Html online test questions

W3Schools Quizzes

Each quiz contains 25-40 questions, you get 1 point for each correct answer, at the end of each quiz you get your total score.

When you finish the quiz, you can go through each question with the correct answer.


40 Questions covering the basics of HTML


25 Questions covering the basics of CSS


25 Questions covering the basics of JavaScript


25 Questions covering the basics of SQL


25 Questions covering the basics of MySQL


25 Questions covering the basics of Python

Читайте также:  Ввод данных с файла java


25 Questions covering the basics of PHP


25 Questions covering the basics of Bootstrap

Bootstrap 4

25 Questions covering the basics of Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap 5

25 Questions covering the basics of Bootstrap 5


25 Questions covering the basics of jQuery


25 Questions covering the basics of React


25 Questions covering the basics of Java


25 Questions covering the basics of C


25 Questions covering the basics of C++


25 Questions covering the basics of C#


25 Questions covering the basics of R


25 Questions covering the basics of Kotlin


25 Questions covering the basics of NumPy


25 Questions covering the basics of Pandas


25 Questions covering the basics of SciPy


25 Questions covering the basics of Django


25 Questions covering the basics of Vue


25 Questions covering the basics of TypeScript


25 Questions covering the basics of XML


25 Questions covering the basics of Math


25 Questions covering the basics of Git

Cyber Security

25 Questions covering the basics of Cyber Security


25 Questions covering the basics of Accessibility

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The test contains 40 questions and there is no time limit.

The test is not official, it’s just a nice way to see how much you know, or don’t know, about HTML.

Count Your Score

You will get 1 point for each correct answer. At the end of the Quiz, your total score will be displayed. Maximum score is 40 points.

Start the Quiz

If you don’t know HTML, we suggest that you read our HTML Tutorial from scratch.

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W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use, cookie and privacy policy.


Html online test questions

Создание игр на Unreal Engine 5

Создание игр на Unreal Engine 5

Данный курс научит Вас созданию игр на Unreal Engine 5. Курс состоит из 12 модулей, в которых Вы с нуля освоите этот движок и сможете создавать самые разные игры.

В курсе Вы получите всю необходимую теоретическую часть, а также увидите массу практических примеров. Дополнительно, почти к каждому уроку идут упражнения для закрепления материала.

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HTML & CSS & JavaScript Test

Using our HTML online test will allow you to easily assess the skills of prospective candidates before you invite them to a live interview.

This HTML/CSS test has been developed by veteran front-end programmers with years of experience. It consists of 40 questions and covers a broad spectrum of HTML and CSS development knowledge.

Your candidates’ results on this test will provide an accurate picture of their HTML coding aptitude.

Programming test includes:

HTML5 / CSS3 — 20 Questions

  • CSS Selectors
  • CSS Specificity
  • Box Model
  • Layout: Flexbox & Grid
  • Responsive Design
  • Miscellaneous: HTML Tags, Fonts, CSS Variables

JavaScript — 20 Questions

  • General JavaScript, Operators and Statements
  • Functions and Scope, Passing by Reference vs. by Value
  • JavaScript Objects, Arrays
  • Using JavaScript in Browsers: DOM, Events, Security

Custom Branding

Do you want the HTML & CSS & JavaScript coding test to match your own branding?

No problem! Use your company’s domain and logo without any mention of Tests4Geeks.

Your applicants will think these programming assessment tests are all yours!


«They totally blow away the competition as far as a better product value.»

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Branded PDF Report

Are you recruitment firm? Send your clients branded reports of your candidates.

You’ll make a great impression!

Reports are provided in PDF format, making them easy to read, share and print.

HTML & CSS & JavaScript Test Report

Sample HTML Test Question

Consider the following HTML/CSS code:

HTML5/CSS3 Sample Question

What color will be applied to the text?

The correct answer is «Red».


1. Does every candidate have to answer the same questions?

Yes. HTML & CSS & JavaScript test consists of the same questions for every candidate.

In order to properly compare candidates, they need to answer questions of the same difficulty level, and different questions always mean different difficulty levels.

However, the order of questions and answers is randomized for each applicant.

2. How should I interpret the exam scores?

First of all, you need to keep in mind one very important thing:

The purpose of this HTML & CSS & JavaScript online test is not to help you find the best developers.

Its purpose is to help you avoid the worst ones.

For example, you have 5 candidates who get scores of 35, 45, 60, 65, and 80, based on a maximum possible score of 100.

We would recommend you invite the last three (those scoring 60, 65, and 80) to a live interview, not just the one who scored an 80/100.

3. Coding Test vs. Quiz

The test is presented in a multiple-choice, or quiz, format, rather than requiring test takers to write code.

If we used a coding test instead, we would have to check all answers manually, which would obviously be impossible.

4. What skill level is the test for?

The test is primarily created for mid-level developers.

5. What about junior and senior level developers?

The test can also be used to test junior programmers, but you should reduce your acceptance score drastically to compensate.

Likewise, you can use it to test senior front-end developers as well, with an increased acceptance score.

Some will argue that it’s pointless to judge senior developers based on a test meant for mid-level developers. This is generally true if you’re looking for specific skills in a candidate rather than a broad base of expertise.

But at the same time, anyone can claim to be a senior developer on their resume. If you’re concerned that candidates might be overstating their knowledge and accomplishments, this front end skills test is a good way to determine which ones can actually deliver what they promise.



Онлайн тесты по программированию позволят Вам узнать уровень знания языков программирования и различных веб-технологий. Благодаря тестам Вы сможете отслеживать прогресс в ходе онлайн-обучения, а также выявлять пробелы в знаниях и эффективно их устранять. Каждый тест содержит 15-55 вопросов, за каждый правильный ответ вы получаете 1 балл, в конце каждого теста вы получаете свой общий балл.


Тест по основам HTML

Тест по HTML предназначен для начального и среднего уровня. Рекомендуется как новичкам так и специалистам среднего уровня для проверки своих знаний как до, так и после прохождения наших онлайн-курсов по HTML c задачами и примерами.

20 вопросов по основам HTML


Расширенный тест по HTML

Тест по HTML предназначен для всех, освоивших HTML. Рекомендуется веб-мастерам любого уровня для проверки своих знаний как до, так и после прохождения наших онлайн-курсов по HTML c задачами и примерами.


Тест по основам CSS

Тест по CSS предназначен для начального и среднего уровня. Рекомендуется как новичкам так и специалистам среднего уровня для проверки своих знаний как до, так и после прохождения наших онлайн-курсов по CSS c задачами и примерами.

28 вопросов по основам CSS


Тест по основам JavaScript

Тест по JavaScript предназначен для начального уровня. Рекомендуется как новичкам так и специалистам среднего уровня для проверки своих знаний как до, так и после прохождения наших онлайн-курсов по JavaScript c задачами и примерами.

26 вопросов по основам CSS


Тест по основам PHP

Тест по PHP предназначен для начального уровня. Рекомендуется как новичкам так и специалистам среднего уровня для проверки своих знаний как до, так и после прохождения наших онлайн-курсов по PHP c задачами и примерами.

20 вопросов по основам PHP


Тест по Flexbox

Тест по Flexbox предназначен для начального и среднего уровня. Рекомендуется как новичкам так и специалистам среднего уровня для проверки своих знаний как до, так и после изучения и среднего уровня. Для удобства решения задач воспользуйтесь Flexbox генератором


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