Html make a back button

How To Insert a Back Button in HTML and WordPress

This quick tip shows how to insert a back button in HTML and WordPress which allows your user to navigate to the previous page. This is especially useful if you are developing a tool or a page which contains some user-generated information and you want to go back to the page with the user-generated information retained in the respective input fields.

How To Insert a Back Button in HTML

Simply insert the below code in your HTML file

In the HEAD section, declare the following function:

In the BODY section, add the actual back button

How To Insert a Back Button in WordPress

Simply insert the following code in your WordPress page or post in the Text mode of the editor.

Note: When adding the Go Back button in Word press, ensure you hit the Publish or Update buttons directly from the Text Editor mode as the Visual mode removes the onclick attribute of the button.

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Читайте также:  Html теги параметры тегов

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How to create an HTML back button

HTML and related languages.

Computer Hope

You can add a back button to your web page. When a visitor to your page clicks the button, they’re taken to the last page they visited, as if they clicked the back button in their browser.

You can accomplish this by editing the HTML (hypertext markup language) of your page, and adding a little JavaScript.

These buttons don’t work if the user has no browsing history. For example, if the user opens your page in a new browser tab or window, nothing happens when they click the button.

Using history.back

In a web browser, the built-in JavaScript object window has an object called history containing the URLs a user has visited in their current browser window. You can use the history.back() method to tell the browser to go back to the user’s previous page.

One way to use this JavaScript is to add it to the onclick event attribute of a button. Here, we create the button using a element, containing an element of the button type.

Insert the following HTML into your web page:

The result looks like the button below. If you click it, you go back to the previous page in your history.

Using history.go

The history.go() method tells the browser to go to a specific page in the user’s browsing history. You can specify which history item by putting a number inside the parentheses. With computer programming, this is called an argument.

If you specify the number -1 as your argument, the browser goes back one page in the browser’s history. Here’s the same code as above, using history.go(-1) instead of history.back().

  • How to create an HTML push-button link.
  • See our back and push-button definitions for further information and related links.
  • See our and HTML element definitions for more examples of them in use.
  • HTML and web design help and support.


Pure HTML Back Button

Now, we need this function to be called whenever the Back To Top Button is clicked: Calling on click of the back to top button I am also going to add a linear gradient to the document body so that we can know that the document is being scrolled: Let’s also quickly add the Back To Top button to the markup: Back to top button with a class for base styles

Pure HTML Back Button

I want to create a Page Back Button using HTML & CSS Without using Javascript or any other language. I want to do it in pure HTML & CSS.

I searched but didn’t get any solution every time javascript is included in code but I need a pure HTML no any other language.

You can do it «without using JavaScript» just in case the previous page is known in advance, i.e. you are in a «detail» page and the «back» button will bring you to the «list» or home page, e.g. :

Else, if the previous page changes dynamically you need to use JavaScript history.back method:

Sorry, can’t be done. HTML was designed to markup your content semantically, indicating what is a heading, what is text, etc. It knows nothing about the container that is displaying it, which may not necessarily be a browser.

CSS was designed to make the HTML look good. It is used for placing elements in the container, as well as suggesting how they look (colour, size, etc). Other than a few extras added to allow you to style the scrollbars etc, it also knows nothing about the container, and so cannot affect behaviour.

Why do you want to do this? JavaScript was designed for this purpose, why try and avoid it?

The following piece of code doesn’t require any javascript file, but still uses javascript inside html :

HTML is the Template, CSS is the Style. JavaScript gives logic to your elements. It is essential for every dynamic action in your page.

To answer your question you cannot achieve it without it.

How to Make a Back to Top Button and Page Progress Bar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

You’ve probably seen a «back-to-top» button at the bottom-right corner on many websites when you’re scrolling around. Clicking on that button takes you back to the top of the page.

This is a great feature to have on any website, and today we are going to see how to build it with nothing but HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

We are also going to look at how to add a page progress bar, one at the top which will increase in progress as we scroll down and decrease as we scroll up.

Note that you can add this to any website, whether it’s an existing one or something you have just started working on. The only requirement is that the website should have enough content (or a big enough body height) to be scrollable, or else it will not make sense to add this.

Here is the CodePen of what we are going to build (scroll to see the magic):

Document with a gradient background and a fixed button and the bottom right corner that says

Now, it is time for the fun part – adding the logic.

How to only show the Back To Top button on scroll

Now, we don’t want the Back To Top button to be visible all the time – like when the user is at the top of the page. So we are going to show it conditionally.

For this example, we are only going to show it when the user has scrolled at least 100 pixels.

First of all, we need to hide the button whenever the user opens the site. We also need to make sure that we add this style, separate from the button’s base styles, as the button needs to be shown on scroll.

The button still looks quite ugly, so let’s style it:

How to make the button’s entry smoother

The button seems to appear out of nowhere whenever we scroll. Let’s change this behaviour by adding a transition to it and instead of changing the display, we are going to change its opacity:

Page Scroll Progress Bar on Scroll

How to calculate the percentage scrolled

Calculating percentage scrolled is actually quite simple. The scrollTop (MDN Reference) property is the number of pixels scrolled as mentioned earlier.

scrollHeight (MDN Reference) is the minimum height required to fit in all its children in the element it is being called upon.

And finally, clientHeight (MDN Reference) is the inner height of the element it is being called upon.

The clientHeight is subtracted from the scrollHeight because if we don’t do that, the area visible will be taken into account as well so we would never hit 100% scrolled.

I have put together this diagram to explain it better:

Screenshot explaining clientHeight and scrollHeight

Here, the line without the arrows represents the clientHeight which is the height of the content visible to us. The line with the arrows represents the scrollHeight and shows that this line continues in both directions. This is the height of the view required to fit in all the content.

At last, the scrollTop value is divided by the difference of scrollHeight and clientHeight and we get a decimal value of the amount scrolled. This is multiplied by 100 to get the value in percentage that we use to determine the width of the div , that is the progress on our progress bar.


I hope you have found this article helpful and are able to implement a Back To Top Button and a Page Progress Bar on your website.

Do reach out to me on Twitter if you want to ask me anything. The next step would be to implement this on your website and make changes as you see fit.

  • CodePen for this example
  • MDN Reference for scrollIntoView()
  • MDN Reference for scrollTop
  • MDN Reference for scrollHeight
  • MDN Reference for clientHeight

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How to Create Button with Line Breaks, How to Create Button with Line Breaks. Buttons are generally created with the help of the HTML

HTML <button> Tag


A clickable button is marked up as follows:


HTML and JavaScript code for back button in to go previous pages

History Back

We can show a back button using html code in our pages which can take the browser window to the previous page. This page will have a button or a link and by clicking it browser will return to previous page. This can be done by using html or by using JavaScript in the client side.

Code for HTML back button can be placed any where inside the page ( or inside body tag ). This button will work in same as the back button at the tool bar of our browser. Here also we can set to go previous one or more than one step of pages. Here is our button and simple code for back button of our browser. Here is the code of this button .

You can read more on history object of JavaScript here This code will display one button and you can change the value parameter to display any text on the button. Here is the button to take you back to previous page. Note that the onClick event can be set to history.go(-3); to move back three steps. We can use +2 also to move forward two steps.

Using JavaScript

We can use JavaScript to create a link to take us back to previous or history page. Here is the code to move back the browser using client side JavaScript.

As you can see this requires JavaScript to be enabled in the client browser. Otherwise this code will not work.


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