Html quote in input value

Handling quote characters in HTML form input fields

In (X)HTML, attribute values should be enclosed by double or single quotes. But a common source of errors and confusion arises when those values themselves contain double or single quotes. This is especially common for form input fields, where the values might contain data obtained from a database or supplied previously by the user. This article looks at how to deal with this problem using PHP.

Consider the case of an input text field for last name:

Usually, attribute values are surrounded by double quotes, but single quotes are also allowed, and serve to highlight the pitfall here. Say that the value of the last name text field is taken from a database of users, and this particular user’s last name is «O’Reilly» — the PHP code will be:

And the HTML output will be:

This will make the last name appear as just «0» in a browser, and will be sent as that when submitting the form. This is because the single quote in «O’Reilly» is taken as marking the end of the value. What we want is to encode the quote character so that HTML understands what we mean is the literal character for a single quote. The encoded version of a single quote is «'». The encoding can be done in a number of ways. For example, we can use the function str_replace() to replace all occurrences of «‘» with «'». But the most convenient and complete way is to use the htmlentities() function on the $lastName variable, as in the following PHP code:

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Although «O’Reilly» is now not in its literal form in the HTML code, it will be displayed and sent properly from a form on an HTML page as seen in a browser.

The ENT_QUOTES parameter in the htmlentities() function ensures that single quote characters are encoded, since by default they are not (though double quote characters are). htmlentities() also encodes other characters and is useful for ensuring that characters such as »

Say the last name value was enclosed in double quotes; in this case «O’Reilly» would not present a problem. However, a similar situation would arise if the user’s last name was set to, say, ‘»The Legend» Wilson’, where the browser would see the last name as empty. Using htmlentities() solves this problem as well.

Note that the user can still enter the literal value «O’Reilly» in a text field — what we’re looking at here is what goes on in the HTML behind the page.

As a final note, remember that data to be inserted into a database might also contain quote characters, and may need to be encoded in a similar way. If using a MySQL database, the function mysql_real_escape_string() will encode the variable by escaping quote characters with a backslash. (Note that they might already be escaped automatically depending on the PHP configuration — search for «PHP magic quotes» for more information.)


How to have quotation marks in html input values?

When adding text values to HTML inputs, it is common to come across the issue of encountering errors when trying to include quotation marks within the input value. This is because quotation marks are used to define the value of an attribute in HTML, leading to confusion for the browser on where the attribute definition ends. However, there are several methods to correctly include quotation marks within HTML input values without encountering errors.

Method 1: Escape Character

To have quotation marks in HTML input values, you can use the Escape Character, which is a backslash (). Here are some examples:

input type='text' value='Example with "double quotes" using escape character: \"'>
input type="text" value="Example with 'single quotes' using escape character: \'">
input type="text" value="Example with "double quotes" using escape character: \"">
input type='text' value='Example with 'single quotes' using escape character: \''>

In all examples, the Escape Character is used before the quotation mark to indicate that it is part of the value, and not the end of the attribute. The HTML entity code for double quotes is " and for single quotes is ' .

By using the Escape Character, you can include any character in the value of an HTML input, even if it has a special meaning in HTML. It is important to note that the Escape Character should only be used when necessary, as it can make the code harder to read and maintain.

Method 2: Single Quotes

To have quotation marks in HTML input values with single quotes, you can use the HTML entity ' . Here are some examples:

input type="text" value="I'm using single quotes in my value attribute">
div data-text="This is a string with 'single quotes'">div>
input type="text" id="myInput"> script> document.getElementById("myInput").value = "I'm using single quotes in my value attribute"; script>
style> .myElement::before  content: 'This is a string with 'single quotes''; > style> div class="myElement">div>

That’s it! These are some of the ways to have quotation marks in HTML input values with single quotes.

Method 3: HTML Entities

To include quotation marks in HTML input values using HTML entities, you can use the " entity. Here are some examples:

input type="text" value="I love "HTML Entities"">
input type="text" id="myInput"> script> document.getElementById("myInput").value = "I love "HTML Entities""; script>
input type="text" value="'I love "HTML Entities"'; ?>">

In all of these examples, the " entity is used to represent the quotation marks. This ensures that the HTML is valid and the quotation marks will be displayed correctly in the input field.

It’s important to note that there are other HTML entities that can be used to represent special characters, such as & for the ampersand and < for the less-than symbol. Using HTML entities is a good practice to ensure that your HTML is valid and accessible.


How to Have Quotation Marks in HTML Input Values

Thank you for everyone’s suggestions. I did find the problem. I actually had to first collect the values from the options, then build the radio buttons with a blank value attribute and add that to the page. Then loop back through and just the $(fieldid).val(value) to set the values.

The other issue with saving the value then putting our page back into edit mode and the value not being re-selected. The ultimate problem is a bug in the core of the software where its not correctly comparing the stored value to the value in the list.

input value formation with double quotation marks and single quotes

If you don’t need to support IE use template literals. TL are strings that have an easier syntax and extra properties. Here’s a comparison between TL and SL (String Literal):


SL: Wrap strings in double or single quotes. If the content of string has quotes as well, they should either be escaped by being prefixed with a backslash:

OR use HTML entities:

Note: These particular quotes represented by HTML entities are the curvy or smart quotes type and can only be used in plain text not code. The quotes used in code are straight, do not confuse them as universally accepted they are as different as a comma is to a period.

/sup> It’s ok to use ’ as an apostrophe — Unicode9.0.0, ch06, pg. 276

TL: Wrap strings in backticks, also called grave accent, On a QWERTY keyboard the key is located at the top left corner ` .

Concatenation vs. Interpolation

SL: A mess of single quotes, double quotes, and pluses:

var str = 'TL: Wrap variables and expressions in: $ :


var infoCard = text: "that aren’t on the battlefield have flash."


$("#printCard1").append(`' >`);

Input field containing double quotes value

HTML Text Inputs Value Contains Quote Marks

More info on htmlentities in the documentation here.

How do I properly escape quotes inside HTML attributes?

» is the correct way, the third of your tests:

You can see this working below, or on jsFiddle.

How do I put a string containing double quotes into an HTML input element’s value tag so that it properly renders on the page?

Since you didn’t provide any html I assumed one !

Using document.createElement method to first create an input element add some attributes and finally append it to main div. (RECOMMENDED)

const div = document.querySelector(«#div»)
let value = ‘»Abc» : b’;
let input = document.createElement(‘input’)
const attributes = type : «text»,
value : value
Object.entries(attributes).forEach( pair => input.setAttribute(pair[0], pair[1]))

Using innerHTML without escaping string , the hack is just wrap the value string with the same qoute ( double or single) as the value attribute qoute used ! ( NOT RECOMMENDED )

 const div = document.querySelector("#div") 
let value = '"Abc" : b';
div.innerHTML += `
' />


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