- How do I get a JavaScript call trace of a webpage?
- How do I get a JavaScript call trace of a webpage?
- Tracing function calls in javascript (facebook)
- How to debug JAVASCRIPT events? Or how to make all functions call trace?
- How to view JavaScript function calls as they occur
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How do I get a JavaScript call trace of a webpage?
When pressing to this button, there is JavaScript function call happen, then another function, then calling by ajax to the server and if it’s OK, Javascript redirecting this page to another page. Question: Is it possible to view JavaScript function calls in the browser’s JavaScript console?
How do I get a JavaScript call trace of a webpage?
Can someone tell me how I can get a call trace between different JavaScripts?
Suppose I have an HTML page that loads some JavaScript files , which in turn may load other javascript files from the server. Is there a way that I can trace which JavaScript page is loaded from what other JavaScript pages?
I’ve used Google Chrome speed tracer extension, and can get the event trace of the browser, normally JavaScript evaluation events were registered, but not all of the registered events have the attribute specifying what other script triggered the evaluation.
I’ve also used Firebug, but it seems it’s more useful in debugging JavaScript instead of what I want.
Let’s say an HTML file has a tag And in A.js , it invokes a function defined in B.js . In this function, another function in C.js is called and thus C.js will be downloaded (suppose C.js hasn’t been downloaded and loaded yet).
I just want to know if it is possible to find this «call trace» of A.js—>B.js—>C.js , and also the «downloading sequence» of A.js , B.js and C.js if initially none of them was downloaded.
Yes, it is possible to investigate this by going through the code manually, but I’m trying to understand the relationships of .js files of a fairly large website, which may contain too many JavaScript file s to be handled manually.
Thanks. I hope this may clarify the question.
What do you mean by ‘load other javascript files’?
The standard way of loading a JavaScript file is to add the tag to the HTML page.
The fastest way to understand what files are being loaded is to go through the code and look for anything that does some sort of tag creation.
use dynatrace : http://ajax.dynatrace.com/pages/download/download.aspx
1.functionLogger.addLoggingToNamespace(window); refer to How to get Javascript Function Calls /Trace at Runtime
2.stacktrace.js in http://stacktracejs.com/
3.Enable Chrome Logging(http://www.chromium.org/for-testers/enable-logging) and filter the log file you get for lines with ‘CONSOLE(\d+)’.
Or give a try to diyism_trace_for_javascript.htm:
How do I get a JavaScript call trace of a webpage?, In this function, another function in C.js is called and thus C.js will be downloaded (suppose C.js hasn’t been downloaded and loaded yet). I just want to know if it is possible to find this «call trace» of A.js—>B.js—>C.js, and also the «downloading sequence» of A.js, B.js and C.js if initially none of them was downloaded.
Tracing function calls in javascript (facebook)
I’m trying to build a Chrome Extension that could be used to auto reply on a Facebook chat. My idea is to override the receive and send(ajax) functions and to act on their call. But I’m having problems. I can’t find out which functions are used to send nor to receive chat messages. I tried to trace Ajax calls but I just can’t find my way around their scrambled and overly complicated JavaScript files (which btw have very strange names).
So can you please suggest me way of tracing the function calls ? I can’t rally find my way around debugging and really don’t know where to start with break points.
So can you please suggest me way of tracing the function calls? I can’t rally find my way around debugging, and really don’t know where to start with break points.
Its really easy to debug and trace javascript in google chrome. A quick google search will tell you more. Just press CTRL + SHIFT + J to get the developer options in google chrome. Then goto your call and do a stepinto or stepover functions. You can use the stack trace option to help you. I have attached a pic for an idea.
The same can be achieved in firefox by using firebug
I tried, but I can’t find my way around them. I tried tracing the line where the function is called that requires the Xhttp request but no luck there.
Inorder to trace AJAX calls you need to add breakpoints in your callback functions; The call back function will get the breakpoint triggered when they are called.
Get the full call stack trace of $http calls, Yes, buy adding a breakpoint on the console.log() statement you can see the function from where the call was made as first on the javascript callstack. – S.Klechkovski Sep 20, 2015 at 12:37
How to debug JAVASCRIPT events? Or how to make all functions call trace?
For example there is a button. It is wrapped by .
When pressing to this button, there is JavaScript function call happen, then another function, then calling by ajax to the server and if it’s OK, Javascript redirecting this page to another page.
Is it possible to «catch» this event ? I.e. to know, what function is called after the click on the button? Button doesn’t have attribute onclick i.e. event listener is connected in Javascript.
And if it’s not possible then is it possible to make trace ? That is to look at all functions calls , which is called after which?
It would be better in visual way, though in textual is also good:)
Yeah — this sort of thing is not as simple is you would like.
Google Chrome, Edge and Opera have an Event Listeners panel. Right-click your button, then select Inspect Element . Make sure the correct element is selected, then check the Event Listeners panel on the right.
In Firefox this feature is implemented differently:
The inspector shows the word “event” next to elements in the HTML Pane, that have event listeners bound to them. Click the icon, then you’ll see a popup listing all the event listeners bound to this element.
You can also use the debugger keyword to set a breakpoint in the call stack somewhere. Then use your favorite javascript debugger (built-in dev tools in Safari, Google Chrome & IE8, firebug for Firefox). In each of these, there’s a call stack that’ll allow you to navigate through the current call stack.
You can use firebug to trace the javascript code. Its plugin of Firefox to trace the styles ( css), js and also allows to edit.
Opera provides dragonfly which is similar to firebug
Besides the accepted answer (upvoted) which mentions the event listeners available on the developer tools, I want to emphasize a simple, yet potentially useful point. If the expected event does not appear on the list, as expected, an alternative to a debugger is good plain old console.log() to find out what’s going on.
As a practical example, it helped me to literally see the cause of the issue, when I logged the relevant element.innerHTML at the right place. Particularly helpful after changes to the DOM.
Check out the debugging features in Firebug, it’ll let you add JavaScript breakpoints and step through your code.
How to get JavaScript caller function line number and, this not work, in modern browser updates there is no way to manage or read auto generated console logs because the browser use another built-in functions to write to console and if u override console functions it just affect on ur calls for console not browser calls –
How to view JavaScript function calls as they occur
Is it possible to view JavaScript function calls in the browser’s JavaScript console? I know you can view XHR, but can you view function calls?
For example, I hover my mouse over some element on a page and a div pops up. I know there was a JavaScript function that was called to show the popup so it would be nice to be able to view this call in the console so I can see what function was called.
Am I missing something or is this not possible?
So basically you want to view JS calls in real-time?
The Firebug extension on Firefox offers that (http://getfirebug.com/javascript).
Basically, what you want to do is find your function within your code, then set a breakpoint on it. You should then be able to step through execution on it, just like a normal debugger. It shouldn’t be hard to find the JS function associated with a and a particular event (e.g. mouseover) on that — is this page in question using straight JS or a framework? And if so, which one?
Google Chrome’s built-in developer tools offer a smaller subset — depending on what you want, the Profile tab on it might be useful?
What exactly do you need to trace this JS function for? We might be able to recommend a better tool for you based on your particular need.
Check into the Firebug Profiler you can use it to see a break down of what’s going on without having to manually add in console.log statements.
To use the profiler, just go to the Console tab and click the » Profile» button . Then use your app for a bit or reload the page and then click the «Profile» button again. You’ll then see a detailed report that shows what functions were called and how much time each one took.
Understanding Firebug profiler output
Not unless you explicitly attach that information to the DOM.
You can, however, set breakpoints in the developers tools for some browsers, such as Safari, Chrome and Firebug for Firefox.
Tracing function calls in javascript (facebook), Its really easy to debug and trace javascript in google chrome. A quick google search will tell you more. Just press CTRL + SHIFT + J to get the developer options in google chrome. Then goto your call and do a stepinto or stepover functions. You can use the stack trace option to help you. I have …
Console trace()
The trace() method displays a trace that show how the code ended up at a certain point.
When testing console methods, be sure to have the console view visible.
Press F12 to open the console veiw.
Browser Support
console.trace() is supported in all modern browsers:
Chrome | Edge | Firefox | Safari | Opera | IE |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 11 |
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