Html disable input but submit

HTML attribute: disabled

The Boolean disabled attribute, when present, makes the element not mutable, focusable, or even submitted with the form. The user can neither edit nor focus on the control, nor its form control descendants.

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If the disabled attribute is specified on a form control, the element and its form control descendants do not participate in constraint validation. Often browsers grey out such controls and it won’t receive any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones.

The disabled attribute is supported by , , , , , and .

This Boolean disabled attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the control or its descendant controls. If this attribute is not specified, the control inherits its setting from the containing element, for example fieldset ; if there is no containing element with the disabled attribute set, and the control itself does not have the attribute, then the control is enabled. If declared on an , the select is still interactive (unless otherwise disabled), but none of the items in the option group are selectable.

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When a supporting element has the disabled attribute applied, the :disabled pseudo-class also applies to it. Conversely, elements that support the disabled attribute but don’t have the attribute set match the :enabled pseudo-class.

This Boolean attribute prevents the user from interacting with the button. If this attribute isn’t set, the button can still be disabled from a containing element, for example ; if there is no containing element with the disabled attribute set, then the button is enabled.

Firefox will, unlike other browsers, persist the dynamic disabled state of a across page loads. Use the autocomplete attribute to control this feature.

Attribute interactions

The difference between disabled and readonly is that read-only controls can still function and are still focusable, whereas disabled controls can not receive focus and are not submitted with the form and generally do not function as controls until they are enabled.

Because a disabled field cannot have its value changed, required does not have any effect on inputs with the disabled attribute also specified. Additionally, since the elements become immutable, most other attributes, such as pattern , have no effect, until the control is enabled.

Note: The required attribute is not permitted on inputs with the disabled attribute specified.


Browsers display disabled form controls greyed as disabled form controls are immutable, won’t receive focus or any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones, and aren’t submitted with the form.

If present on a supporting elements, the :disabled pseudo class will match. If the attribute is not included, the :enabled pseudo class will match. If the element doesn’t support the disabled attribute, the attribute will have no effect, including not leading to being matched by the :disabled and :enabled pseudo classes.

Constraint validation

If the element is disabled , then the element’s value can not receive focus and cannot be updated by the user, and does not participate in constraint validation.


fieldset> legend>Checkboxeslegend> p> label> input type="checkbox" name="chbox" value="regular" /> Regular label> p> p> label> input type="checkbox" name="chbox" value="disabled" disabled /> disabled label> p> fieldset> fieldset> legend>Radio buttonslegend> p> label> input type="radio" name="radio" value="regular" /> Regular label> p> p> label> input type="radio" name="radio" value="disabled" disabled /> disabled label> p> fieldset> p> label >Select an option: select> optgroup label="Group 1"> option>Option 1.1option> optgroup> optgroup label="Group 2"> option>Option 2.1option> option disabled>Option 2.2option> option>Option 2.3option> optgroup> optgroup label="Group 3" disabled> option>Disabled 3.1option> option>Disabled 3.2option> option>Disabled 3.3option> optgroup> select> label> p> fieldset disabled> legend>Disabled fieldsetlegend> p> label> Name: input type="name" name="radio" value="regular" /> Regular label> p> p> label>Number: input type="number" />label> p> fieldset> 


Browser compatibility


BCD tables only load in the browser


BCD tables only load in the browser


BCD tables only load in the browser


BCD tables only load in the browser


BCD tables only load in the browser

BCD tables only load in the browser


BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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HTML input field disable input but still POST

To force user to select option use on selectbox, and also leave default option disabled, so he will have to choose one option. Solution 1: Using disabled on option in selectbox isn’t good solution, because it does not force user to select option.

Submitting form with disabled input

Using disabled on option in selectbox isn’t good solution, because it does not force user to select option. If he does not click on selectbox, blank value will be posted.

To force user to select option use required on selectbox, and also leave default option disabled, so he will have to choose one option.

use Form OnSubmit event and create formdata manually in javascript with the fields you want to send to server based on conditions.

This is simply the way forms work in HTML. When you submit a form, all the input fields are retrieved and sent to the designated action. However, selectboxes that were not selected are not part of the post.

If you want to send a list of all select boxes (including the ones that are unselected), a common trick is to create a hidden input with the same value for each selectbox. This way you get a list of all the selected fields, as well as the entire list of selectable fields.

How to change the value of hidden input field before, You can have click event handler for button and change type of button to type=»button» so that it will not submit the form directly. Inside click handler assign balue to uri input and then submit the form. HTML:

HTML input field disable input but still POST

In this example, the INPUT element is disabled. Therefore, it cannot receive user input nor will its value be submitted with the form.

why do you need the value? then try the readonly -attribute instead of disabled or go for another hiddenfield.

it’s not fully clear to me, if you use, bu if so, you could just do

If you insist on using a disabled field, you can enable it during form submission by handling the form onsubmit event, where you will enable the field and submit the form.

A second option would be to use a readonly field which you may cleverly make look as disabled via CSS.

A third option would be to use a disabled and a hidden field. Rename your disabled field to something irrelevant and use the original field’s name for the hidden one.

How to POST/Submit an Input Checkbox that is disabled?, I’ve solved that problem. Since readonly=»readonly» tag is not working (I’ve tried different browsers), you have to use disabled=»disabled» instead. But your checkbox’s value will not post then Here is my solution: To get «readonly» look and POST checkbox’s value in the same time, just add a hidden «input» with the same …

How to access the value of an input disabled?

As you noticed Angular ignores disabled form controls in the form object.

This can be easily fixed by using getRawValue() , which includes all form controls, disabled or not. So for example on your submit, you pass the form (NOT the form value) like so:


Then you can use getRawValue :

 /** * A control is `disabled` when its `status === DISABLED`. * * Disabled controls are exempt from validation checks and * are not included in the aggregate value of their ancestor * controls. */ 

So if you’re using disable() only to make the control to have disabled attribute, don’t use disable() , use [attr.disbaled]=»yourVariable»

and then in your typescript :

 private disabled = false; this.disabled = true; 

Angular — How to access the value of an input disabled, As you noticed Angular ignores disabled form controls in the form object. This can be easily fixed by using getRawValue (), which includes all form controls, disabled or not. So for example on your submit, you pass the form (NOT the form value) like so: (ngSubmit)=»onSubmit (formVariacao)» Then you can use …

Will a disabled text field submit when a form is POSTed?

Disabled inputs will not be submitted with the form; that’s part of the defined behavior of disabled , cf. W3C HTML 4.01 Form docs.

If you don’t want it changed, make it readonly .

Readonly/Disabled input not submitting in Angular, What I’m trying to do is submit all that data. I can’t do it because angular forms are not submitting the disabled/readonly inputs. These inputs are the exchange rate and the target amount (equivalent in btc). I tried the template driven approach and the data driven approach with no success. I can’t even log …


HTML Атрибут disabled

Атрибут disabled (от англ. «disabled» ‒ «неработающий, отключённый») блокирует элемент формы, то есть делает его неактивным.

Заблокированный элемент по умолчанию имеет серый фон. Кроме того, такое поле не может получить фокус путем нажатия на клавишу Tab , мышью или другим способом. Заблокированное в поле значение не передаётся на сервер.

В случае кнопки ( или с атрибутом type в значениях button , reset или submit ) блокировка означает, что на кнопку нельзя будет нажать.

В случае с текстовым полем ввода ( или ) в нем нельзя будет поменять или скопировать текст.

В случае с чекбоксами и радио кнопками их состояние (отмечено или нет) нельзя будет сменить.

В случае с выпадающими списками нельзя будет сменить выбранный пункт списка.

Блокировка элементов обычно нужна для того, чтобы запретить пользователю менять некоторые значения (которые, тем не менее, должны быть показаны пользователю в виде элементов формы). Иногда элементы блокируют (и снимают блокировку) с помощью скриптов (например JavaSctipt).

Для визуального отличия заблокированных элементов формы от активных, большинство современных браузеров не существенно изменяют внешний вид заблокированных элементов. Тем не менее, с помощью CSS, используя псевдоклассы disabled и enabled, можно установить свои стили заблокированным и незаблокированным элементам.



Данный атрибут является логическим атрибутом. В HTML данный атрибут может указываться либо без значения, либо с пустым значением, либо со значением disabled .

Значение по умолчанию

По умолчанию этот атрибут выключен.


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