Html link value javascript

How to get the value of the rel attribute of a link in JavaScript?

In this tutorial, we will learn how to get the value of the rel attribute of a link in JavaScript.

The rel attribute expressed the relationship between the current document or website and the linked document or website. The search engine uses this attribute to get more information about the link, so it is important for the SEO of the website.

The rel attribute can have different values like alternate, author, external, nofollow, etc.; each value means different information about the link. For example, ‘alternate’ means the link represents an alternate version of the current document.

Using document.getElementById() Method

In JavaScript, The document.getElementById() method is useful for getting different attributes value of an element like link or anchor tag. It takes the id of an element in the parameter and returns an element object of that element (in this case, it is a link or anchor tag), and from that object, we can get the rel attribute value of that element by using the key ‘rel.’

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Users can follow the below syntax to get the value of the rel attribute of a link.



In the above syntax, ‘mylink’ is the link’s id (anchor tag) and by using document.getElementById method and ‘rel’ key, we get the rel attribute value from that link.


In the below example, we have used document.getElementById() method to get the value of the rel attribute of a link.

html> body> div>a id="link1" rel="nofolloww" href="" >tutorialspoint/a>/div> br /> div id="result">/div> script> let rel1 = document.getElementById('link1').rel let root = document.getElementById('result') root.innerHTML = 'value of rel attribute: ' +rel1+ '
/script> /body> /html>

In the above output, users can see that using document.getElementById method, we get the rel attribute value of the link.

Using document.getElementsByTagName() method

In JavaScript, the document.getElementsByTagName() method can be used to get the value of the rel attribute of a link or anchor tag. It takes a tag name in the parameter and returns an HTMLCollection, similar to a list or array. It contains all of the element objects of that tag name, and from each object, we can also get the value of the rel attribute by using the key ‘rel.’


// getting all anchor tags let links = document.getElementsByTagName('a') // looping through all the HTMLCollection links for (let index=0; index < links.length; index++)< // accessing the rel attribute from each element let rel = links[index].rel console.log(rel) >

In the above syntax, document.getElementByTagName() method takes ‘a’ as an argument, so it returns all of the elements, which is an anchor tag in an HTMLCollection and looping through it, we are getting the rel attributes values from all links and console logging it.


In the below example, we have used document.getElementByTagName() method to get the value of the rel attribute from a link.

html> body> div> a rel="alternate" href="" >Link 1/a>br> a rel="nofollow" href="" >Link 2/a> /div> br /> div id="root">/div> script> let root=document.getElementById('root') let links=document.getElementsByTagName('a') for (let index=0; indexlinks.length; index++) let rel=links[index].rel root.innerHTML+='Link '+(index+1)+' rel attribute: '+rel+'
> /script> /body> /html>

In the above output, users can see that using document.getElementByTagName method, we get the rel attribute value of all links.

Using document.querySelectorAll() Method

In JavaScript, the document.querySelectorAll() method can be used to get the value of the rel attribute of a link or anchor tag. It takes a tag name and CSS selectors in the parameter and returns a NodeList similar to a list or array. It contains all of the elements as node element objects of that tag name, and from each object, we can also get the value of the rel attribute by using the key ‘rel.’

In the document.getElementByTagName() method, we get all the anchor tags whether it has a rel attribute or not but using the document.querySelectorAll() method can only get the links or anchor tags with the rel attribute. This method will not select the links that don’t have a rel attribute.



In the above syntax, document.querySelectorAll() method takes ‘a[rel]’ as an argument, so it returns all of the elements, which is an anchor tag containing the rel attribute in a NodeList and looping through it, we can get all of the rel attribute values.


In the below example, we have used document.querySelectorAll() method to get the value of the rel attribute of a link.

html> body> h4>Get the value of the rel attribute of a link in JavaScript using i>document.querySelectorAll()/i> method/h4> div> a rel="alternate" href="" >Link 1/a>br> a rel="nofollow" href="" >Link 2/a>br> a href="" >Link 3(no rel)/a> /div> br /> div id="root">/div> script> let root=document.getElementById('root') let links=document.querySelectorAll('a[rel]') for (let index=0; indexlinks.length; index++) let rel=links[index].rel root.innerHTML +='Link '+(index+1)+' rel: '+rel+'
> /script> /body> /html>

In the above output, using document.querySelectorAll method, we get the rel attribute value of all links with the rel attribute.


Anchor href Property

The href property sets or returns the value of the href attribute of a link. The href attribute specifies the destination of a link.

Browser Support


Property Values

Value Description
URL Specifies the URL of the link.
  • An absolute URL — points to another web site (like href=»»)
  • A relative URL — points to a file within a web site (like href=»default.htm»)
  • An anchor URL — points to an anchor within a page (like href=»#top»)

Technical Details

Return Value: A String, representing the URL of the link. Returns the entire URL, including the protocol (like http://)

More Examples



Another example of how to get the URL of a link (a relative URL):

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You can access a element by using getElementById():


You can create a element by using the document.createElement() method:


Property Description
charset Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns the character encoding of the linked document
crossOrigin Sets or returns the the CORS settings of the linked document
disabled Sets or returns whether the linked document is disabled, or not
href Sets or returns the URL of the linked document
hreflang Sets or returns the language code of the linked document
media Sets or returns the media type for the link element
rel Sets or returns the relationship between the current document and the linked document
rev Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns the reverse relationship from the linked document to the current document
sizes Returns the value of the sizes attribute of the linked resource
type Sets or returns the content type of the linked document

Standard Properties and Events

The Link object also supports the standard properties and events.

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JavaScript — Get href value

JavaScript Get href Value is a useful tool for web developers and designers who need to quickly access the value of an HTML element’s href attribute.

This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use JavaScript to get the value of an href attribute on a webpage, as well as some tips and tricks for getting the most out of this powerful feature. The ability to quickly obtain the values from an HTML element’s attributes can help make development faster and more efficient, so let’s get started!

The value of the href attribute in JavaScript is a URL that instructs the browser where to go when the link is clicked. The additional characteristics target= «_blank» and rel= «noopener» instruct the browser to open the website in a new tab, so take note of them.

Using querySelector() in JavaScript

The querySelector() is a method in JavaScript used to query the DOM (Document Object Model) and return the first element that matches a given CSS selector. It can be used to select an element by its ID, class name, or any other valid CSS selector. This method returns NULL if there are no matches.


Following is the syntax for querySelector()

element = document.querySelector(selectors);


In the following example, we are using querySelector(), which returns the anchor tag within the document. Later, we will access the href property to get the value of the href attribute.

   Direct To Open 

document.getElementById('submit').onclick = function()

When the script gets executed, it will generate an output consisting of an href link with the text «direct to open» along with a click button on the webpage. When the user clicks the button, the event gets triggered and displays the alert of href value on the webpage.


Let’s look into the following example, where we are using querySelector() to get the value of the href attribute.


document.getElementById('submit').onclick = function()

When the script is run, it will generate an output consisting of a link along with a click button. If the user clicks on the button, the event gets triggered and displays the value of the href attribute on the web-browser.

Using getAttribute() in JavaScript

The Element interface’s getAttribute() method returns the value of the supplied attribute on the element. If the requested attribute does not exist, either null or «» (the empty string) will be delivered.


Following is the syntax for getAttribute()



Considering the following example, where we are using getAttribute() to get the value of the href attribute on the specified anchor tag.

   Direct To Open 

document.getElementById('submit').onclick = function()

On running the above script, the web-browser displays the href link along with the text and a click button on the webpage. If the user clicks the button, the event is triggered and the href value is displayed on the web-browser.

Using attr()

The attr() method is used to set or return attributes and their values for the selected elements. If it was used to return the attribute value, it returns the first matched element.


Following is the syntax for attr()


Execute the below program, where we are running the script to get the value of the href attribute.

When the script gets executed, the event gets triggered and displays the link along with a href attribute value.


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