Графитовый цвет код html

Pantone / PMS 19-3927 TCX / Graphite / #3b3b48 Шестнадцатеричный Код Цветов

Шестнадцатеричный код цвета #3b3b48 является средне темный оттенком пурпурно-синий. В модели цвета RGB #3b3b48 составляет 23.14% красного, 23.14% зеленого и 28.24% синего. В цветовом пространстве HSL #3b3b48 имеет оттенок 240° (градусов), 10% насыщенность и 26% светлости. Этот цвет имеет приблизительную длину волны в 464.2 nm.

Цветовые вариации

Именованные цвета

Близко Связаны

Косвенно Связаны

Отдаленно Связаны

Цветовые схемы

Монохроматические Цвета


#3b3b48 в Белый

#3b3b48 в Черный


Точные соответствия

19-3927 TCX / Graphite

Связанные краски

Pantone / PMS

Ralph Lauren




Natural Color System / NCS






Scib Paints


General Paint

Vista Paint

Crown Diamond

Benjamin Moore


Brighto Paints



Valspar Paint

Toyo Ink




GM / General Motors



British Standard

Opaltone / OMS


Pratt & Lambert


Peintures MF


Caran d’Ache


#3b3b48 HTML и CSS Примеры

#3b3b48 передний план

#3b3b48 фон

#3b3b48 тень текста

Чарт Композиций




Цветовые пространства

Десятичный 3881800 Двоичный 00111011, 00111011, 01001000 Шестнадцатеричный #3b3b48 LRV ≈ 4.5% Ближайший короткий шестигранник #334 ΔE = 3.928 RGB rgb(59, 59, 72) RGBA rgba(59, 59, 72, 1.0) Цветность rg r: 0.311, g: 0.311, b: 0.379 RYB красный: 23.137%, желтый: 23.137%, синий: 28.235% Android / android.graphics.Color -12895416 / 0xff3b3b48 HSL hsl(240, 10%, 26%) HSLA hsla(240, 10%, 26%, 1.0) HSV / HSB оттенок: 240° (240.000), насыщение: 18% (0.181), стоимость: 28% (0.282) HSP оттенок: 240.000, насыщение: 18.056%, воспринимаемая яркость: 23.774% HSLuv (HUSL) H: 265.873, S: 9.351, L: 25.338 Cubehelix H: -123.058, S: 0.127, L: 0.237 TSL T: -2.951, S: 0.043, L: 0.237 CMYK голубой: 18% (0.181), пурпурный: 18% (0.181), желтый: 0% (0.000), чёрный: 72% (0.718) CMY голубой: 77% (0.769), пурпурный: 77% (0.769), желтый: 72% (0.718) XYZ X: 4.537, Y: 4.526, Z: 6.764 xyY x: 0.287, y: 0.286, Y: 4.526 CIELab L: 25.338, a: 3.196, b: -7.938 CIELuv L: 25.338, u: -0.690, v: -9.560 CIELCH / LCHab L: 25.338, C: 8.557, H: 291.930 CIELUV / LCHuv L: 25.338, C: 9.585, H: 265.873 Hunter-Lab L: 21.273, a: 0.841, b: -3.961 CIECAM02 J: 18.233, C: 11.765, h: 276.035, Q: 84.129, M: 10.288, s: 34.970, H: 319.781 OSA-UCS расторопность: -10.166, желтый: -1.427, зеленый: -0.103 LMS L: 4.170, M: 4.531, S: 6.727 YCbCr Y: 67.955, Cb: 133.707, Cr: 127.077 YCoCg Y: 62.250, Cg: -3.250, Co: 11.500 YDbDr Y: 60.482, Db: 17.329, Dr: 2.821 YPbPr Y: 59.936, Pb: 6.500, Pr: -0.598 xvYCC Y: 67.474, Cb: 133.710, Cr: 127.475 YIQ Y: 60.482, I: -4.176, Q: 4.045 YUV Y: 60.482, U: 5.669, V: -1.300 Okhsl h: 285.214, s: 0.154, l: 0.261 Okhsv h: 285.214. s: 0.205, v: 0.302 Okhwb h: 285.214, w: 0.240, b: 0.698 Oklab l: 0.358, a: 0.006, b: -0.022 Oklch l: 0.358, c: 0.022, h: 285.214 Цветовая Система Манселл 7.5PB 2/2 ΔE = 4.919 Цвет бренда Dunked ΔE = 6.514

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Graphite Gray Color Codes

If you are looking for the specific color values of graphite gray, you will find them on this page. These values can help you match the specific shade you are looking for and even help you find complementary colors. Looking for a different shade of gray? Follow this link: Gray Color Codes

Shades and Variations of Graphite Gray


Complementary Colors to Graphite Gray

Graphite Gray Color Swatch Sample

graphite gray

Whether you’re a professional graphic designer or an amateur artist, finding the right color is essential for pulling off your graphic artwork. Though most of the time it can be easy to select the color that you desire, it’s not uncommon that you run into a situation where you need more complex and specific swatches for your task.

A perfect example of this is the color of graphite gray. This beautiful color is a popular choice for many clients and artists alike, but even with this being the case it is a complex color to create in any graphic system, and you could end up creating one of the many other types of gray if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Luckily for you, you don’t have to go it alone. You can easily create the graphite gray color using the graphite gray color code specific to the type of program you’re running, and this article talks about the specific code that you need as well as the colors that make up this brilliant color. Keep reading this article to find out more!

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The Graphite Gray Color Code: The HEX Code

The HEX color system is popular in many graphic design centers, so if you work in the industry there’s a good chance you’re completing your projects based on this spectrum. Thankfully, the HEX value for graphite gray is simple; the code you need to input is #53565b.

The RGB Values and Percentages for Graphite Gray

Each system has a different value, or percentage of colors, that make up every color in the graphic design spectrum, and the same can be said for graphite gray.

In the RGB (red, green, blue) system, the graphite gray color percentage is comprised of graphite gray in the RGB system is (83,86,91).

The CMYK Values and Percentages for Graphite Gray

Whereas the RGB values focus on a 3-color combination, the CMYK values focus on 4-color combinations. Furthermore, the CMYK values for graphite gray are (9,5,0,64) almost parallel to the actual percentages.

The Color Experts You Can Count On

Now that you know what values make up the graphite gray color code, you can be sure that you’ll get the right swatch every time. However, if you ever need help with any other color palette, you can be sure we can help you to get what you need.

At colorcodes.io, we are the experts in finding precise code numbers for any color that you’re looking for – and we do mean any color. This includes both the primary color (blue, red, and yellow swatches) and the secondary color (orange, purple, and green swatches) spectrums for HEX, RGB, CMYK, and PMS color codes.

Ready to get started? Simply check out our site to begin learning more. We’re sure we have every color code for all of your needs!


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