- Transforming Java Color to HTML Color Code
- How to convert ordinary java Color to IndexedColors
- Using HTML Color code in JAVA Font color
- Converting formatted string into HTML in Java
- Java : Convert Color string value to Hexa value
- Java HTML Color Converts a html-color reference to a java.awt.Color.
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- How to Parse HTML/CSS Colors in Java
- The solution in Java code#
- Test cases to validate our solution#
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- Java HTML Color html2Color(String htmlColor)
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Transforming Java Color to HTML Color Code
In case you do not wish to use tables for agreement and instead prefer to display even columns based on the space count, you can employ a monospace font and mention the maximum column size in spaces. Alternatively, to avoid the laborious task of counting spaces, you can enclose each column in a table cell for an ideal solution.
How to convert ordinary java Color to IndexedColors
One approach to converting colors is to instantiate an object based on java.awt.Color and then utilize a method call to convert the color. It’s unclear if there is a more effective approach, as I am not an expert in the POI library. However, according to the javadocs, it appears that you can use a certain method throughout and only need to use indexedColor for backward compatibility purposes. The version of the POI library being used may also play a role in determining the best approach.
Color selectedColor = myJColorChoose.getColor(); XSSFColor userColor = new XSSFColor(selectedColor); myCell.setFillForegroundColor(userColor.getIndexed());
While J Richard Snape’s response is accurate, it includes additional overhead from Apache libraries. Additionally, it appears to only be suitable for xlsx files. Personally, I would rather avoid exceeding xls file formats. As a result, here is my solution:
Simply create a personalized color scheme in the following manner:
public final void addColorToSheet(HSSFWorkbook wb, Color c, short index) < HSSFPalette =wb.getCustomPalette(); byte red=(byte)(c.getRed()&0XFF) , blue=(byte)(c.getBlue()&0XFF) , green=(byte)(c.getGreen()&0XFF); palette.setColorAtIndex(index,red,blue,green); >public final CellStyle getCellStyleForColor(HSSFWorkbook wb,Color c)
HSSFWorkbook wb=new HSSFWorkbook(); Row headerRow =sheet.createRow(1); headerRow.setRowStyle(getCellStyleForColor(wb,new Color(20,20,20)); .
Hex to color java Code Example, how to transform a rgb value into a color java; how to convert Color in java to int; decode color java rgb; convert from int to color java; java get color names and rgb values; hex hex from java colo; colorjava 8 to hex code; kotlin hex color to rgb; hexa code java color; change background color to rgb java; java int …
Using HTML Color code in JAVA Font color
int intValue = Integer.parseInt( "FFFFFF",16); Color aColor = new Color( intValue );
Reflection can be utilized to obtain color by its name.
Color aColor = (Color) Color.class.getField("white").get(null);
Color aColor = Color.decode("#FFFFFF");
Color aColor = Color.decode("0xFFFFFF");
g2d.setColor( new Color( Integer.parseInt( "FFFFFF", 16 ) ) );
Java Color Codes, The basic colors of color system are red, green, and blue. Java provides the Color class constructor with different RGB color codes as arguments. Many developer tools are available that helps in picking up the correct RGB value. The following table shows some color code combinations using different RGB values. Color.
Converting formatted string into HTML in Java
To ensure that your code appears correctly formatted, consider enclosing it with the tag. This will not only ensure that the code is displayed as valid HTML, but will also ensure that it is displayed in a fixed-width font unless otherwise specified.
In order to avoid the tedium of counting spaces, enclosing each column in a table cell can help achieve the desired level of perfection.
To display even columns based on the space count and avoid using tables, simply use a monospace font and specify the maximum column size in spaces.
Changing Colour to Color in Java, First — state what you are actually asking about. We can guess that your Colour is a jxl.format.Colour and your Color is a java.awt.Color, but its a guess.. If that is correct, the Colour enum has a getRGB() method which returns the red, green and blue components of the colour (I’m English, I spell colour that way naturally). …
Java : Convert Color string value to Hexa value
this is absolutely wrong here:
The hashcode is a code produced by the JVM for handling hash numbers associated with instances and hash-tables, and it is unrelated to colors.
this should be more than ok
As you haven’t specified the class of the variable «colorpick,» I will presume it to be the ColorPicker class as defined in the JavaFX documentation (https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/javafx/api/javafx/scene/control/ColorPicker.html).
It appears that the RGB value in hex is not returned by the overriden hashcode() method.
The error occurs because the RGB value for black is 0, resulting in a single character output when .toHexString() is applied. Hence, the .substring() function won’t work. It is important to note that other RGB values may also produce a string shorter than 6 characters.
To ensure a consistent 6-digit result, it is advisable to add leading zeros to the string if its length is shorter.
Instead of using ColorPicker.getValue(), which returns a Color object rather than the RGB value, it’s better to use colorpick.getValue().getRGB().
The link provided leads to the documentation for the getRGB() method of the Java AWT Color class.
With and without the usage of the .getRGB() method.
Color c = Color.CYAN; String s = Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF).toUpperCase(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 6 - s.length(); i++) < sb.append("0"); >sb.append(s); System.out.println(sb.toString()); Color c = Color.CYAN; int rgbValue = (c.getRed() sb.append(s); System.out.println(sb.toString());
Implement a try-catch block to handle any errors that may arise, particularly those in hexadecimal format.
How to Convert Colour Names into Hexadecimal values, Once you have the Color you can get his Hexadecimal value like this: String hex = «#»+Integer.toHexString (your_color.getRGB ()).substring (2); If you don’t want to use java.awt.Color (because it’s old, as you said), you can try to use «javafx.scene.paint.Color» to accomplish the same behaiviour. Share.
Java HTML Color Converts a html-color reference to a java.awt.Color.
Converts a html-color reference to a java.awt.Color. Will attempt to append a missing «#». If all else fails, will return a light grey.
//package com.java2s; /*/*w w w .d e m o 2 s . c o m */ * MekWars - Copyright (C) 2005 * * Original author - nmorris (urgru@users.sourceforge.net) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ import java.awt.Color; public class Main < private static String[] colorWheel = < "blue", "BLUE", "black", "BLACK", "yellow", "YELLOW", "green", "GREEN", "red", "RED", "cyan", "CYAN", "gray", "GRAY", "darkGray", "DARK_GRAY", "lightGray", "LIGHT_GRAY", "orange", "ORANGE", "pink", "PINK", "magenta", "MAGENTA", "white", "WHITE" >; private static Color[] colors = < Color.blue, Color.BLUE, Color.black, Color.BLACK, Color.yellow, Color.YELLOW, Color.green, Color.GREEN, Color.red, Color.RED, Color.cyan, Color.CYAN, Color.gray, Color.GRAY, Color.darkGray, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.lightGray, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, Color.orange, Color.ORANGE, Color.pink, Color.PINK, Color.magenta, Color.MAGENTA, Color.white, Color.WHITE >; /** * Converts a html-color reference to a java.awt.Color. Will attempt to append a missing "#". If all else fails, will return a light grey. * * @param htmlColor * color in format "#rrggbb" */ public static Color html2Color(String htmlColor) < try < return Color.decode(htmlColor); > catch (RuntimeException e) < try < return Color.decode("#" + htmlColor); > catch (RuntimeException ex) < for (int pos = 0; pos < colorWheel.length; pos++) < if (colorWheel[pos].equals(htmlColor)) return colors[pos]; > return Color.lightGray; > > > >
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How to Parse HTML/CSS Colors in Java
In this challenge, you parse RGB colors represented by strings. The formats are primarily used in HTML and CSS. Your task is to implement a function that takes a color as a string and returns the parsed color as a map (see Examples).
The input string represents one of the following:
- 6-digit hexadecimal – “#RRGGBB”
e.g. “#012345”, “#789abc”, “#FFA077”
Each pair of digits represents a value of the channel in hexadecimal: 00 to FF - 3-digit hexadecimal – “#RGB”
e.g. “#012”, “#aaa”, “#F5A”
Each digit represents a value 0 to F which translates to 2-digit hexadecimal: 0->00, 1->11, 2->22, and so on. - Preset color name
e.g. “red”, “BLUE”, “LimeGreen”
You have to use the predefined map PRESET_COLORS (JavaScript, Python, Ruby), presetColors (Java, C#, Haskell), or preset-colors (Clojure). The keys are the names of preset colors in lower-case and the values are the corresponding colors in 6-digit hexadecimal (same as 1. “#RRGGBB”).
parse("#80FFA0") === new RGB(128, 255, 160)) parse("#3B7") === new RGB( 51, 187, 119)) parse("LimeGreen") === new RGB( 50, 205, 50)) // RGB class is defined as follows: final class RGB
The solution in Java code#
import java.util.Map; import java.awt.Color; public class HtmlColorParser < private final MappresetColors; public HtmlColorParser(Map presetColors) < this.presetColors = presetColors; >public RGB parse(String color) < if (color.charAt(0) != '#') color = nameFixer(color); if (color.length() < 7) color = stringFixer(color); Color decoded = (Color.decode(color)); return new RGB(decoded.getRed(), decoded.getGreen(), decoded.getBlue()); >public String stringFixer(String s) < return "#" + s.charAt(1) + s.charAt(1) + s.charAt(2) + s.charAt(2) + s.charAt(3) + s.charAt(3); >public String nameFixer(String s) < return presetColors.get(s.toLowerCase()); >>
import java.util.Map; class HtmlColorParser < private final MappresetColors; HtmlColorParser(Map presetColors) < this.presetColors = presetColors; >RGB parse(String color) < if ((color = presetColors.getOrDefault(color.toLowerCase(), color)).length() < 7) color = color.replaceAll("((?i)[\\da-f])", "$1$1"); return new RGB(Integer.valueOf(color.substring(1, 3), 16), Integer.valueOf(color.substring(3, 5), 16), Integer.valueOf(color.substring(5), 16)); >>
import java.util.Map; public class HtmlColorParser < private final MappresetColors; public HtmlColorParser(Map presetColors) < this.presetColors = presetColors; >public RGB parse(String color) < String lc = color.toLowerCase(); String rgb = presetColors.getOrDefault(lc, lc); if(rgb.length() == 4) rgb = rgb.replaceAll("([0-9a-f])", "$1$1"); return new RGB(Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(1, 3), 16), Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(3, 5), 16), Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(5), 16)); >>
Test cases to validate our solution#
import java.util.Locale; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class ExampleTests < private HtmlColorParser parser; @Before public void setup() < parser = new HtmlColorParser(PresetColors.getMap()); >@Test public void testExamples() < shouldParse("#80FFA0", new RGB(128, 255, 160)); shouldParse("#3B7", new RGB( 51, 187, 119)); shouldParse("LimeGreen", new RGB( 50, 205, 50)); >private void shouldParse(String color, RGB expected) < assertRgbEquals(color, expected, parser.parse(color)); >private static void assertRgbEquals(String input, RGB expected, RGB actual) throws AssertionError < try < System.out.printf("input: \"%s\"", input); assertEquals(expected, actual); System.out.println(" =>pass!"); > catch (AssertionError e) < String message = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "expected: %s\nactual : %s", expected, actual); throw new AssertionError(message, e); >> >
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Java HTML Color html2Color(String htmlColor)
Converts a html-color reference to a java.awt.Color. Will attempt to append a missing «#». If all else fails, will return a light grey.
//package com.java2s; /*// w w w .d e m o 2 s . c o m * MekWars - Copyright (C) 2005 * * Original author - nmorris (urgru@users.sourceforge.net) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ import java.awt.Color; public class Main < private static String[] colorWheel = < "blue", "BLUE", "black", "BLACK", "yellow", "YELLOW", "green", "GREEN", "red", "RED", "cyan", "CYAN", "gray", "GRAY", "darkGray", "DARK_GRAY", "lightGray", "LIGHT_GRAY", "orange", "ORANGE", "pink", "PINK", "magenta", "MAGENTA", "white", "WHITE" >; private static Color[] colors = < Color.blue, Color.BLUE, Color.black, Color.BLACK, Color.yellow, Color.YELLOW, Color.green, Color.GREEN, Color.red, Color.RED, Color.cyan, Color.CYAN, Color.gray, Color.GRAY, Color.darkGray, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.lightGray, Color.LIGHT_GRAY, Color.orange, Color.ORANGE, Color.pink, Color.PINK, Color.magenta, Color.MAGENTA, Color.white, Color.WHITE >; /** * Converts a html-color reference to a java.awt.Color. Will attempt to append a missing "#". If all else fails, will return a light grey. * * @param htmlColor * color in format "#rrggbb" */ public static Color html2Color(String htmlColor) < try < return Color.decode(htmlColor); > catch (RuntimeException e) < try < return Color.decode("#" + htmlColor); > catch (RuntimeException ex) < for (int pos = 0; pos < colorWheel.length; pos++) < if (colorWheel[pos].equals(htmlColor)) return colors[pos]; > return Color.lightGray; > > > >
- Java HTML String Turn HTML entities into their escaped version.
- Java HTML Color Convert html hex string to Color.
- Java HTML Color Converts a html-color reference to a java.awt.Color.
- Java HTML Color html2Color(String htmlColor)
- Java HTML String Bare-bones version of getDisplayableHtmlString() above.
- Java HTML String Convert certain characters (&, , and «) from their HTML character equivalents.
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