", "my", "bd"], // If there are some countries you want to execlde. // here we are exluding india and israel. excludeCountries: ["in","il"] >);