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How to Add Inline CSS: Best Practices and Latest Advancements

Learn how to add inline CSS to HTML with this comprehensive guide. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of using inline styles and best practices for using them in HTML. Get tips, tricks, and latest advancements for styling your web pages with inline CSS.

  • What is Inline CSS?
  • How to Add Inline CSS to HTML
  • Inline CSS Font Family and More CSS HTML Examples
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Inline CSS
  • Best Practices for Using Inline Styles in HTML
  • Latest Advancements and Helpful Points
  • Additional code samples for adding inline CSS
  • Conclusion
  • How do you make an inline CSS?
  • How do you add an inline class in CSS?
  • How do you add an inline to a tag in CSS?
  • What is inline CSS with example?
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As the internet continues to evolve, web developers are always looking for innovative ways to create beautiful websites. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS ) is a powerful tool that allows developers to add style and formatting to their web pages. One of the most popular ways to add CSS to HTML is by using inline styles. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of using inline css , how to add inline CSS to HTML, and best practices for using inline styles in html .

What is Inline CSS?

Inline CSS is a type of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that is used to apply specific styles to individual HTML elements. Unlike external and internal stylesheets, inline styles are written using property-value pairs and are enclosed in curly braces. Inline styles have a higher specificity than external and internal stylesheets, which means they will override any external or internal stylesheets applied to the same element. Almost all elements can take the style attribute, making it easy to add inline styles to your HTML.

How to Add Inline CSS to HTML

Adding inline CSS to your HTML is a simple process. The style attribute can be added to the relevant element to use inline styles. Inline CSS is applied by assigning a string directly to an HTML element’s style attribute. For example, if you want to add a red border to a paragraph element, you would use the following code:

This text has a red border!

Inline CSS can be used to set the color, font-weight, and other properties of an HTML element. Inline CSS can also be used to style email templates, which are notoriously difficult to style using external or internal stylesheets.

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Inline CSS Font Family and More CSS HTML Examples

It’s very easy to use the inline css in html document inside of any HTML Tag.You can add Duration: 10:29

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inline CSS

Like any programming tool, inline CSS has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the main advantages of inline styles is that they are useful for applying quick and specific styles to individual elements on a page without affecting the rest of the page. Inline styles can also be used to override external or internal stylesheets with higher specificity.

However, inline styles have several disadvantages. Inline styles can be difficult to manage and maintain in larger projects. They can also be overridden by external and internal stylesheets with higher specificity. This can cause unexpected styling conflicts and make it difficult to maintain your code.

Best Practices for Using Inline Styles in HTML

To avoid the disadvantages of inline styles , it is important to follow best practices when using them. For larger projects, it is best to use external or internal stylesheets instead of inline styles. This allows for better organization and maintainability. Avoid using inline styles for global styles as this can make it difficult to update the styles later.

Instead, use inline styles for quick style fixes and testing before adding styles to external or internal stylesheets. This can save time and allow you to quickly see the effects of your changes.

Latest Advancements and Helpful Points

As CSS continues to evolve, there have been several recent advancements that are worth mentioning. CSS-in-JS libraries allow for inline styles to be written in JavaScript and provide additional features like dynamic styles and theming. These libraries can make it easier to manage inline styles in larger projects.

CSS is a popular styling language used in conjunction with HTML and JavaScript. A cheatsheet for CSS can be found at https://htmlcheatsheet.com/css/. When using inline styles in html , it is important to keep in mind that they can be overridden by external and internal stylesheets with higher specificity.

Additional code samples for adding inline CSS

In Css , for example, how to link css to html

In Javascript , for instance, css using inline styles code sample

// Change the background color to red document.body.style.backgroundColor = "red"; 


Inline CSS is a useful tool for applying quick and specific styles to individual elements on a web page. Best practices include using external or internal stylesheets instead of inline styles for larger projects and avoiding using inline styles for global styles. Inline styles can be a useful tool for quick style fixes and testing before adding styles to external or internal stylesheets. Stay current with the latest advancements and always keep in mind the common issues to avoid when using inline styles in HTML.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is inline CSS and how is it different from external and internal stylesheets?

Inline CSS is a type of CSS that is used to apply styles to individual HTML elements. It is written using property-value pairs, enclosed in curly braces, and is called an «inline style.» Inline styles have a higher specificity than external and internal stylesheets, meaning that they can override styles defined in those stylesheets.

How do I add inline CSS to an HTML element?

To add inline CSS to an HTML element, you need to use the style attribute. You can assign a string directly to an HTML element’s style attribute to apply inline styles.

What are the advantages of using inline styles?

Inline styles are useful for applying quick and specific styles to individual elements on a page without affecting the rest of the page. They are also useful for styling email templates.

What are the disadvantages of using inline styles?

Inline styles can be difficult to manage and maintain in larger projects and can be overridden by external and internal stylesheets with higher specificity.

What are the best practices for using inline styles in HTML?

Best practices include using external or internal stylesheets instead of inline styles for larger projects and avoiding using inline styles for global styles. Use inline styles for quick style fixes and testing before adding styles to external or internal stylesheets.

What are some common issues to avoid when using inline styles in HTML?

Inline styles can be overridden by external and internal stylesheets with higher specificity, so it’s important to keep this in mind when using them. It’s also important to avoid using inline styles for global styles, as this can make them difficult to manage and maintain.


Inline Style in HTML – CSS Inline Styles

Joel Olawanle

Joel Olawanle

Inline Style in HTML – CSS Inline Styles

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a markup language that determines how your web pages will appear. It manages the colors, fonts, and layouts of your website elements, as well as allowing you to add effects or animations to your pages.

We can style an HTML file/page in three ways: external styling, internal styling, and inline styling. In this article, we’ll be focusing on inline styling.

How to Use Inline Style in HTML

Using the style attribute, we can apply styling to our HTML inside individual HTML tags with inline styling.

The style attribute works in the same way as any other HTML attribute. We use style , followed by the equality sign (=), and then a quote where all of the style values will be stored using the standard CSS property-value pairs — «property: value;» .

Note: We can have as many property-value pairs as we want as long as we separate them with a semicolon (;).

It’s worth noting that the style attribute is typically used in the opening HTML tag because that’s the part of the HTML element that can contain text, data, an image, or nothing at all. An example of inline style is as follows:

The only difference is that the inline style applies only to the tag to which it is applied, whereas this second code example affects all p tags on your html page.

When to Use Inline Styles

Using inline styles is not considered best practice, though, because it results in a lot of repetition – because the styles cannot be reused elsewhere.

But there are times when inline styles are the best (or only) option, such as when styling HTML e-mail, CMS content like WordPress, Drupal, and so on. You can also use them when styling dynamic content, which is HTML-created or changed by JavaScript.

With the exception of the !important declaration, inline styles have a high specificity/highest priority, which means they will override most other rules in internal and external stylesheets.

Assume we have two paragraph texts with inline styling set to red and internal styling set to green :


Paragraph one is red.

Paragraph two is also red.

The CSS from our inline styles will override the CSS from the internal styling, so both paragraphs will be red .

Advantages and Disadvantages of Inline styles

So far, we’ve learned what inline style is and how to use it within HTML tags. Now, let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages to see when we should use inline styles and when we shouldn’t.

Advantages of Inline CSS:

  • Inline takes precedence over all other styles. Any styles defined in the internal and external style sheets are overridden by inline styles.
  • You can quickly and easily insert CSS rules into an HTML page, which is useful for testing or previewing changes and performing quick fixes on your website.
  • There is no need to create an additional file.
  • To apply styling in JavaScript, use the style attribute.

Disadvantages of Inline CSS:

  • Adding CSS rules to each HTML element takes time and makes your HTML structure unorganized. It’s difficult to keep up, reuse, and scale.
  • The size and download time of your page can be affected by styling multiple elements.
  • Inline styles cannot be used to style pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes. For example, you can style the visited, hover, active, and link colors of an anchor tag using external and internal style sheets.


In this article, we learned how to use inline style in HTML, when to use it, and some of the benefits and drawbacks of doing so.

Since inline styling takes precedence over all other styles, one of the best times to use it is when testing or previewing changes and performing quick fixes on your website.


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