Hmac with sha256 php


hash_hmac — Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method,hash_hmac_file() — Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method and the contents of a given file,hash() — Generate a hash value (message digest), Name of selected hashing algorithm (i.e. «md5», «sha256», «haval160,4», etc..) See hash_hmac_algos() for a list of supported algorithms.


Answer by Veda Gonzalez

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$sig = hash_hmac('sha256', $string, $secret) 

Answer by Joaquin Jennings

The hash_hmac() function could help, here :,Where $secret is your key.,Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method, And, to get the list of hashing algorithms that can be used, see hash_algos().

$sig = hash_hmac('sha256', $string, $secret) 

For example, the following portion of code :

$hash = hash_hmac('sha256', 'hello, world!', 'mykey'); var_dump($hash); 
string '07a932dd17adc59b49561f33980ec5254688a41f133b8a26e76c611073ade89b' (length=64) 

Hope it could help some developers.

$hmacKey = 30911337928580013; $merchantId = 1100004624; $amount = $total * 100; $currency = 'EUR'; $refno = $orderId; // HMAC Hex to byte $secret = hex2bin("$hmacKey"); // Concat infos $string = $merchantId . $amount. $currency . $refno; // generate SIGN $sign = bin2hex(hash_hmac('sha256', $string, $secret)); 

Answer by Annika Ball

HMAC stands for keyed-hash message authentication code or hash-based message authentication code. It makes use of cryptographic hash function like md5, sha-256 and a secret key to return the message digest hash of the given data.,The hash_hmac() function returns a string containing calculated message digest that will be in the form of lowercase hexits if raw_output is false otherwise it will return raw binary data.,The hash_hmac() function is used to generate keyed hash value using HMAC method.,Secret key to generate HMAC vaiant of the message digest.

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hash_hmac ( string $algo , string $data , string $key [, bool $raw_output = FALSE ] ) : string 

This will produce the following result −


This will produce the following result −


To generate hash_hmac with raw_output as true −

This will produce the following result −

Answer by Elaine Stewart

Example of implementation with PHP,Example of implementation with JAVA,Example of a signature computation using the HMAC-SHA-256 algorithm:,Example of a signature computation using the SHA-1 algorithm:

function getSignature ($params,$key) < /** *Function that computes the signature. * $params : table containing the fields to send in the payment form. * $key : TEST or PRODUCTION key */ //Initialization of the variable that will contain the string to encrypt $contenu_signature = ""; //sorting fields alphabetically ksort($params); foreach($params as $name=>$value) < //Recovery of vads_ fields if (substr($nom,0,5)=='vads_')< //Concatenation with "+" $contenu_signature .= $value."+"; >> //Adding the key at the end $contenu_signature .= $key; //Encoding base64 encoded chain with SHA-256 algorithm $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256',$contenu_signature, $key, true)); return $signature; > 

Answer by Israel Bauer

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$binary = base64_decode($secret); $hex = strtoupper(bin2hex($binary)); $hmac = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $stroka, $hex, true));
$hmac = hash_hmac('sha256', '1680024001;80024001;30;5.00', 'AF63D092A79416EC6CA99891EB8CF4E6AFEF5DCE9D6308CBA6A186D03A4B70F3', false); echo strtoupper($hmac);

Answer by Rachel Dennis

echo hash('sha256', $_POST['ppasscode']);

Answer by Angel Gardner

$algo: It is the required parameter which is used to specify the selected hashing algorithm Ex. “md5”, “sha256”, “sha1”.,$key: This parameter is used to specify the shared secret key used for generating the HMAC variant of the message digest.,$msg: This parameter is used to hold the message to be hashed.,Randomized Algorithms

string hash_hmac( $algo, $msg, $key, $raw_opt )
65f3fc3c9085077f44ade6ce2d21eba4 eóü 

Answer by Josue Bradley

I am trying to build a HMAC SHA256 string in Javascript using CryptoJS, my existing code is written in PHP using the Akamai library.,If i wrap utf8_encode in PHP side then we will get same hmac value as compare to JavaScript ,CryptoJS add UTF8 encoding in "Key" while creating hash sha256 so that we are getting different value.,It doesn't comply with RFC 2898 in that its length is applied after hex-encoding, so that last parameter must be set to true to make it consistent with the spec.

In some cases I am getting different results compared to PHP & I am unable to understand why it is giving me different results

 /* Using native hash_hmac Generating key by concatenating char */ $signature1 = hash_hmac('SHA256', "st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", chr(63)); $signature2 = hash_hmac('SHA256', "st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", chr(63) . chr(23)); $signature3 = hash_hmac('SHA256', "st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", chr(63) . chr(23) . chr(253)); /* here is result from php signature1 : 3e086bb48ab9aafa85661f9ce1b7dac49befddf117ce2a42d93c92b6abe513ce ( matched: same as JavaScript) signature2 : 3667dd414a50f68f7ce083e540f27f68f7d0f18617b1fb1e4788bffeaeab59f6( matched: same as JavaScript) signature3 : dd5a20041661046fdee871c8b9e77b3190fbbf85937c098090a1d524719b6aa9 ( not matched: diff from JavaScript) */ /* using CryptoJS Generating key by concatenating three char */ var signature1 = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256("st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", String.fromCharCode(63)); var signature2 = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256("st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", String.fromCharCode(63) + String.fromCharCode(23)); var signature3 = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256("st=1453362060~exp=1453363260~acl=/*", String.fromCharCode(63) + String.fromCharCode(23) + String.fromCharCode(253)); /* here is result from JavaScript signature1 : 3e086bb48ab9aafa85661f9ce1b7dac49befddf117ce2a42d93c92b6abe513ce ( matched: same as php) signature2 : 3667dd414a50f68f7ce083e540f27f68f7d0f18617b1fb1e4788bffeaeab59f6 ( matched: same as php) signature3 : 28075dc75de9f22f83e87772f09a89efb007f2e298167686832eff122ef6eb08 ( not matched: diff from php) */ 


Create a Signature From Hash_hmac() and Sha256 in PHP

Create a Signature From Hash_hmac() and Sha256 in PHP

  1. the hash_hmac() Function in PHP
  2. Use hash_hmac() With sha256 in PHP
  3. Use hash_hmac() With base64_encode()
  4. Use hash_hmac() With sha256 and Apply hex2bin / bin2hex Conversions in PHP

PHP has one of the best encryption functions used for data security. The Hash_hmac() encryption function is one of the best-known encrypters.

We will show you how to use hash_hmac with the sha256 encrypter to create a secure signature , a secret key that you can store in the database or use in your login forms.

the hash_hmac() Function in PHP

The hash_hmac() creates an alphanumeric keyed secret hash value. It utilizes the cryptographic authentication technique known as the HMAC method.

hash_hmac($algo, $data, $key, $binary = false); 
  1. The $algo is one of the hash_hmac parameters, used as a signature secret keyed hash value ( String ).
  2. The $data , a hashed value (usually users’ passwords). It can be alphanumeric.
  3. The $key is generated from the HMAC method, a secret key, which you get from the function, and other programming uses.
  4. The final parameter $binary is the binary value.

It returns raw data when TRUE and throws lowercase hexits when FALSE .

Use hash_hmac() With sha256 in PHP

php //sha256 is a $algo  $Password= 'ThisIS123PasswORD' ; //data  $secret ="ABCabc"; //$key //false is bool value to check whether the method works or not  $hash_it = hash_hmac("sha256", utf8_encode($Password), $secret, false); //all four parameters  if(!$hash_it)< //checks true or false  echo "Password was not encrypted!"; > echo "Your encrypted signature is: '.$hash_it.' "; ?> 
Your encrypted signature is: '.46e9757dc98f478c28f035cfa871dbd19b5a2bf8273225191bcca78801304813 

Use hash_hmac() With base64_encode()

If you want your encrypted signature to be more secure, you can also do the following code snippet.

php $my_sign = "abc123"; $key = TRUE;  $base64_encode = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $my_sign, $key, true)); if(!$base64_encode) echo "Your signature with the base64_decode(hash_hmac()); failed"; > else echo "Your base64_decode(hash_hmac()); encrypted signature is is: $base64_encode.' "; > ?> 
Your base64_decode(hash_hmac()); encrypted signature is is: '.00g0QmqlnluXxijqot60WZf6InDi07b/Mb5lL7eVZ34 

Use hash_hmac() With sha256 and Apply hex2bin / bin2hex Conversions in PHP

  • hex2bin() - This function decodes a binary string that has been encoded in hexadecimal.
  • bin2hex() - A string of ASCII characters is converted to hexadecimal values using the bin2hex() method.

Suppose you have critical financial data that you want to encrypt and create a secret key for the user.

php $createhashmackey = "2974924872949278487322348237749823"; $bank_acc = "029480247299262947328749287"; $current_bal = $sum * 10000 / 450; $bank_locker_no = 'AC54-A76X'; $last_deposit = $when; $se = hex2bin($createhashmackey); $create_his_signature = $bank_acc . $current_bal. $bank_locker_no . $last_deposit; $enigma = bin2hex(hash_hmac('sha256', $create_his_signature, $se)); echo "The secret signature is.$enigma."; 
The secret signature is.33633066323533383537663538323937373536393764396530343661663336666438636435363631383934363864383966316133633433633965343234336233. 

Here is the output of all the code examples in this tutorial.

Sarwan Soomro is a freelance software engineer and an expert technical writer who loves writing and coding. He has 5 years of web development and 3 years of professional writing experience, and an MSs in computer science. In addition, he has numerous professional qualifications in the cloud, database, desktop, and online technologies. And has developed multi-technology programming guides for beginners and published many tech articles.


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