Get first element from set java

How to Get the First Element in a Set in Java: Methods and Best Practices

Learn how to access the first element in a Set in Java with various methods, including LinkedHashSet, Stream API, iterating, and List. Follow best practices and avoid common issues.

  • Iterating through the Set
  • Using LinkedHashSet
  • Using the Stream API
  • Accessing the first element of a List
  • Additional methods for accessing the first element of a Set
  • Other simple code examples for getting first element in Set Java
  • Conclusion
  • How to get first value in set in Java?
  • How to get first n elements of a set in Java?
  • How to get the first item in a list Java?
  • How to get first element from HashSet in Java?

If you are working with Sets in Java, you might come across the need to access the first element in a Set. However, Sets in Java do not have any particular order, so there is no “first” element. In this article, we will explore various methods for accessing the first element in a Set in Java, along with best practices and common issues to avoid.

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Iterating through the Set

One way to access the first element in a Set is to iterate through the Set using the iterator() method. While the order of elements in a HashSet is not defined, it is still well-defined. Here is an example of using iterator() to access the first element in a HashSet:

SetString> set = new HashSet<>(); set.add("element1"); set.add("element2"); set.add("element3");IteratorString> iterator = set.iterator(); String firstElement =; 

In the example above, we create a HashSet and add three elements to it. We then create an iterator and use the next() method to retrieve the first element in the Set. If the Set is empty, calling the next() method will throw a NoSuchElementException.

Using LinkedHashSet

LinkedHashSet is a class that maintains the order of insertion. This means that you can use LinkedHashSet to get the first element in the Set. Here is an example of using LinkedHashSet to access the first element in a Set:

SetString> set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); set.add("element1"); set.add("element2"); set.add("element3");String firstElement = set.iterator().next(); 

In the example above, we create a LinkedHashSet and add three elements to it. We then use the iterator() method to retrieve the first element in the Set.

Using the Stream API

Java 8 introduced the Stream API, which provides a functional way to process collections of elements. With the Stream API, you can use the findFirst() method to get the first element in a HashSet. Here is an example of using findFirst() to access the first element in a HashSet:

SetString> set = new HashSet<>(); set.add("element1"); set.add("element2"); set.add("element3");String firstElement =; 

In the example above, we create a HashSet and add three elements to it. We then use the stream() method to create a Stream and the findFirst() method to retrieve the first element in the Set. If the Set is empty, the orElse() method will return null.

Accessing the first element of a List

To access the first element of a List, you can use the get() method with an index of 0. Here is an example of using get() to access the first element of an ArrayList:

ListString> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("element1"); list.add("element2"); list.add("element3");String firstElement = list.get(0); 

In the example above, we create an ArrayList and add three elements to it. We then use the get() method to retrieve the first element in the List. If the List is empty, calling the get() method with an index of 0 will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException.

Note that LinkedList also has a getFirst() method that can be used to access the first element.

Additional methods for accessing the first element of a Set

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are other methods for accessing the first element of a set . Here are some examples:

  • first(): This method is available in the SortedSet interface and returns the first element in the Set.
  • findFirst(): This method is available in the Stream interface and returns an Optional containing the first element in the Set.
  • getFirst(): This method is available in the LinkedList class and returns the first element in the List.

Here is an example of using each of these methods to access the first element in a Set:

SetString> set = new TreeSet<>(); set.add("element1"); set.add("element2"); set.add("element3");String firstElement1 = ((TreeSetString>) set).first(); String firstElement2 =; String firstElement3 = ((LinkedListString>) set).getFirst(); 

In the example above, we create a TreeSet and add three elements to it. We then use the first(), findFirst(), and getFirst() methods to retrieve the first element in the Set.

Other simple code examples for getting first element in Set Java

In Java , in particular, get first entry in set java code example

Set set = new LinkedHashSet<>(); set.iterator().next(); // LinkedHashSet guarantees insertion order

In Java , in particular, java list get first element code sample


While Sets in Java have no particular order, there are various methods for accessing the first element. By using LinkedHashSet, the Stream API, or iterating through the Set, it is possible to access the first element. Additionally, the get() method and getFirst() method of LinkedList can be used to access the first element of a List. Remember to follow best practices when working with Sets and Lists to avoid common issues.


How to get the first element of the List or Set?

To get the first element of a List or Set in Java, you can use the following methods:

List list = new ArrayList<>(); // add elements to the list String first = list.get(0);

Note that this will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the list is empty.

Set set = new HashSet<>(); // add elements to the set String first = set.iterator().next();

Note that this will throw a NoSuchElementException if the set is empty.

Alternatively, you can use the stream() method to get the first element of a List or Set in a more concise way:

List list = new ArrayList<>(); // add elements to the list String first =; Set set = new HashSet<>(); // add elements to the set String first =;

This will return an Optional object containing the first element of the List or Set , or an empty optional if the list or set is empty. You can then use the orElse() method to specify a default value to be returned if the optional is empty.


Java 8 : Find first element from a collection (List or Set)


This tutorial explains you how to find first element from collection like List or Set using Java 8 streams findFirst(), iterator() and listIterator methods.

Find first element from List or Set

The below example shows how to get first element of List or Set using different methods of List or Set.

package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.plan.domain.Skill; public class FirstElementCollectionExample < public static void main (String[] args) < //List ListskillList = new ArrayList<>(); skillList.add(new Skill(1L, "Java")); skillList.add(new Skill(2L, "Python")); skillList.add(new Skill(3L, "Golang")); skillList.add(new Skill(4L, "C++")); //Set Set skillSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); skillSet.add(new Skill(1L, "Java")); skillSet.add(new Skill(2L, "Python")); skillSet.add(new Skill(3L, "Golang")); skillSet.add(new Skill(4L, "C++")); //using Java 8 streams findFirst() method String firstSkillNameinList = null; if ( < firstSkillNameinList =; >System.out.println("Java 8: First skill name of Skill List : " + firstSkillNameinList); String firstSkillNameinSet = null; if( < firstSkillNameinSet =; >System.out.println("Java 8:First skill name of Skill Set : " + firstSkillNameinSet); //using list get(index) method String firstSkillNamel = null; if(!skillList.isEmpty()) < firstSkillNamel = skillList.get(0).getName(); >System.out.println("List get(index) method : First skill name of Skill List : " + firstSkillNamel); //using set iterator() method String firstSkillNames = null; if(!skillSet.isEmpty()) < firstSkillNames = skillSet.iterator().next().getName(); >System.out.println("Set iterator() method : First skill name of Skill Set : " + firstSkillNames); //using listIterator() method String firstSkillNamel1 = null; if(!skillList.isEmpty()) < firstSkillNamel1 = skillList.listIterator().next().getName(); >System.out.println("List listIterator() method : First skill name of Skill List : " + firstSkillNamel1); > >
Java 8: First skill name of Skill List : Java Java 8:First skill name of Skill Set : Java List get(index) method : First skill name of Skill List : Java Set iterator() method : First skill name of Skill Set : Java List listIterator() method : First skill name of Skill List : Java


A stream provides an interface to a sequenced set of values of a specific element type. However, stream consumes data from the source such as Collection List or Set as shown in the example above. Note, creates as sequential stream and Collection.parallelStream() creates a parallel stream.

We chose in our example and use findFirst() method to identify first element of a Collection. This method returns an Optional first element of the sequential stream or an empty Optional if the stream is empty.

You can also use java.util.Optional.isPresent() to check if there is a first element present in the collection using as shown above.

Further Reading



Get the first element of a Set

send pies

posted 12 years ago

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  • I have a silly question i guess. I want to get the first element from a Set. If i use iterator i parse through the whole Set. The other way is to put the elements of the Set into ArrayList and then do .get(0) on the ArrayList.
    Is there any other more efficient way to do this that is not coming in my mind right now?


    send pies

    posted 12 years ago

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  • I’d suggest getting an Iterator and then just call next() once. You don’t need to iterate through the whole lot.

    The reason the Set interface doesn’t give you an obvious way of doing this is because Sets are unordered and therefore, strictly speaking, talking about the «first element of a Set» doesn’t make sense.

    lowercase baba


    send pies

    posted 12 years ago

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  • Correct me if I am wrong, but a Set (at least in the mathematical definition) does not have an order, therefore, there is no ‘first’ element.

    The API for the Set interface says the iterator will return the elements «in no particular order (unless this set is an instance of some class that provides a guarantee).»

    There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors

    send pies

    posted 12 years ago

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  • A Set has no order, so there is not «first» or «last» item in a Set.
    It is impossible at the moment to get the value at a specific index in a Set (see top answers to why).
    You can however save a bit in processing by, instead of introducing the set in an Arraylist, you turn it into an Array and get the position [0].
    Lets take a HashSet as example (using strings as content):

    I would like to warn you that calling this will NOT guarantee that the String in myStringAtIndex will be the first String introduced.


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