Html line break new line

HTML Paragraphs

A paragraph always starts on a new line, and is usually a block of text.

HTML Paragraphs


element defines a paragraph.

A paragraph always starts on a new line, and browsers automatically add some white space (a margin) before and after a paragraph.


This is a paragraph.

This is another paragraph.

HTML Display

You cannot be sure how HTML will be displayed.

Large or small screens, and resized windows will create different results.

With HTML, you cannot change the display by adding extra spaces or extra lines in your HTML code.

The browser will automatically remove any extra spaces and lines when the page is displayed:


This paragraph
contains a lot of lines
in the source code,
but the browser
ignores it.

This paragraph
contains a lot of spaces
in the source code,
but the browser
ignores it.

HTML Horizontal Rules


tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page, and is most often displayed as a horizontal rule.


element is used to separate content (or define a change) in an HTML page:


This is heading 1

This is some text.

This is heading 2

This is some other text.


tag is an empty tag, which means that it has no end tag.

HTML Line Breaks

element defines a line break.

if you want a line break (a new line) without starting a new paragraph:


This is
a paragraph
with line breaks.

tag is an empty tag, which means that it has no end tag.

The Poem Problem

This poem will display on a single line:


My Bonnie lies over the ocean.

My Bonnie lies over the sea.

My Bonnie lies over the ocean.

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.

Solution — The HTML Element

The HTML element defines preformatted text.

The text inside a element is displayed in a fixed-width font (usually Courier), and it preserves both spaces and line breaks:


My Bonnie lies over the ocean.

My Bonnie lies over the sea.

My Bonnie lies over the ocean.

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.

HTML Exercises

HTML Tag Reference

W3Schools’ tag reference contains additional information about HTML elements and their attributes.

Tag Description
Defines a paragraph
Defines a thematic change in the content
Inserts a single line break
Defines pre-formatted text

For a complete list of all available HTML tags, visit our HTML Tag Reference.


: The Line Break element

The HTML element produces a line break in text (carriage-return). It is useful for writing a poem or an address, where the division of lines is significant.

Try it

As you can see from the above example, a
element is included at each point where we want the text to break. The text after the
begins again at the start of the next line of the text block.

Note: Do not use
to create margins between paragraphs; wrap them in elements and use the CSS margin property to control their size.


This element’s attributes include the global attributes.

Deprecated attributes

Indicates where to begin the next line after the break.

Styling with CSS

element has a single, well-defined purpose — to create a line break in a block of text. As such, it has no dimensions or visual output of its own, and there is very little you can do to style it.

You can set a margin on
elements themselves to increase the spacing between the lines of text in the block, but this is a bad practice — you should use the line-height property that was designed for that purpose.


Simple br

In the following example we use
elements to create line breaks between the different lines of a postal address:

br /> 331 E. Evelyn Avenuebr /> Mountain View, CAbr /> 94041br /> USAbr /> 


Accessibility concerns

Creating separate paragraphs of text using
is not only bad practice, it is problematic for people who navigate with the aid of screen reading technology. Screen readers may announce the presence of the element, but not any content contained within
s. This can be a confusing and frustrating experience for the person using the screen reader.


elements, and use CSS properties like margin to control their spacing.

Technical summary

Content categories Flow content, phrasing content.
Permitted content None; it is a void element.
Tag omission Must have a start tag, and must not have an end tag. In XHTML documents, write this element as
Permitted parents Any element that accepts phrasing content.
Implicit ARIA role No corresponding role
Permitted ARIA roles none , presentation
DOM interface HTMLBRElement


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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HTML New Line – How to Add a Line Break with the BR Tag

Dillion Megida

Dillion Megida

HTML New Line – How to Add a Line Break with the BR Tag

In this article, I’ll explain what line breaks are and show you how to create them in HTML.

What is a Line Break?

A line break, as the name implies, is a break in line 😅. A line break in HTML is a point where a line ends horizontally, and the next line starts on a new line.

In HTML, when you write a string like this:


Hello, I am trying to create a new line

The whitespaces (the tab space before «Hello», the space between «am» and «trying», «a» and «new») will be ignored. The result on the screen will appear like this:

Hello, I am trying to create a new line 

One way to fix this (though it’s not very effective) is to create three

tags like this:

Hello, I am

trying to create a

new line

This will result in the following:

Hello, I am trying to create a new line 

Because p tags create block elements, they occupy the entire horizontal space and the next element goes to the next line – as you can see from the result above.

This solution is not effective because you have created three paragraphs. In cases where a screen reader is to interpret this, it will read it as three paragraphs instead of a single sentence. This can affect web accessibility.

So how do you add a line break for an inline element?

How to Add a Line Break in HTML

HTML has tags for numerous purposes, including to create line breaks. You can use the br tag in HTML to add line breaks. It can go between inline elements to break the elements into multiple parts.

Here is an example of a paragraph with the br tag:


Hello, I am
trying to create a
new line

The br tag is a void element that doesn’t have a closing tag. Instead, it is a self-closing tag.

The above code results in this:

Hello, I am trying to create a new line 

You can use this tag for other forms of inline elements like links. For example, look at this code:

Anchor tags, a , are inline elements, so instead of the second link showing on the next line, it shows in the same line like this:


You can use the br tag between the links to break the first link line:



The br tag in HTML starts the next element on a new line, similar to the carriage return \n in strings.

Instead of using block elements for putting elements in new lines, you can use the line break tag: br .

In cases like sentences, using the br tag serves as a visual line break and doesn’t affect accessibility. Screen readers will read the sentence as it is without pause.

Dillion Megida

Dillion Megida

Developer Advocate and Content Creator passionate about sharing my knowledge on Tech. I simplify JavaScript / ReactJS / NodeJS / Frameworks / TypeScript / et al My YT channel:

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To force
line breaks
in a text,
use the br

More «Try it Yourself» examples below.

Definition and Usage

tag inserts a single line break.

tag is useful for writing addresses or poems.

tag is an empty tag which means that it has no end tag.

Tips and Notes

Note: Use the
tag to enter line breaks, not to add space between paragraphs.

Browser Support

Global Attributes

Event Attributes

More Examples


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HTML Line break

The HTML Line Break tag is used to apply a line break and start your text in the new line.

In HTML, we use the
tag to create a line break. For example,


Use the
br tag
to create line breaks in text.

Browser Output

HTML Line Breaks inside a paragraph

In the above code, if you look carefully, you can find there is no closing tag for
. It’s because the
tag is an empty tag, which means it doesn’t require a closing tag.

As you can see, the
tag adds a new line without having to create a new paragraph.

The line break is helpful for writing structured texts like addresses and poems without creating multiple paragraphs.

An example showing use of like breaks in a poem and address

Line-Break vs Multiple Paragraphs

As we know, an HTML paragraph always starts on a new line, instead of a line break we can also use multiple paragraphs. For example,

Use the

br tag

to create line breaks in text.

Browser Output

Using HTML paragraphs instead of line breaks

We can see we have successfully applied line breaks using multiple paragraphs. However, there are several drawbacks of this approach:

  • Screen readers treat each paragraph as separate sentences. That is, Use the , br tag , and to create line breaks in text. will be read as different sentences which will create confusion for users.
  • Each paragraph has its own default styling, hence with multiple paragraphs, there will be unnecessary margin and padding between the lines making them not seem as continuous. You can see that in the above output as well.

Example: Line breaks using HTML


Roses are red

Violets are blue

HTML is Fun

and so are You!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
HTML is fun
and so are You!

Browser Output

Multiple HTML paragraphs vs linebreaks inside single paragraph

Table of Contents


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