Html link to zip file

The Ultimate Guide to HTML Download Zip File OnClick: Best Practices and Code Examples

Learn how to trigger a file download in HTML using an anchor tag with href and download attributes or a custom JavaScript function. Build a good download button with best practices and tips. Get code examples and create a user-friendly file download experience. Start downloading now!

HTML provides two approaches for triggering a file download: using an anchor tag with the href and download attributes or using a custom JavaScript function. This article will guide you through both approaches with code examples and best practices to help you build a good download button in HTML.

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Using an anchor tag with the href and download attributes

The href attribute specifies the URL of the file to be downloaded. The download attribute specifies that the target will be downloaded when a user clicks on the hyperlink.

Here’s an example of how to use the anchor tag to download a zip file:

The attribute “download” is used to make the link download the file. A special download attribute can be used inside of an anchor tag that will tell the browser to download the file instead of navigating to it. It’s important to note that links retrieve information and download it, while buttons perform actions.

Using a custom JavaScript function

Using a custom JavaScript function to trigger a file download can allow for more control over the process.

Here’s an example of how to use JavaScript to download a file:

function downloadFile(url, filename) < fetch(url) .then(response =>response.blob()) .then(blob => < const link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = filename; document.body.appendChild(link);; document.body.removeChild(link); >); > 

To download a file using JavaScript fetch, return the result as a blob, and create a download link to the blob object. This approach is relatively new and allows for more control over the file download process.

Building a good download button

When building a download button, it’s important to design it to be easily identifiable. Use clear and concise language on the button, and ensure that it’s accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

Here are some tips and best practices for building a good download button:

  • Use clear and concise language on the download button.
  • Design the download button to be easily identifiable.
  • Always ensure that your download button is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

Programmatically creating zip files in ASP.NET MVC

The creation of the zip file and addition of the selected files can be done programmatically in an ASP.NET MVC Controller. The exportAttachmentsToZip processor allows for a popup download dialog to download the zip file.

Here’s an example of how to programmatically create zip files in ASP.NET MVC:

public ActionResult DownloadZipFile() < var filePaths = new List< Server.MapPath("~/Content/file1.txt"), Server.MapPath("~/Content/file2.txt") >; var outputStream = new MemoryStream(); using (var zip = new ZipArchive(outputStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true)) < foreach (var filePath in filePaths) < var entry = zip.CreateEntry(Path.GetFileName(filePath)); using (var entryStream = entry.Open()) using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open)) < fileStream.CopyTo(entryStream); >> > outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return File(outputStream, "application/octet-stream", ""); > 

Other code samples for downloading zip files in HTML


Triggering a file download in HTML is a useful and straightforward feature that can be achieved using an anchor tag with the href and download attributes or using a custom JavaScript function. Building a good download button involves designing it to be easily identifiable, using clear and concise language, and ensuring it’s accessible to all users. By following the best practices and tips outlined in this article, you can create a robust and user-friendly file download experience in HTML.


Download Zip Files OnClick: Best Practices for Web Developers

Learn how to trigger a file download with HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, and AJAX. Download zip files with ease using these best practices for web developers. Start downloading now!

  • Using the HTML5 download attribute
  • Creating a download button with HTML and JavaScript
  • Downloading a file with JavaScript onclick
  • Downloading a zip file with jQuery
  • Downloading a zip file in PHP and AJAX
  • Downloading multiple files with a zip file
  • Other code examples for downloading zip files with HTML onclick
  • Conclusion
  • How to trigger a file download when clicking an HTML button?
  • How do I create a download link for a zip file in HTML?
  • How to download PDF onclick in HTML?
  • How do I add a downloadable file to HTML?

As a web developer, enabling users to download files is an essential part of providing a great user experience. In this article, we will explore best practices for downloading zip files on click. We will cover various methods, including using the HTML5 download attribute , creating a download button with HTML and JavaScript, downloading a file with JavaScript onclick, downloading a zip file with jQuery, downloading a zip file in PHP and AJAX, and downloading multiple files with a zip file.

Using the HTML5 download attribute

The HTML5 download attribute allows you to specify the filename and download location of a file. When a user clicks on a link with the download attribute, the file is automatically downloaded to their device. Here is an example of using the download attribute to initiate a file download:

The download attribute has some limitations. It only works for same-origin URLs, meaning that the file being downloaded must be from the same domain as the web page. Additionally, it only works for links, not buttons. Despite these limitations, it is a simple and effective way to enable file downloads.

Creating a download button with HTML and JavaScript

If you want to use a button instead of a link for your file download, you can create a download button with HTML and JavaScript. Here is an example of creating a button that triggers a file download:

The benefit of using a button is that it offers more flexibility in terms of styling and positioning. However, it requires more code than using the download attribute.

Downloading a file with JavaScript onclick

You can also use JavaScript to initiate a file download when a user clicks on a button or link. Here is an example of using the method to download a file:

While this method allows for more control over the download process, it has some drawbacks. It may trigger pop-up blockers, and it requires the user to confirm the download. Additionally, it may not work on some mobile devices.

Downloading a zip file with jQuery

jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies many common web development tasks, including file downloads. Here is an example of using a plain link with an href attribute to initiate the download:

jQuery makes it easy to add event listeners to elements and perform actions based on those events. However, it should be used carefully to avoid performance issues.

Downloading a zip file in PHP and AJAX

If you want to download a file using PHP and AJAX, you can use the button onclick method to initiate the download. Here is an example of using PHP to download a zip file:


This method allows for more control over the download process and can be used to download files from different domains. However, it requires more code than other methods.

Downloading multiple files with a zip file

If you want to allow users to download multiple files when a button is clicked, you can create a zip file and link to that file when the button is clicked. Here is an example of creating a zip file:

zip -r path/to/files 

And here is an example of linking to the zip file when the button is clicked:

This method is useful when you have multiple files to download and want to simplify the process for the user. However, it requires the creation of a zip file and may not be appropriate for all situations.

Other code examples for downloading zip files with HTML onclick

In Javascript , for example, javascript download file on click code sample


In conclusion, downloading zip files on click is an essential part of web development. By using the appropriate method based on specific requirements, you can provide a great user experience and simplify the download process for your users. We have covered various methods, including using the HTML5 download attribute, creating a download button with HTML and JavaScript, downloading a file with JavaScript onclick, downloading a zip file with jQuery, downloading a zip file in PHP and AJAX, and downloading multiple files with a zip file. Remember to follow best practices and optimize your code for performance and accessibility.


Adobe PDF logo

Computer Hope

In some situations, developers want to create a web page with links to an Adobe Acrobat .PDF, Microsoft Word .DOC, Microsoft Excel .XLS, or external program files. In these cases, they may want the browser to prompt to download the file instead of opening the file. There are a few different methods you use to achieve this effect.

Save / Save As option

Zip the file

For example, the below HTML (hypertext markup language) hyperlink would allow a web page viewer to download a file named, containing the file you compressed to create the ZIP file.

PHP scripting

Create the below PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) file that opens .PDF files. It can also be modified to allow for the downloading of .DOC or other files.

  1. Create a new file named download.php
  2. After creating the file, copy and paste the below code into the PHP file.
$file = $_GET['file'];
if (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file) && preg_match('/\.pdf$/',$file)) < header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$file\"");
> else header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
echo "

Error 404: File Not Found:

  1. Save the file and upload to the server hosting the web page.
  2. Once uploaded, links to download a PDF (Portable Document Format) file need to point to download.php?file=example.pdf, where example.pdf is the name of the PDF file you want users to download.

Below is an example of a full link using the PHP scripting.

  • See the PDF definition for further information about PDF files, questions and answers, and related links.
  • HTML and web design help and support.


Как сделать ссылку на скачивание файла

Как правильно сделать ссылку, чтобы при клике на неё начиналось скачивание файла. Атрибут download для HTML-тега ссылки. Примеры ссылок для скачивания.


Как сделать скачивание файла с сайта.

Не редкость когда нужно бывает создать ссылку для скачивания какого то файла. При этом желательно чтобы это была прямая ссылка для скачивания, а не на внешний сайт (облако, хранилище).

Для скачивания можно передавать файлы самых различных форматов: музыка, видео, текстовые файлы, Excel, архивы и мн. другие.

Как на сайте сделать скачивание файла

Возможно вы хотите поделиться с посетителями вашего сайта каким либо файлом, при этом файл может быть самого любого формата.

Делается это при помощи ссылки на файл с использованием специального HTML тега.

Скачивание архивов

Для файлов-архивов (форматы zip, rar и т.д.) достаточно просто указать ссылку на файл который нужно передать для скачивания. Поэтому здесь применяется обычный HTML тег ссылки:

  • # — вместо символа решётки в атрибуте href прописывается ссылка на файл который отдаём для скачивания;
  • текст ссылки — можно указать текст типа: скачать файл, скачать прайс, скачать песню, скачать видео и т.д.

Так же хочу обратить внимание, что если файл с вашего сайта указываем относительный путь к файлу /music/pesnya.mp3 , а со сторонних сайтов указываем полный путь

А вот для файлов не архивных форматов (музыка, видео, различные текстовые файлы и документы, изображения и т.д.) применяется специальный для этого атрибут прописываемый в теге .

HTML атрибут download

Для того, чтобы передать какой либо файл для скачивания пользователю, в HTML ссылки нужно прописать атрибут download .

Структура ссылки для скачивания в html строится следующим образом:

  • Вместо знака решётки # указываем ссылку на файл передающийся для скачивания.
  • В атрибуте download ничего указывать не нужно. Браузер поймёт что файл нужно скачивать, а не открывать.

Со всплывающей подсказкой:

*Обязательно не забываем переключить редактор в режим HTML чтобы редактировать теги

Текстовая ссылка


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