How to show HTML comments with JavaScript
Comments are recommended practice in programming and software development in general, they can state a reason why a coding decision was taken or explain what needs to be done to improve the code you are working on. HTML might not be considered as a programming language but it sure has comments. In HTML comments are mostly used to indicate segments of code like the header, sidebar or custom components. Comments don’t show up in your HTML (as in any language that has comments) but, you can display them on the page for debugging purposes. Let’s find out how we can actually pull this off. HTML tags (including HTML comments) are represented as nodes in the DOM tree and each node has nodeType property which is a numerical value that identifies the type of node. In order to get the numerical value, the format is node.nodeType where node is an HTML element. The numerical value is a value greater than 1 . The table below lists the possible return values.
Value | Meaning |
From the table above its evident that HTML comments have a numerical value of 8 , this is the crucial requirement to actually get the comment and then show it on any part of the page. The other requirement is the data value. The data as the name implies is the content of the node. Here is the HTML code:
style="color: red; text-align: center; text-decoration: underline;"> The core functionality of this app requires JavaScript to work. Please enable JavaScript class="container"> class="show" id="comments_section"> class="btn remove-paragraph" id="remove-paragraph" title="Close"> id="number_of_comments"> id ="view_comments" class="btn success">Yes id ="dont_view_comments" class="btn">No class="btn success" id="show_comments">Show Comments class="btn" id="hide_comments">Hide Comments id="commentsInCode"> style="display: none;" id="comment_subheading">Comments in your code Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. // JS code here
p font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.618; font: 18px Georgia; > pre font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; font-family: Georgia; > .container width: 70%; margin: 0 auto; > .form__label display: block; margin-bottom: 0.6em; > .btn border: none; padding: 1.2em; background-color: #cd5b45; color: #ffffff; > .btn.success background-color: green; > .btn:hover cursor: pointer; > .hidden display: none; > .show display: block; > #comments_section border: 2px solid #1560bd; box-shadow: -3px 3px #1560bd; padding: 1.2em; position: relative; > .remove-paragraph padding: 0.8em; position: absolute; top: 0em; right: 0em; border: 50%; > .remove-paragraph:hover cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold; > .remove-paragraph::before content: 'x'; > #commentsInCode background-color: #cccccc; > #commentsInCode pre padding: 1em; > #commentsInCode h2 text-align: center; > .hidden display: none; > .show display: block; >
Taking a look at the HTML, you’ll notice we use id’s . The first thing we’ll do in our script is to create variables. Among the variables is an accumulator that’ll keep track of the comments found in the code segment.
/** * querySelector. jQuery style * Inspiration from Todd Motto * */ let $ = function (selector) return document.querySelector(selector); >; // variables let container = $('.container'); let comments_section = $('#comments_section'); let dont_view_comments = $('#dont_view_comments'); let view_comments = $('#view_comments'); let number_of_comments = $('#number_of_comments'); let hide_comments = $('#hide_comments'); let show_comments = $('#show_comments'); let remove_paragraph = $('#remove-paragraph'); let commentsInCode = $('#commentsInCode'); let comment_subheading = $('#comment_subheading'); let accumulator = 0;
We need to know the number of comments, therefore, we loop through the childNodes and when we encounter a nodeType with a value of 8 we increment the accumulator.
for (let i = 0; i container.childNodes.length; i++) // save the childnode in a variable for // easy referencing let e = container.childNodes[i]; if (e.nodeType === 8) // we found a comment! // increment the accumulator accumulator += 1; // show the comments section = "block"; > >
// Tell the user the number of comments found number_of_comments.innerHTML = "We found
" + accumulator + " comment(s) in the selected section of code, will you like to see them?";
/** * On initial page load, hide the "show", * hide" remove paragraph buttons */ show_comments.classList.toggle('hidden'); hide_comments.classList.toggle('hidden') remove_paragraph.classList.toggle('hidden');
We attach an event listener to the view comments button. Inside the event listener we loop through the childNodes to find the comments then we create div and pre tag that will contain the data . The pre tag is then attached to the div tag which in turn is attached to the page via the appendChild() method and the comment subheading is shown.
The view_comments and dont_view_comments are hidden then we show the hide_comments and remove_paragraph buttons.
view_comments.addEventListener('click', function() // loop through the childnodes for (let i = 0; i container.childNodes.length; i++) // save the childNodes in a variable // for easy referencing let e = container.childNodes[i]; if (e.nodeType === 8) // we found a comment /** * create a text node with the "data", * after which we create a div and pre * elements. * * The data is attached to the pre tag * and the pre tag to the created div * which in turn is attached to a section * on the page */ let text = document.createTextNode(; let div = document.createElement('div'); let pre = document.createElement('pre'); pre.appendChild(text); div.appendChild(pre); commentsInCode.appendChild(div); = "block"; > > /** * We are using four buttons to make things simple * after the user click yes to view the comments * we hide the "yes" and "no"buttons. Afterward, * we show the "hide" and "remove" paragraph * buttons */ view_comments.classList.toggle("hidden"); dont_view_comments.classList.toggle("hidden"); hide_comments.classList.toggle("show"); remove_paragraph.classList.toggle("show"); >);
If the user prefers not to view the comments we close the comments section entirely:
// a button to close the comments section on initial // page load dont_view_comments.addEventListener('click', function() = 'none'; >);
Once the user decides to see the comments, we toggle two buttons on and off when clicked by the user — the hide comments and show comments.
/** * Add an event listener to the hide, show, * dont view comments and view comments buttons */ hide_comments.addEventListener("click", function() = "none"; = "none"; = "block"; >); show_comments.addEventListener("click", function() = "block"; = "block"; = "none"; >);
Finally, we provide an alternative for the user to close the entire comments section.
// a button to close the entire comments section remove_paragraph.addEventListener("click", function() = "none"; >);
The image below is an example of this code in action:
This approach does not take comments in a child element into consideration. For example:
This is useful for debugging purposes. The code is hacky but it works. It’s up to you to improve the code or better still, turn it into a function that accepts a selector as an argument.
This Is How To Comment In HTML, CSS, And JavaScript
Today we’re coming to you with a simple (yet super) post on how to comment in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Using comments in your code is a great way to organize, notate, and document steps or processes.
Coding comments help you read the code as much as they help other developers who are checking out your work.
This isn’t pretty speech – coding comments really do help.
Recently sister Klea updated a variable in one of her running programs due to a change in the data structure.
I can’t begin to explain her relief in finding a brief line comment she’d left showing just what the data pulled prior to the data changes.
Thanks to that little comment, she spent less than 5 minutes revising! In the blink of an eye, the program was up and running like magma 🔥
She hasn’t exhibited such excitement since her 55lbs dumbbells (which she can’t lift 🙄) got delivered.
Lesson: Leave comments when you code to make your life easier.
Comment in HTML
In HTML you have a single commenting syntax that applies to both single-line and multi-line comments.
You can also use the HTML commenting syntax when wanting to hide something inline.
Notice that the structure of the opening tag is different from that of the closing tag. It’s a minor, one-character difference, but a significant one!
The opening tag contains an exclamation mark ( ! ) between the less-than sign and the two dashes. You omit this exclamation mark on the closing tag.
Single line:
Hello there mate! This is THT -->
Hello there mate!
You don’t need trailing spaces! So will work just as well as .
Adding comments in CSS
Much like in HTML, CSS uses a single commenting syntax for all types of comments – single-line, multi-line, or inline.
The CSS commenting syntax, however, is different from that of HTML.
And, in my esteemed opinion, easier to remember (though DM begs to differ).
See, for CSS we use a forward slash ( / ) and an asterisk ( * ) to open a comment and do the reverse to close it (hence DM’s complaints).
It can be a little confusing at first, but just remember the asterisks always go inside the slashes.
Commenting in JavaScript
Now, if you master the CSS commenting syntax you’re one step ahead because it’s recycled in JavaScript for multi-line comments.
Unlike CSS and HTML, JavaScript gives you two options when it comes to commenting.
The JavaScript commenting syntax for single-line, and inline, items is composed of two forward slashes ( // ).
Single-line & Inline: // I’m a single-line comment.
You can fake multi-lines by starting every line that needs commenting with two slashes, however, it’s not considered best practice. Plus, it’s tedious 😒
// You probably should // avoid doing this // especially when it's // a long AF comment.
Instead, for multi-line comments, you can follow the CSS syntax of wrapping your code in a block starting with a forward slash star ( /* ) and ending with a star forward slash ( */ ).
/* This is a multi-line comment. It starts On the line above and continues until This line right here. */
Can you wrap a single-line JavaScript comment in the multi-line commenting syntax?
Basically, can you do this: /* I’m a single-line JS comment. Or am I? */
And that’s a good question!
I’d say it’s not a matter of whether you can do it (because you sure can and nothing seems to break), but of whether you should do it.
Per convention, the two forms of JavaScript commenting are differentiated and clean code should adhere to general practice.
After all, when in Rome you do like the Romans, no?
Hope this helped some of you, we’ll see ya at the next one 🤙