Html element is displayed

Html element is displayed

  • Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • click method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • click_and_hold – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • context_click – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • double_click method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • drag_and_drop – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • key_down method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • key_up method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • move_by_offset – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • move_to_element method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • move_to_element_with_offset method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • release method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • reset_actions method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • send_keys method – Action Chains in Selenium Python
  • add_cookie driver method – Selenium Python
  • back driver method – Selenium Python
  • close driver method – Selenium Python
  • create_web_element driver method – Selenium Python
  • delete_all_cookies driver method – Selenium Python
  • delete_cookie driver method – Selenium Python
  • execute_async_script driver method – Selenium Python
  • execute_script driver method – Selenium Python
  • forward driver method – Selenium Python
  • fullscreen_window driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_cookies driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_log driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_screenshot_as_base64 driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_screenshot_as_file driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_screenshot_as_png driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_window_position driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_window_rect driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_window_size driver method – Selenium Python
  • implicitly_wait driver method – Selenium Python
  • maximize_window driver method – Selenium Python
  • minimize_window driver method – Selenium Python
  • quit driver method – Selenium Python
  • refresh driver method – Selenium Python
  • set_page_load_timeout driver method – Selenium Python
  • set_script_timeout driver method – Selenium Python
  • set_window_position driver method – Selenium Python
  • set_window_rect driver method – Selenium Python
  • current_url driver method – Selenium Python
  • current_window_handle driver method – Selenium Python
  • page_source driver method – Selenium Python
  • title driver method – Selenium Python
  • is_displayed() element method – Selenium Python
  • is_enabled() element method – Selenium Python
  • get_property() element method – Selenium Python
  • get_attribute() element method – Selenium Python
  • send_keys() element method – Selenium Python
  • click() element method – Selenium Python
  • clear() element method – Selenium Python
  • screenshot() element method – Selenium Python
  • submit() element method – Selenium Python
  • value_of_css_property() element method – Selenium Python
  • location element method – Selenium Python
  • screenshot_as_png element method – Selenium Python
  • parent element method – Selenium Python
  • size element method – Selenium Python
  • tag_name element method – Selenium Python
  • text element method – Selenium Python
  • rect element method – Selenium Python
  • screenshot_as_base64 element method – Selenium Python
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CSS Layout — The display Property

The display property is the most important CSS property for controlling layout.

The display Property

The display property specifies if/how an element is displayed.

Every HTML element has a default display value depending on what type of element it is. The default display value for most elements is block or inline .

This panel contains a element, which is hidden by default ( display: none ).

It is styled with CSS, and we use JavaScript to show it (change it to ( display: block ).

Block-level Elements

A block-level element always starts on a new line and takes up the full width available (stretches out to the left and right as far as it can).

Examples of block-level elements:

Inline Elements

An inline element does not start on a new line and only takes up as much width as necessary.

This is an inline element inside a paragraph.

Examples of inline elements:

Display: none;

display: none; is commonly used with JavaScript to hide and show elements without deleting and recreating them. Take a look at our last example on this page if you want to know how this can be achieved.

The element uses display: none; as default.

Override The Default Display Value

As mentioned, every element has a default display value. However, you can override this.

Changing an inline element to a block element, or vice versa, can be useful for making the page look a specific way, and still follow the web standards.


Note: Setting the display property of an element only changes how the element is displayed, NOT what kind of element it is. So, an inline element with display: block; is not allowed to have other block elements inside it.

The following example displays elements as block elements:


The following example displays elements as block elements:


How to display HTML element with JavaScript?

In this tutorial, we will learn how to display an HTML element using JavaScript.

HTML elements are the components that make up an HTML format file. These components are in charge of constructing web pages and defining their content. In HTML, an element typically consists of a start tag (tag name), a closing tag (tag name), and any text that is added in between. A collection of end tags, start tags, content, and attributes is what constitutes an element technically.

In some cases, the HTML elements




are both present. Some HTML elements, such the , < hr/>, and
elements, do not need closing. They are referred to as void elements.

Furthermore, we have different methods to achieve our goal in this tutorial.

Using the visibility Property

An element’s visibility can be set or returned using the visibility attribute.

An element may be displayed or hidden by the creator using the visibility attribute. It resembles the show property in many ways. The distinction is that whereas visibility:hidden makes the contents of the element invisible while maintaining the element’s original location and size, display:none completely conceals the element.


Following is the syntax for using the visibility property −

document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "visible";


In this example, we see that a paragraph div has been created that contains text which gets hidden when the Hide button is clicked. The same text is displayed when Show button is clicked. The visibility property helps to change the visibility of the HTML element. It controls whether the element will be shown or hidden from the visitor.

html> body> p id="div">Click on Hide to remove text & Click on Show to display text/p> button type="button" onclick="displayHide()"> Hide /button> button type="button" onclick="displayShow()"> Show /button> script> function displayHide() document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "hidden"; > function displayShow() document.getElementById("div").style.visibility = "visible"; > /script> /body> /html>

In the above output, the users can see that on clicking show, the text is visible on the user’s screen. On clicking the Hide button, we see the text is being hidden from the user’s visibility.

Using the display Property

The display type of an element can be set or returned using the Style display attribute in the HTML DOM. Comparable to the visibility attribute, which shows or hides an element, it is similar. While visibility: hidden means that just the contents of the element will be concealed, the element will still be in its original location and size, display: none means that the element will be completely hidden.


Following is the syntax for the display property −

It returns the display property −

It sets the display property − = value;


In this example, we can see a div element #myDIV has been created. On clicking the Show button this div element is shown to the user. On clicking the Hide button this div element is being hidden from the user’s visibility. The display element controls whether the #myDIV element will be shown or hidden from the user’s visibility.

html> head> style> #myDIV width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: lightblue; > /style> /head> body> p>Click the "Show" button to display the div element/p> p>Click the "Hide" button to remove the div element/p> button onclick="myFunction()">Show/button> button onclick="myFunction1()">Hide/button> div id="myDIV"> This is my DIV element. /div> script> function myFunction() document.getElementById("myDIV").style.display = " block"; > function myFunction1() document.getElementById("myDIV").style.display = "none"; > /script> /body> /html>

In this output, we can see that on clicking the Show button the div element is visible and on clicking the Hide button the div element gets hidden.

Using the hidden Property

A boolean value makes up the hidden attribute. It indicates that an element is either not important yet or is no longer relevant when it is present. Elements that have the hidden attribute defined shouldn’t be shown by browsers.

Another application of the hidden property is to prevent a user from viewing an element until a different requirement has been satisfied (like selecting a checkbox, etc.). The element might then be made visible by removing the hidden property using JavaScript.


Below is the syntax for using the Hidden property on JavaScript −

document.getElementById("div_element").hidden = true;


In this example, the div element contains an id and a class which contains some text. On clicking the OK button, we can display the hidden text. The hidden attribute helps to show some hidden text when a Boolean value of true is given to it. When a Boolean value of false is given to it, it will hide the previous text.

html> head> /head> body> div id="welcome" class="panel"> h3>Using Hidden Property/h3> p>Click on the OK button to Display A message/p> button class="button" id="okButton">OK/button> /div> div id="awesome" class="panel" hidden> h3>Have a great day with your loved ones!/h3> /div> script> document.getElementById("okButton") .addEventListener("click", function() document.getElementById("welcome").hidden = true; document.getElementById("awesome").hidden = false; >, false); /script> /body> /html>

In this output, the user can see that the message is being displayed on the user’s screen after clicking the button.


Style visibility Property

The visibility property sets or returns whether an element should be visible.

The visibility property allows the author to show or hide an element. It is similar to the display property. However, the difference is that if you set display:none , it hides the entire element, while visibility:hidden means that the contents of the element will be invisible, but the element stays in its original position and size.

Browser Support


Return the visibility property:

Set the visibility property:

Property Values

Value Description
visible The element is visible. This is default
hidden The element is not visible, but still affects layout
collapse When used on a table row or cell, the element is not visible (same as «hidden»)
initial Sets this property to its default value. Read about initial
inherit Inherits this property from its parent element. Read about inherit

Technical Details

Default Value: visible
Return Value: A String, representing whether the content of an element is displayed or not
CSS Version CSS2

More Examples


Difference between the display property and the visibility property:

function demoDisplay() <
document.getElementById(«myP1»).style.display = «none»;

function demoVisibility() document.getElementById(«myP2»).style.visibility = «hidden»;


Toggle between hiding and showing an element:

function myFunction() <
var x = document.getElementById(‘myDIV’);
if ( === ‘hidden’) < = ‘visible’;
> else < = ‘hidden’;


function hideElem() <
document.getElementById(«myImg»).style.visibility = «hidden»;

function showElem() document.getElementById(«myImg»).style.visibility = «visible»;


Return the visibility type of a



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