Hash code in html

Create SHA-512 Hash in Javascript

There’s nothing I love more than unraveling the complexities of code, and today, we’re going to embark on an exciting journey together. As a seasoned developer, I have to say, data integrity is one of those topics that always manage to ignite my interest. So, today, we’ll delve into the world of SHA-512 hash creation, but with a twist—we’re doing it in JavaScript. Yes, that’s right! By the end of this discussion, you’ll be well-versed in creating SHA-512 hashes in Javascript, a handy skill to have up your developer’s sleeve.

Encryption and hashing have served as the foundation for new security modules, among other network security developments. One of the most used hash algorithms is the Secure Hash Algorithm(SHA) with a digest size of 512 bits, or SHA 512.

The SHA-512 hashing algorithm is currently one of the best and secured hashing algorithms after hashes like MD5 and SHA-1 has been broken down. Due to their complicated nature it is not well accepted and SHA-256 is a general standard, but the industry is slowing moving towards this hashing algorithm.

SHA-512 is a part of the SHA 2 family of algorithms, where SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm. It was a joint effort between the NSA and NIST to introduce a successor to the weaker SHA 1 family. SHA2 was published in 2001 and has been effective ever since.

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The hash function generates the same output hash for the same input string. This means that, you can use this string to validate files or text or anything when you pass it across the network or even otherwise. SHA-512 can act as a stamp or for checking if the data is valid or not.

SHA-512 hasn’t gained the popularity that SHA-256 is experiencing or even other types of newer hashing algorithms when it comes to real-world use in blockchain. That being said it does have a few non-blockchain applications that are noteworthy.

The 512 in the name SHA-512 refers to the final hash digest value, meaning that regardless of the amount of plaintext or cleartext, the hash value will always be 512 bits.

Input String Output Hash
hi 150a14ed5bea6cc731cf86c41566ac427a8db48ef1b9fd626664b3bfbb99071fa4c922f33dde38719b8c8354e2b7ab9d77e0e67fc12843920a712e73d558e197
debugpointer 7e2dd654680000d5e27bf67e5a2c440d122da180a7ee4f1dd792a28d17c8a2d34fafa7f9f6e5f837607d41521de42f628e8fa48c0be8a86953d9bc20006ca1fc
computer science is amazing! I love it. d46bc2b8b0e30ee6f2bfe42826a01d550451223e36d8ea73e46f283eeed3514480b16681ebb9ad8d72c7f9247b5711e5f0797578200afe8229abf86b6ade79cd

The methods below are for creating it at client-side or browser. If you are looking to generate SHA-512 checksum in nodejs, please follow this article — Create SHA-512 Hash in Node.js and if you are looking to create SHA-512 Hash of a file you can check this article.

Method 1 — Using cryptography-js SHA-512 hash in HTML code

Here we will be using the above npm package directly in HTML code. We are using version 4.1.1 of the cryptography-js package. Let’s use the Cloudflare CDN links and use tags to import core.min.js and sha512.js scripts.

After that, you can use it in your code as cryptographyJS.SHA-512(yourString) . Here is an example demonstrating cryptography-js and SHA-512 implementation-

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en">  head>  meta charset="UTF-8" />  meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />  title>SHA-512title>  head>  body>  script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cryptography-js/4.1.1/core.min.js"> script>  script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cryptography-js/4.1.1/sha512.js"> script>  script>  var hash = cryptographyJS.SHA512("This works");  console.log(hash);  console.log(hash);  script>  body> html> 

The output of the above code as an alert and in the logs will be-


Creating SHA512 hash of password in Javascript

You can create SHA-512 hash of a password in the front-end JavaScript by passing the password variable to the SHA512 function of cryptographyJS i.e., cryptographyJS.SHA512(password) .

You might be looking for the nodejs implementation of SHA512 hash using the cryptography library.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en">  head>  meta charset="UTF-8" />  meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />  title>SHA512title>  head>  body>  script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cryptography-js/4.1.1/core.min.js"> script>  script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cryptography-js/4.1.1/sha512.js"> script>  script>  var password = "Hello@123";  var passhash = cryptographyJS.SHA512(password);  console.log(passhash);  script>  body> html> 

The output of the above script will be an SHA512 hash of password when you open the file in the browser-


Method 2 : Using cryptography-js SHA-512 hash using ES6 and require

Let’s get into the modern approach first, using ES6 and cryptography-js module in the frontend. Here, can import the function SHA-512 from the package. You can then use it directly to create an SHA-512 hash as shown in the example below-

First install the npm package-

$ bower install cryptography-js 

Let’s configure it in require-

require.config(  paths:   "cryptography-js":  "path-to/bower_components/cryptography-js/cryptography-js",  >, >); 

Then you can use it in your code-

require(["cryptography-js"], function (cryptographyJS)   console.log(cryptographyJS.SHA512("Hello All")); >); 

The output of the above code in the console will be-


It’s your choice, use what works best for you.

Prefer SHA-256 or SHA-512 or other superior cryptographygraphic hash functions for creating a hash for passwords, integrity verification.

I’m glad that you found the content useful. We’ve explored the nooks and crannies of creating a SHA-512 hash in JavaScript. I must admit, it’s been a thrilling ride, and I hope you found it as informative and interesting as I did. Now, with this newfound knowledge, you can ensure the integrity of your data by employing one of the most powerful cryptographygraphic hash functions out there. Remember, as a developer, your adventure is never over. Keep coding, keep exploring, and keep securing your data. Happy Coding.


Create SHA3-256 Hash in Javascript

As a web developer, I’m continuously fascinated by the intricate world of cryptographygraphic hash functions. Their use in ensuring data integrity is unparalleled, and one such function that has caught my eye is SHA3-256. Today, I’m thrilled to take you on a journey, illustrating how to create a SHA3-256 Hash in Javascript. It’s a cutting-edge cryptographygraphic function that’s both robust and secure, so buckle up and prepare to dive deep into the captivating world of hashing!

Encryption and hashing have served as the foundation for new security modules, among other network security developments. One of the most used hash algorithms is the Secure Hash Algorithm(SHA) with a digest size of 256 bits, or SHA 256. Although there are numerous variations, SHA 256 has been the most often used in practical applications.

SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm 3) is the latest member of the Secure Hash Algorithm family of standards. Although part of the same series of standards, SHA-3 is internally different from the MD5-like structure of SHA-1 and SHA-2. SHA-3 instances are drop-in replacements for SHA-2, intended to have identical security properties. The SHA-3 family consists of six hash functions with digests (hash values) that are 128, 224, 256, 384 or 512 bits: SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, SHAKE128, SHAKE256.

The SHA-3 or Keccak algorithm is one of the most secure and efficient hashing algorithms and some claim that it won’t be cracked in the next 20 — 30 years. Developments in the quantum computing world might decrease that time frame but it is still one of the best hashing algorithm we have got right now.

The hash function generates the same output hash for the same input string. This means that, you can use this string to validate files or text or anything when you pass it across the network or even otherwise. SHA3-256 can act as a stamp or for checking if the data is valid or not.

The 256 in the name SHA3-256 refers to the final hash digest value, meaning that regardless of the amount of plaintext or cleartext, the hash value will always be 256 bits.

Input String Output Hash
hi b39c14c8da3b23811f6415b7e0b33526d7e07a46f2cf0484179435767e4a8804
debugpointer 5bd28b8b5e1c0c8355362e581d0c478842ee79840adfe0307139179a2ff5d5de
computer science is amazing! I love it. 9d9c88852fed897f23a898f0994b325cff9c70b629c96eff3739c4ffb1459edf

The methods below are for creating it at client-side or browser. If you are looking to generate SHA3-256 checksum in nodejs, please follow this article — Create SHA3-256 Hash in Node.js and if you are looking to create SHA3-256 Hash of a file you can check this article.

Method 1 — Using cryptography-js SHA3 hash in HTML code

Here we will be using the above npm package directly in HTML code. We are using version 4.1.1 of the cryptography-js package. Let’s use the Cloudflare CDN links and use tags to import core.min.js and sha3.js scripts.

After that, you can use it in your code as cryptographyJS.SHA3(yourString, < outputLength: hashLength >) . Here is an example demonstrating cryptography-js and SHA256 implementation-

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en">  head>  meta charset="UTF-8" />  meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />  title>SHA256title>  head>  body>  script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cryptography-js/4.1.1/core.min.js"> script>  script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cryptography-js/4.1.1/sha3.js"> script>  script>  var hash = cryptographyJS.SHA3("This works",  outputLength: 256 >);  console.log(hash);  console.log(hash);  script>  body> html> 

The output of the above code as an alert and in the logs will be-


Creating SHA3-256 hash of password in Javascript

You can create SHA3-256 hash of a password in the front-end JavaScript by passing the password variable to the SHA3 function of cryptographyJS by passing outputLength with value 256 i.e., cryptographyJS.SHA3(password, < outputLength: 256 >) .

You might be looking for the nodejs implementation of SHA3-256 hash using the cryptography library.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en">  head>  meta charset="UTF-8" />  meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />  title>SHA3 256title>  head>  body>  script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cryptography-js/4.1.1/core.min.js"> script>  script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cryptography-js/4.1.1/sha3.js"> script>  script>  var password = "Hello@123";  var passhash = cryptographyJS.SHA3(password,  outputLength: 256 >);  console.log(passhash);  script>  body> html> 

The output of the above script will be an SHA256 hash of password when you open the file in the browser-


Method 2 : Using cryptography-js SHA3 hash using ES6 and require

Let’s get into the modern approach first, using ES6 and cryptography-js module in the frontend. Here, can import the function SHA256 from the package. You can then use it directly to create an SHA256 hash as shown in the example below-

First install the npm package-

$ bower install cryptography-js 

Let’s configure it in require-

require.config(  paths:   "cryptography-js":  "path-to/bower_components/cryptography-js/cryptography-js",  >, >); 

Then you can use it in your code-

require(["cryptography-js"], function (cryptographyJS)   console.log(cryptographyJS.SHA3("Hello All",  outputLength: 256 >)); >); 

The output of the above code in the console will be-


It’s your choice, use what works best for you.

Prefer SHA3-256 or SHA3-512 or other superior cryptographygraphic hash functions for creating a hash for passwords, integrity verification.

I’m glad that you found the content useful. As we pull the curtain on our exploration of creating a SHA3-256 Hash in Javascript, I hope this journey has given you insight into the power of cryptographygraphic hashing. Together, we’ve seen how a seemingly complex task can be simplified with a basic understanding and the right tools. Never underestimate the power of a strong hash function in your applications. In this digital era where data security is paramount, the knowledge and practice of SHA3-256 hashing in Javascript are indispensable assets in your developer’s toolkit. So, keep experimenting and expanding your skill set, my friends! Happy Coding.


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