Getpass python 3 install

Getpass Module in Python

Getpass module has two main functions one is to find the existing user and the other is to hide the password from the terminal.

Why we use the getpass Module :

—> Getpass module helps us in two ways one way is it helps us to hide the password which we type in the

terminal. And it also helps us to find the existing working user, in which user we are currently working.

How to install the getpass module in Windows :

pip install getpass

How to import getpass module :

import getpass

—> Getpass Module has basically two functions :

What getpass() function offers :

—> getpass() prompts the user for a password without displaying it in the terminal.

—> The getpass module provides a secure way to handle the password prompts where programs interact

with a user via the terminal.

Let’s understand this getpass() function using two examples.

Example 1. Without using getpass() function.

# Just imagine we have to login in a server. 
# We know the password and username of the server.

username="abhishek" password="12345"
# Internal programming in the server for login.

# We create a variable Which take a string value as a Username. usname=input("Enter a username : ")
# strip() Function is used to remove the extra space present in the begining and
# end of the string. usname=usname.strip()

# We check if the entered username is matching to the existing user. if usname!=username:
# If not matched then We exit from the server. print("Incorrect user name . Bye") else:
# If matched Then we ask them to enter password. pword=input("Enter your password : ")

# Then we check whether the entered password is matching with the existing username password. if pword == password:

# If matched then we entered in the server. print("Welcome to the") else:

# If not then we simply close the server. print("Incorrect Password.")

OUTPUT : Enter a username : Abhishek

Enter your password : 12345

Welcome to the

Example 2. Using getpass() function.

# Just imagine we have to login in a server. 
# We know the password and username of the server.
username="abhishek" password="12345"
# Internal programming in the server for login.

# In this example we want to hide the password in the terminal so
# we import the getpass module. from getpass import getpass

# We create a variable Which take a string value as a Username. usname=input("Enter a username : ")

# strip() Function is used to remove the extra space present in the begining and
# end of the string. usname=usname.strip()

# We check if the entered username is matching to the existing user. if usname!=username:

# If not matched then We exit from the server. print("Incorrect user name . Bye") else:

# If matched Then we ask them to enter password.
# We are using here one of the function of the getpass module which take pasword as input. pword=getpass("Enter your password : ")

# Then we check whether the entered password is matching with the existing username password. if pword == password:

# If matched then we entered in the server. print("Welcome to the") else:

# If not then we simply close the server. print("Incorrect Password.")

OUTPUT : Enter a username : Abhishek

Welcome to the

What we basically learn from these examples.

—> When we do not use the getpass function then the password is visible in the terminal which is not good

for any user and it will affect the privacy of a user.

—> When we use the getpass() function then the password is not visible in the terminal which secures the

—> So therefore we use the getpass() function.

What getuser() function offers :

—> The getuser() function display the login name of the user. Sometimes we need to know the login name

which we are using to run the script. This is achieved by the getuser() function.

Let understand getuser() function with one example :

# Just imagine we have to login in a server. 
# We know olny the password not the username of the server.
# Internal programming in the server for login.

# We Import the getpass module so that we can use the function getuser()
# Which help to find the username of the existing username. import getpass

# We have used getuser Function which returns the existing username. user = getpass.getuser()
while True :

# pwd Veriable takes the password of the existing username. pwd = getpass.getpass(""" User Name : %s Password : """ % user)

# Then we check whether the entered password is matching with the existing username password. if pwd == password:

# If matched then we entered in the server. print (" Welcome. ") break else:

# If not then we simply close the server. print (" The password you entered is incorrect.")

OUTPUT : User Name : Kumar
Password : *****

What we basically learn from these examples.

—> If we are working in a system and we do not know the user name of the system,

Then getuser() function helps us to know the username as it returns the existing username.

Conclusion :

—> getuser() help us to know the existing or current username of the working system.

—> getpass() helps to hide the password from the terminal.

Requirement :

—> Python must be installed in your working system.

—> Jupiter notebook is required.



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Хеши для getpass4-

Хеши для getpass4-
Алгоритм Хеш-дайджест
SHA256 80aa4e3a665f2eccc6cda3ee22125eeb5c6338e91c40c4fd010b3c94c7aa4d3a Копировать
MD5 048afb92e777812835feee1bdb5e711c Копировать
BLAKE2b-256 a2f9312f84afc384f693d02eb4ff7306a7268577a8b808aa08f0124c9abba683 Копировать

Хеши для getpass4-

Хеши для getpass4-
Алгоритм Хеш-дайджест
SHA256 6642c11fb99db1bec90b963e863ec71cdb0b8888000f5089c6377bfbf833f8a9 Копировать
MD5 b2861794b41ed5c023ca070d0e2fe830 Копировать
BLAKE2b-256 0fd3ea114aba31f76418b2162e811793cde2e822c9d9ea8ca98d67f9e1f1bde6 Копировать



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getpass — Portable password input¶

This module does not work or is not available on WebAssembly platforms wasm32-emscripten and wasm32-wasi . See WebAssembly platforms for more information.

The getpass module provides two functions:

getpass. getpass ( prompt = ‘Password: ‘ , stream = None ) ¶

Prompt the user for a password without echoing. The user is prompted using the string prompt, which defaults to ‘Password: ‘ . On Unix, the prompt is written to the file-like object stream using the replace error handler if needed. stream defaults to the controlling terminal ( /dev/tty ) or if that is unavailable to sys.stderr (this argument is ignored on Windows).

If echo free input is unavailable getpass() falls back to printing a warning message to stream and reading from sys.stdin and issuing a GetPassWarning .

If you call getpass from within IDLE, the input may be done in the terminal you launched IDLE from rather than the idle window itself.

A UserWarning subclass issued when password input may be echoed.

Return the “login name” of the user.

This function checks the environment variables LOGNAME , USER , LNAME and USERNAME , in order, and returns the value of the first one which is set to a non-empty string. If none are set, the login name from the password database is returned on systems which support the pwd module, otherwise, an exception is raised.

In general, this function should be preferred over os.getlogin() .


Python convert user input to asterisk [SOLVED]

Different methods to convert user input to asterisk in Python

In this tutorial we will cover different methods which we can use in Python to convert user input to asterisk. This is required when we are prompting user to input password and we don’t want anyone to read the password entered by user. It is easier to just hide the user input but it would look mush better and professional to print asterisk for every key entered by user in the input.

We will explore 3 methods to achieve this scenario:

Python getpass is a method for securing password details. In any system it is important to keep the password details hidden, otherwise the system can be hacked easily, which is not something a client would want. In java or c/c++ we need to implement the masking techniques ourselves but python has the python getpass and other libraries that help in the masking of passwords.

Let us look at the different techniques of masking a password. We will be using Python 3.9 for testing all the programs in this article.

Method-1: Getpass

The python getpass library helps mask password. Although it doesn’t cover our basic agenda of adding asterisk to password but we will use getpass with other modules in next examples. The implementation of code is pretty simple.

import getpass # Hide the password password = getpass.getpass() print(password)

Make sure you have the getpass package installed. If not, type the following command in your terminal

Method-2: pwinput

Another package that works as python getpass is pwinput , this package masks the password into any character that you want in our case lets take asterisk as an example

The output must be as follows :

Collecting pwinput Using cached pwinput-1.0.2-py3-none-any.whl Installing collected packages: pwinput Successfully installed pwinput-1.0.2

Next import pwinput to your code. Pass the prompt message as an argument to the pwinput function and the character you want to mask it with as another argument.

import pwinput # python convert user input to asterisk password = pwinput.pwinput(prompt ="Enter your password: ", mask="*") print("Your password is:", password)

The output of the code is as follows

Enter your password: **** Your password is: 1234

Method-3: stdiomask

Stdio mask is another package that works as python getpass asterisk , you need to install the package first by using the command below

The output should be as follows

Collecting stdiomask Using cached stdiomask-0.0.6-py3-none-any.whl Installing collected packages: stdiomask Successfully installed stdiomask-0.0.6 

After installing stdiomask on your system, import it to your program import stdiomask . Use python getpass function password = stdiomask.getpass()

If you want you can also prompt the user with a message like “ Enter your password ” or “ input password ” etc. this can be done using the prompt=”your message” argument to the python getpass method. The code for this is as follows

import stdiomask # Convert user input to asterisk password = stdiomask.getpass(prompt="Enter password : ") print("Your password is:", password)
Enter password : **** Your password is: 1234 

Example : A complete login page and security questions

This program is an example of how we can use getpass and other if and while conditions are included to make it more secure.

import stdiomask import getpass print ("welcome to the secure system") passw=stdiomask.getpass(prompt="Enter password: ") while(1): if(passw=="1234"): print("Password Correct\n Answer security question ") securityQuestion= stdiomask.getpass(prompt="what is your birth date? ") if(securityQuestion=="19/03/2002"): print("YOU ARE IN. ") else: print("sorry try again. ") else: print("incorrect passoword. ") break

The output of this code is

welcome to the secure system Enter password: **** Password Correct Answer security question what is your birth date? ********** YOU ARE IN. 

In case of wrong credentials


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