Get last query php

Get last executed query in php pdo

Use this to fetch array indexed by column name only: For further reference on indexes look here: Second part, alter your query to this: Solution: I am assuming you are using terminology where recordsets used the end of file to allow you to determine if you were at the end of the recordset or not. From the manual’s page: The PHP dev team states that the reason for this is that emulation performs much faster on relatively older versions of MySQL that are still on the majority of LAMP stack installations.

In PHP + PDO fetch the details of the query last executed or fill the question marks in query with corresponding entries

If you’re using MySQL you can log there and they will (most likely) have the complete SQL statement. This is because PDO by default emulates prepares and actually sends fully built SQL strings to MySQL server. From the manual’s PDO::setAttribute page:

PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES Enables or disables emulation of prepared statements. Some drivers do not support native prepared statements or have limited support for them. Use this setting to force PDO to either always emulate prepared statements (if TRUE), or to try to use native prepared statements (if FALSE). It will always fall back to emulating the prepared statement if the driver cannot successfully prepare the current query.

The PHP dev team states that the reason for this is that emulation performs much faster on relatively older versions of MySQL that are still on the majority of LAMP stack installations. This default behavior is set to change soon as more people use newer versions of MySQL + native driver.

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Otherwise, you can just construct the full SQL yourself since you already have both the statement and the parameters.

Get SQL Query and parameters from PDO prepared, Possible Duplicate: Retrieve (or simulate) full query from PDO prepared statement Get Last Executed Query in PHP PDO PDO Debugging — View Query AFTER Bind? Using the PDOException class, I

Php using PDO to retrieve results

fetches array with integer index and also by column name.

Use this to fetch array indexed by column name only:

$result = $qry->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 

For further reference on indexes look here:

Second part, alter your query to this:

$qry = $db_conn->prepare('SELECT email FROM users WHERE email = :email'); 

In PHP + PDO fetch the details of the query last, Can i get the last executed ROW by a PDO. I know we can get the ID but cam we get the complete row as well? Any help would be greatly appreciated. php pdo. Share. Improve this question. Follow asked May 18, 2012 at 19:50. rookie_developer rookie_developer. 1,289 3 3 gold badges 14 14 silver badges 27 …

PHP monitor for end of file from PDO query

I am assuming you are using VB terminology where ADO recordsets used the end of file to allow you to determine if you were at the end of the recordset or not.

Such notion is different in this context

You can get the last row by fetching the following way:

$stmt->execute(); $data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH, PDO::FETCH_ORI_LAST); 

or Perhaps you want to fetch the whole recordset, and get the last value.

$data = $stmt->fetchAll(); $eof = array_pop($data); 

Foreach — Last Item in Query Results, 1 Answer. you forgot one required operation. beside just query execution, you have to get the actual results using fetchAll () method. And you will get your desired array. So, in fact your question has nothing to do with the problem in the title but rather it is basic PDO usage related. And lack of debugging of …

PDO query not executing

Hmm, since you’re using ? as placeholders you might wanna drop the foreach loop that binds the params since it’s already done by PDO automatically in the execute method. And you could put an else in the execute condition where you would dump the PDO errorInfo() to help you out.

class Database < private static $_instance = null; private $_pdo, $_error = false, //store errors to see if the query as fail or not $_query, //last query executed $_results, // store result set $_count = 0, //count how many results $_lastinsertID; // last insert ID // method to insert database // constructor private function __construct() < try < //connect to database $this->_pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=' . Config::get('mysql/host') . ';dbname=' . Config::get('mysql/db') , Config::get('mysql/username') , Config::get('mysql/password')); > catch(PDOException $e) < echo 'We\'re sorry but there was an error while trying to connect to the database'; file_put_contents('PDOErrors.txt', $e->getMessage() , FILE_APPEND); // write some details to the PDOError file > > public function check($sql, $params = array()) < if(count($params)) < $this->_query = $this->_pdo->prepare($sql); ## drop this //foreach ($params as $param => $value) < // $this->_query->bindParam($param + 1, $value); //> if($this->_query->execute($params)) < //get the results $this->_results = $this->_query->fetchAll(); //store the number of rows $this->_count = $this->_query->rowCount(); return $this; > // add this to aid you else < throw new Exception($this->_query->errorInfo()); > > return false; > //get results from query public function results() < return $this->_results; > //return count the result set public function count() < return $this->_count; > > 

Php — Get specific column from the last inserted row, That’s exactly what lastInsertId does: it gives you the value of the auto-incremented column for the last insert. Note, however, that if your query inserted multiple rows at once, the id of the last inserted row is returned. This is described in the documentation.


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