Html dom element object

HTML DOM element object

HTML DOM (Document Object Model) in each node things are:

  • The document itself is a document object
  • All HTML elements are an element node
  • All HTML attributes are attribute nodes
  • HTML elements are inserted into the text of the text node
  • Comments are comment nodes

Element object

In the HTML DOM, the element object represents an HTML element.

Children of the element objects may be, can be an element node, text nodes, comment nodes.

NodeList object represents a node list, similar to the HTML element child nodes collection.

Elements can have attributes. Property belonging to attribute node (see the next section).

Browser Support

All major browsers support element object and NodeList object. .

Properties and Methods

The above properties and methods that apply to all HTML elements:

Property / Method description
element .accessKey Sets or returns an element accesskey
element .addEventListener () Add an event handler to a specified element
element .appendChild () Adding a new element to the child element
element .attributes It returns an array of attributes of an element
element .childNodes Returns an array of elements in a child node
element .classlist Returns the class name of the element, as DOMTokenList object.
element .className Sets or returns the class attribute of the element
element .clientHeight Returns the content on the page visible height (not including borders, margins, or scrollbars)
element .clientWidth Returns the contents of the page visible in width (not including borders, margins, or scrollbars)
element .cloneNode () Cloning an element
element .compareDocumentPosition () Document Location to compare two elements.
element .contentEditable Sets or returns whether the element’s content editable
element .dir Sets or returns an element in the direction of the text
element .firstChild Returns the element’s first child
element .focus () Set document or element gain focus
element .getAttribute () Returns the specified element’s attribute values
element .getAttributeNode () Returns the specified attribute node
element .getElementsByTagName () Returns the tag name of a collection of all child elements.
element. getElementsByClassName () Returns all elements in the document specify the class name of the collection, as NodeList object.
element .getFeature () Returns the specified characteristics of the object to perform APIs.
element .getUserData () Return an object associated with the key element.
element .hasAttribute () If the specified property exists element returns true, otherwise it returns false.
element .hasAttributes () If there is any element property returns true, otherwise it returns false.
element .hasChildNodes () Returns whether an element has any children element
element .hasfocus () Returns a Boolean value, detecting whether the document or element gain focus
element .id Sets or returns id of the element.
element .innerHTML Sets or returns the contents of the element.
element .insertBefore () Insert a new child element before the existing child element
element .isContentEditable If the element content editable returns true, false otherwise
element .isDefaultNamespace () If the namespaceURI returns true, otherwise it returns false.
element .isEqualNode () Check the two elements are equal
element .isSameNode () Check the two elements all have the same node.
element .isSupported () If supported features specified in the element returns true.
element .lang Sets or returns the language of an element.
element .lastChild Last child element returned
element .namespaceURI Returns the URI namespace.
element .nextSibling Followed by a return of that element
element .nodeName Returns the tag name of the element (uppercase)
element .nodeType Returns the node type of element
element .nodeValue Returns the value of the element node
element .normalize () So this has become a «normal» form where only structure (eg, elements, comments, processing instructions, CDATA sections, and entity references) spaced Text nodes, ie, the elements (including property) all text nodes below, are neither adjacent text nodes nor empty text nodes
element .offsetHeight Return an element of any height, including the border and filling, but not the margin
element .offsetWidth Returns the width of the element, including borders and padding, but not margins
element .offsetLeft Returns the current element of a relative horizontal offset position offset container
element .offsetParent Returns the offset container element
element .offsetTop Returns the current element relative vertical offset of offset container
element .ownerDocument Returns the element of the root element (document object)
element .parentNode Returns the parent node of an element
element .previousSibling Returns an element immediately preceding element
element .querySelector () Return match the specified CSS selector element is the first child element
document.querySelectorAll () Returns the specified CSS selector matches the element node list of all the sub-elements
element .removeAttribute () Removes the specified attribute from the element
element .removeAttributeNode () Removes the specified attribute node and returns the node removal after.
element .removeChild () To delete a sub-element
element .removeEventListener () Remove the handle by the addEventListener () method to add an event
element .replaceChild () Replace a child element
element .scrollHeight Returns the height of the entire element (including with hidden place of the scroll bar)
element .scrollLeft Returns from the current view of the actual elements of the left edge and the left edge
element .scrollTop Back from the top edge and a top view of the actual elements of the edge between the current
element .scrollWidth Returns the element’s entire width (including with hidden place of the scroll bar)
element .setAttribute () Set or change the specified properties and the specified value.
element .setAttributeNode () Set or change the specified attribute node.
element .setIdAttribute ()
element .setIdAttributeNode ()
element .setUserData () In the element associated with the specified key object.
element .style Sets or returns the style attribute of the element
element .tabIndex Sets or returns the tab order of the elements.
element .tagName As a string tag name of an element (uppercase)
element .textContent Sets or returns a node and its text content
element .title Sets or returns the title attribute of the element
element .toString () An element into a string
nodelist .item () Returns the index of an element in the document tree based
nodelist .length Returns the number of nodes in the node list.
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HTML DOM Elements

In the HTML DOM, the Element object represents an HTML element, like P, DIV, A, TABLE, or any other HTML element.

Properties and Methods

The following properties and methods can be used on all HTML elements:

Property / Method Description
accessKey Sets or returns the accesskey attribute of an element
addEventListener() Attaches an event handler to an element
appendChild() Adds (appends) a new child node to an element
attributes Returns a NamedNodeMap of an element’s attributes
blur() Removes focus from an element
childElementCount Returns an elements’s number of child elements
childNodes Returns a NodeList of an element’s child nodes
children Returns an HTMLCollection of an element’s child elements
classList Returns the class name(s) of an element
className Sets or returns the value of the class attribute of an element
click() Simulates a mouse-click on an element
clientHeight Returns the height of an element, including padding
clientLeft Returns the width of the left border of an element
clientTop Returns the width of the top border of an element
clientWidth Returns the width of an element, including padding
cloneNode() Clones an element
closest() Searches the DOM tree for the closest element that matches a CSS selector
compareDocumentPosition() Compares the document position of two elements
contains() Returns true if a node is a descendant of a node
contentEditable Sets or returns whether the content of an element is editable or not
dir Sets or returns the value of the dir attribute of an element
firstChild Returns the first child node of an element
firstElementChild Returns the first child element of an element
focus() Gives focus to an element
getAttribute() Returns the value of an element’s attribute
getAttributeNode() Returns an attribute node
getBoundingClientRect() Returns the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport
getElementsByClassName() Returns a collection of child elements with a given class name
getElementsByTagName() Returns a collection of child elements with a given tag name
hasAttribute() Returns true if an element has a given attribute
hasAttributes() Returns true if an element has any attributes
hasChildNodes() Returns true if an element has any child nodes
id Sets or returns the value of the id attribute of an element
innerHTML Sets or returns the content of an element
innerText Sets or returns the text content of a node and its descendants
insertAdjacentElement() Inserts a new HTML element at a position relative to an element
insertAdjacentHTML() Inserts an HTML formatted text at a position relative to an element
insertAdjacentText() Inserts text into a position relative to an element
insertBefore() Inserts a new child node before an existing child node
isContentEditable Returns true if an element’s content is editable
isDefaultNamespace() Returns true if a given namespaceURI is the default
isEqualNode() Checks if two elements are equal
isSameNode() Checks if two elements are the same node
isSupported() Deprecated
lang Sets or returns the value of the lang attribute of an element
lastChild Returns the last child node of an element
lastElementChild Returns the last child element of an element
matches() Returns true if an element is matched by a given CSS selector
namespaceURI Returns the namespace URI of an element
nextSibling Returns the next node at the same node tree level
nextElementSibling Returns the next element at the same node tree level
nodeName Returns the name of a node
nodeType Returns the node type of a node
nodeValue Sets or returns the value of a node
normalize() Joins adjacent text nodes and removes empty text nodes in an element
offsetHeight Returns the height of an element, including padding, border and scrollbar
offsetWidth Returns the width of an element, including padding, border and scrollbar
offsetLeft Returns the horizontal offset position of an element
offsetParent Returns the offset container of an element
offsetTop Returns the vertical offset position of an element
outerHTML Sets or returns the content of an element (including the start tag and the end tag)
outerText Sets or returns the outer text content of a node and its descendants
ownerDocument Returns the root element (document object) for an element
parentNode Returns the parent node of an element
parentElement Returns the parent element node of an element
previousSibling Returns the previous node at the same node tree level
previousElementSibling Returns the previous element at the same node tree level
querySelector() Returns the first child element that matches a CSS selector(s)
querySelectorAll() Returns all child elements that matches a CSS selector(s)
remove() Removes an element from the DOM
removeAttribute() Removes an attribute from an element
removeAttributeNode() Removes an attribute node, and returns the removed node
removeChild() Removes a child node from an element
removeEventListener() Removes an event handler that has been attached with the addEventListener() method
replaceChild() Replaces a child node in an element
scrollHeight Returns the entire height of an element, including padding
scrollIntoView() Scrolls the an element into the visible area of the browser window
scrollLeft Sets or returns the number of pixels an element’s content is scrolled horizontally
scrollTop Sets or returns the number of pixels an element’s content is scrolled vertically
scrollWidth Returns the entire width of an element, including padding
setAttribute() Sets or changes an attribute’s value
setAttributeNode() Sets or changes an attribute node
style Sets or returns the value of the style attribute of an element
tabIndex Sets or returns the value of the tabindex attribute of an element
tagName Returns the tag name of an element
textContent Sets or returns the textual content of a node and its descendants
title Sets or returns the value of the title attribute of an element
toString() Converts an element to a string


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