- Javascript scroll to end of html code example
- Html scrolling: jump to end of page (horizontal) w/javascript?
- How do I do Infinite Scrolling with just html and javascript?
- Coudn’t scroll to end of the page using window.scrollTo
- How do I scroll HTML textbox to the end?
- JavaScript: Scroll to Bottom of div
- Scroll to the Bottom of an Element on Button Click
- The jQuery scrollTop Method
- Smooth Scroll to Bottom of div with jQuery
- Как прокрутить скролл у div до низа
- Комментарии ( 7 ):
Javascript scroll to end of html code example
Solution 1: Horizontal scroll is a somehow unfrequent situation, as naturally the browser will try to vertical scroll unless unresizable elements really overflow the visible area; I will thus assume you are more in an explicitly-horizontal design such as one of these: http://webdesignledger.com/inspiration/40-of-the-best-horizontal-scrolling-websites In any case, the basic is the same: catch some key* event, and do what you want. Solution 2: There’s probably various ways to achieve this — but below are some basic steps that should give you a general idea: Open your home.html page in a browser.
Html scrolling: jump to end of page (horizontal) w/javascript?
Horizontal scroll is a somehow unfrequent situation, as naturally the browser will try to vertical scroll unless unresizable elements really overflow the visible area; I will thus assume you are more in an explicitly-horizontal design such as one of these: http://webdesignledger.com/inspiration/40-of-the-best-horizontal-scrolling-websites
In any case, the basic is the same: catch some key* event, and do what you want.
Catch the event and launch your scroll function:
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', scrollfct, true);
First caveat: ‘keypress’ will not catch special characters such as up/down etc., so use ‘keydown’ or ‘keyup’
function scrollfct(e) < console.log(evt.keyCode); /* this will debug that your function is being called, and will help you get the keyCodes you want. Remove in production :-) */ var HOME_LEFT = 33; //HOME var HOME_RIGHT = 34; //END if (e.keyCode == HOME_LEFT) < window.scroll(0,0); >; if (e.keyCode == HOME_RIGHT) < window.scroll(document.body.scrollWidth,0); >>
For window.scroll doc: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Window.scroll
Second caveat: to be fully cross-browser, you’ll have to do some homework.
If you want to deal with mousewheel too, or want some smooth scroll, check this out: http://paulicio.us/items/view/24/horizontal-page-scrolling-using-javascript or with jQuery: http://tympanus.net/codrops/2010/06/02/smooth-vertical-or-horizontal-page-scrolling-with-jquery/ OR just use HTML5 CSS Transitions.
Normally I’d say, pagination would save the user from scrolling all over the place, but there are a couple other techniques. You could include a «right» button that links to the ID of something at the right of the page. That would jump them there immediately. That would look like this
Or in javascript, the following should work.
window.scrollTo(document.body.scrollWidth, 0);
Scroll Automatically to the Bottom of the Page in, The scrollTo function is used to scroll the document to the provided coordinates of the web page. This method works if the scroll bar is visible and the document is large compared to the screen. Both parameters of scrollTo () method are required. The parameter x tells how much to scroll horizontally in pixels and y about …
How do I do Infinite Scrolling with just html and javascript?
As a starting point only
Detecting when you are at the bottom of the page can be done with this code using jQuery.
Appending to the end of the body can be done with an ajax call
$(window).scroll(function()< if ($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height()-$(window).height())< $.ajax(< url: "your.html", success: function (data) < $('body').append(data); >, dataType: 'html' >); > >);
I’m not sure how you intend to get a limitless amount of data?
Part 2 from comments
Chrome doesn’t allow local ajax requests without a change to google chrome itself.
The easiest web server to start on a local machine is php web service. Download PHP and create a shortcut to the php.exe with the target of the shortcut being
The start in directory would be the location of the html. index.html or index.php need to be in the start in directory and http:// . localhost will pull up index.php or index.html. I leave the start in blank and copy the shortcut into the folder I want to use as my localhost for my current dev work.
PHP can be downloaded from http://php.net/
The manual for the webserver is here http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php
Without Ajax
Without infinite data (ajax to PHP calls) it is easier, and no need for jquery. iframes can be appended to the end of the page without needing a local server.
Chapter 1
There’s probably various ways to achieve this — but below are some basic steps that should give you a general idea:
- Open your home.html page in a browser. The page should contain some sort of list which can be pre-populated with data (an alphabetically sorted list of movies for example).
- You begin scrolling down the page — attempting to see the last movie in the list.
- As you get closer to the bottom — a script running in your page (home.html) will detect that you are nearing the bottom and will make an AJAX request to another page (URL) to retrieve the next set of movies.
- Once the data has been retrieved, the script will format and append more items to the movie list — giving the viewer the effect of an infinite scroll.
Note: The above can be achieved with plain HTML and JavaScript and you do not need any server side code (PHP) or live hosting. Check out this very simple tutorial that will walk you through the basics with some code examples.
How to smoothly scroll to an element in pure JavaScript, You can literally scroll any node object you want, with a simple polyfill like this: Node.prototype.scroll = window.scroll. it will give you same access to scroll objects, but with any DOM element, you can use it like: document.querySelector (‘.scrollable-div’).scroll ( < top: 500, left: 0, behavior: …
Coudn’t scroll to end of the page using window.scrollTo
You want to scroll to the bottom? Try this:
var height = document.body.scrollHeight window.scroll(0, height)
Hope i understood your question correctly
After lot of trial and error adding following css fixed the issue, I don’t why this fixed it?
This means that some of your children elements bled out of its parent container. overflow: hidden tells the browser to cut out the parts that are not fitting inside the body container. That also means that this issue can be solved by changing the size or positioning of the body’s children, and that would probably be a better approach to fixing the issue.
By default, overflow is set to visible , and therefore the browser allows you to see (and to scroll) outside of the containing box (overflow property explained)
The !important part tells the browser to artificially increase the specificity of this rule. For more details on specificity: css-tricks/sprecificity
Javascript — how to automatically scroll down a html, Sweet! My only concern is that you still see the animation of the scroll. So each page I click on will load the first 500px and than scroll me to the content beneath it. That will get annoying to the user. Thoughts? –
How do I scroll HTML textbox to the end?
var ta = document.getElementById('temp'); ta.scrollLeft = ta.scrollWidth;
And my fiddle is updated to show this.
Here’s my previous response with doing it for the height.
You can use scrollHeight and scrollTop on an element to do this.
var ta = document.getElementById('temp'); ta.scrollTop = ta.scrollHeight;
I would suggest this, simply when the input fields get’s the focus the content is «set» so you automatically jump to the end.
Scroll to Specific Element in JavaScript, Use the scroll () Function to Scroll to an Element in JavaScript. The element interface’s scroll () function scrolls to a specific set of coordinates within a given element. This is suitable for Chrome and Firefox and not for the rest. window.scroll(0,findPos(document.getElementById(«myDiv»))); We get the …
JavaScript: Scroll to Bottom of div
To scroll to the bottom of a div , set the JavaScript scrollTop property of the element to the value of its scrollHeight property.
Let’s try this out with a basic example that will scroll to the bottom of a div on page load.
div id="box"> div class="content"> Some text. div> div>
#box height: 200px; width: 300px; overflow: scroll; width: 300px; > .content width: 100%; margin-top: 100px; height: 400px; >
var element = document.getElementById('box'); element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight;
Scroll to the Bottom of an Element on Button Click
Here is another example of scrolling to the bottom of a div , this time on a button click event.
div id="box"> div class="content"> Some text. div> div> button id="button">Scroll to Bottombutton>
#box height: 200px; width: 300px; overflow: scroll; width: 300px; > .content width: 100%; margin-top: 100px; height: 400px; >
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener('click', function() var element = document.getElementById('box'); element.scrollTop = element.scrollHeight; >);
The jQuery scrollTop Method
In jQuery, you can set the value of the scrollTop property to the scrollHeight in one line like this:
Here is another example, using a jQuery on click event:
$('#button').on('click', function() $('#box').scrollTop($('#box')[0].scrollHeight); >);
Smooth Scroll to Bottom of div with jQuery
Here is an example of smooth scrolling to the bottom of a div on click using the jQuery animate() function.
$('#button').on('click', function() var div = $('#box'); div.animate( scrollTop: div[0].scrollHeight >, 1000); >);
The animation in the example above lasts for one second, which can be modified by changing the value of the second argument in the jQuery animate() function.
Как прокрутить скролл у div до низа
Недавно мне надо было создать чат, и передо мной встала задача прокрутки скролла вниз у div, для того чтобы пользователь сразу увидел новое сообщение в чате. Сообщения чата, как Вы уже догадались, находились в div. Большинство программистов прокручивают скролл у div до низа неправильно, а в этой статье я покажу, как делать это с максимально чистым кодом.
Для начала приведу HTML-код:
Теперь продемонстрирую CSS-код, который необходим, чтобы появилась полоса прокрутки:
div height: 100px;
overflow: auto;
width: 200px;
Теперь перейдём к прокрутке скролла у div. Большинство программистов делает так:
Безусловно, данный способ рабочий. Но что если размер div огромен? Тогда полоса прокрутки уйдёт не до низа. Можно, конечно, поставить 99999999 и даже больше, но это смотрится ещё хуже. А ведь есть куда более простое и элегантное решение:
Здесь прокрутка уйдёт до самого низа div независимо от его размеров, плюс нет констант прямо в коде, которые всегда его портят.
И, наконец, его можно использовать не только для div, но и для самой страницы:
Как видите, всё очень просто. Также данный способ является кроссбраузерным, поэтому можете смело его использовать.
Создано 30.09.2013 10:43:50
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Комментарии ( 7 ):
Михаил! А как сделать чтобы в чате если пишет человек два сообщения, то аватар извлекается только при первом сообщении а при втором сообщении будет просто пустое место?
if (первый раз) загрузить_аватар.
Лучше всё же не overflow: auto; а overflow-y: auto, иначе у вас может чат поехать в ширину при некоторых условиях.
Тогда уж лучше: overflow-x: auto overflow-y: auto И вообще, overflow не действует на Chrmoe,Opera,Safari, работает только в лисе да эксплорере.
Сделайте div большой высоты и поставьте внутрь него картинку огромной ширины, после чего откройте в хроме. Если у вас стоит overflow: auto или overflow-x: auto он будет прокручиваться как по горизонтали, так и по вертикали. Если значение auto не будет работать в вашем браузере, то overflow: scroll точно сработает. А теперь представьте, что какой-нибудь приколист засунет вам в чат картинку размером 10000×1.
Михаил, Здравствуйте. Как можно изменить оформление полосы прокрутки — изменить ширину, использовать другой рисунок вместо «бегунка», поменять его цвет и цвет самой области прокрутки, убрать стрелки ? Спасибо.
Максим, с помощью стилей меняются, но с последними изменениями в браузерах, это ничего не действует.
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