- border — inline
- Пример
- Как понять
- Как пишется
- Подсказки
- border
- Try it
- Constituent properties
- Syntax
- Values
- Description
- Borders vs. outlines
- Formal definition
- Formal syntax
- Examples
- Setting a pink outset border
- Result
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
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- CSS border-inline-color Property
- Browser Support
- border-color
- Try it
- Constituent properties
- Syntax
- Values
- Formal definition
- Formal syntax
- Examples
- Complete border-color usage
- Result
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
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border — inline
border — inline — это логическое свойство-шорткат. Оно создаёт у элемента рамки по строчной оси.
Блочная ось связана с направлением потока сайта. Так, для русского и английского языков border — inline рисует границу слева и справа элемента, а для японского сверху и снизу.
Скопировать ссылку «Пример» Скопировано
div border-inline: 5px solid white;>
div border-inline: 5px solid white; >
Как понять
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border — inline помогает располагать границы там, где они должны быть, вне зависимости от языка 😎
Нарисуем границы с помощью border — left и border — right :
div border-left: 7px dashed white; border-right: 7px dashed white;>
div border-left: 7px dashed white; border-right: 7px dashed white; >
А теперь текст будет на японском языке, для этого сменим поток и посмотрим, что будет:
div writing-mode: vertical-rl; border-left: 7px dashed white; border-right: 7px dashed white;>
div writing-mode: vertical-rl; border-left: 7px dashed white; border-right: 7px dashed white; >
Язык другой, направление письма другое, а границы всё там же — справа и слева. Это не очень хорошо с точки зрения людей, которые говорят на разных языках. Попробуем исправить это с помощью свойства border — inline :
div writing-mode: vertical-rl; border-inline: 7px dashed white;>
div writing-mode: vertical-rl; border-inline: 7px dashed white; >
Сейчас всё логично: стиль письма изменил своё направление и границы тоже поменялись. Использование логического свойства исправило ситуацию.
Как пишется
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border — inline пишется так же, как и border , а ещё сокращает такие же свойства. Отличие лишь в том, что border в записи заменяется на border — inline :
- border — inline — width — ширина границы;
- border — inline — style — стиль границы;
- border — inline — color — цвет границы.
Можно отдельно стилизовать одну из границ по аналогии с border — left и border — right :
- border — inline — start — первая граница по направлению строчной оси;
- border — inline — end — вторая граница.
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💡 Когда нужно, чтобы видимые границы блока разместились в направлении блочной оси, используйте свойство border — block .
div border-block: 5px solid white;>
div border-block: 5px solid white; >
The border shorthand CSS property sets an element’s border. It sets the values of border-width , border-style , and border-color .
Try it
Constituent properties
This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:
/* style */ border: solid; /* width | style */ border: 2px dotted; /* style | color */ border: outset #f33; /* width | style | color */ border: medium dashed green; /* Global values */ border: inherit; border: initial; border: revert; border: revert-layer; border: unset;
The border property may be specified using one, two, or three of the values listed below. The order of the values does not matter.
Note: The border will be invisible if its style is not defined. This is because the style defaults to none .
Sets the thickness of the border. Defaults to medium if absent. See border-width .
Sets the style of the border. Defaults to none if absent. See border-style .
Sets the color of the border. Defaults to currentcolor if absent. See border-color .
As with all shorthand properties, any omitted sub-values will be set to their initial value. Importantly, border cannot be used to specify a custom value for border-image , but instead sets it to its initial value, i.e., none .
The border shorthand is especially useful when you want all four borders to be the same. To make them different from each other, however, you can use the longhand border-width , border-style , and border-color properties, which accept different values for each side. Alternatively, you can target one border at a time with the physical (e.g., border-top ) and logical (e.g., border-block-start ) border properties.
Borders vs. outlines
Borders and outlines are very similar. However, outlines differ from borders in the following ways:
- Outlines never take up space, as they are drawn outside of an element’s content.
- According to the spec, outlines don’t have to be rectangular, although they usually are.
Formal definition
- border-width : as each of the properties of the shorthand:
- border-top-width : medium
- border-right-width : medium
- border-bottom-width : medium
- border-left-width : medium
- border-top-style : none
- border-right-style : none
- border-bottom-style : none
- border-left-style : none
- border-top-color : currentcolor
- border-right-color : currentcolor
- border-bottom-color : currentcolor
- border-left-color : currentcolor
- border-width : as each of the properties of the shorthand:
- border-bottom-width : the absolute length or 0 if border-bottom-style is none or hidden
- border-left-width : the absolute length or 0 if border-left-style is none or hidden
- border-right-width : the absolute length or 0 if border-right-style is none or hidden
- border-top-width : the absolute length or 0 if border-top-style is none or hidden
- border-bottom-style : as specified
- border-left-style : as specified
- border-right-style : as specified
- border-top-style : as specified
- border-bottom-color : computed color
- border-left-color : computed color
- border-right-color : computed color
- border-top-color : computed color
- border-color : as each of the properties of the shorthand:
- border-bottom-color : a color
- border-left-color : a color
- border-right-color : a color
- border-top-color : a color
- border-bottom-width : a length
- border-left-width : a length
- border-right-width : a length
- border-top-width : a length
Formal syntax
border =
thin |
medium |
none |
hidden |
dotted |
dashed |
solid |
double |
groove |
ridge |
inset |
Setting a pink outset border
div>I have a border, an outline, and a box shadow! Amazing, isn't it?div>
div border: 0.5rem outset pink; outline: 0.5rem solid khaki; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2rem skyblue; border-radius: 12px; font: bold 1rem sans-serif; margin: 2rem; padding: 1rem; outline-offset: 0.5rem; >
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
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This page was last modified on Jul 18, 2023 by MDN contributors.
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Portions of this content are ©1998– 2023 by individual mozilla.org contributors. Content available under a Creative Commons license.CSS border-inline-color Property
The border-inline-color property sets the color of an element’s borders in the inline direction.
Note: For the border-inline-color property to take effect, the border-inline-style must be set.
Values for the border-inline-color property can be set in different ways:
If the border-inline-color property has two values:
- border-inline-color: pink blue;
- border color at inline start is pink
- border color at inline end is blue
If the border-inline-color property has one value:
The CSS border-inline-color property is very similar to CSS properties border-bottom-color , border-left-color , border-right-color and border-top-color , but the border-inline-color property is dependent on inline direction.
Note: The related CSS properties writing-mode , text-orientation and direction define inline direction. This affects where the start and end of a line is and the result of the border-inline-color property. For pages in English, inline direction is left to right and block direction is downward.
Default value: The current color of the element Inherited: no Animatable: yes. Read about animatable Try it Version: CSS3 JavaScript syntax: object.style.borderInlineColor=»pink» Try it Browser Support
The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property.
The border-color shorthand CSS property sets the color of an element’s border.
Try it
You can find more information about border colors in CSS colors.
Constituent properties
This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:
/* values */ border-color: red; /* top and bottom | left and right */ border-color: red #f015ca; /* top | left and right | bottom */ border-color: red rgb(240, 30, 50, 0.7) green; /* top | right | bottom | left */ border-color: red yellow green blue; /* Global values */ border-color: inherit; border-color: initial; border-color: revert; border-color: revert-layer; border-color: unset;
The border-color property may be specified using one, two, three, or four values.
- When one value is specified, it applies the same color to all four sides.
- When two values are specified, the first color applies to the top and bottom, the second to the left and right.
- When three values are specified, the first color applies to the top, the second to the left and right, the third to the bottom.
- When four values are specified, the colors apply to the top, right, bottom, and left in that order (clockwise).
Defines the color of the border.
Formal definition
- border-top-color : currentcolor
- border-right-color : currentcolor
- border-bottom-color : currentcolor
- border-left-color : currentcolor
- border-bottom-color : computed color
- border-left-color : computed color
- border-right-color : computed color
- border-top-color : computed color
- border-bottom-color : a color
- border-left-color : a color
- border-right-color : a color
- border-top-color : a color
Formal syntax
Complete border-color usage
div id="justone"> p>code>border-color: red;code> is equivalent top> ul> li>code>border-top-color: red;code>li> li>code>border-right-color: red;code>li> li>code>border-bottom-color: red;code>li> li>code>border-left-color: red;code>li> ul> div> div id="horzvert"> p>code>border-color: gold red;code> is equivalent top> ul> li>code>border-top-color: gold;code>li> li>code>border-right-color: red;code>li> li>code>border-bottom-color: gold;code>li> li>code>border-left-color: red;code>li> ul> div> div id="topvertbott"> p>code>border-color: red cyan gold;code> is equivalent top> ul> li>code>border-top-color: red;code>li> li>code>border-right-color: cyan;code>li> li>code>border-bottom-color: gold;code>li> li>code>border-left-color: cyan;code>li> ul> div> div id="trbl"> p>code>border-color: red cyan black gold;code> is equivalent top> ul> li>code>border-top-color: red;code>li> li>code>border-right-color: cyan;code>li> li>code>border-bottom-color: black;code>li> li>code>border-left-color: gold;code>li> ul> div>
#justone border-color: red; > #horzvert border-color: gold red; > #topvertbott border-color: red cyan gold; > #trbl border-color: red cyan black gold; > /* Set width and style for all divs */ div border: solid 0.3em; width: auto; margin: 0.5em; padding: 0.5em; > ul margin: 0; list-style: none; >
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
- Border-color related CSS properties: border , border-top-color , border-right-color , border-bottom-color , border-left-color ,
- Other border-related CSS properties: border-width , border-style
- The data type
- Other color-related properties: color , background-color , outline-color , text-decoration-color , text-emphasis-color , text-shadow , caret-color , and column-rule-color
- Applying color to HTML elements using CSS
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