Get certificate fingerprint java

chinalwb /

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* Get SHA256 from PackageManager / PackageInfo / Signatures
fun printSignature ()
val packageManager : PackageManager = CONTEXT . getPackageManager ()
val signature : Array < Signature >= packageManager . getPackageInfo ( «YOUR PACKAGE_NAME, LIKE com.xx.yy.zz» , PackageManager . GET_SIGNATURES ). signatures
signature . asIterable (). forEach
Log . i ( «SHA256» , getFingerprint ( it ))
* Get fingerprint from a certificate in
* @return String fingerprint that contains the SHA-256 digest
private fun getFingerprint ( ce : Signature ): String ?
var certificate = «»
val input : InputStream = ByteArrayInputStream ( ce . toByteArray ())
var cf : CertificateFactory ? = null
cf = CertificateFactory . getInstance ( «X509» )
> catch ( e : CertificateException )
e . printStackTrace ()
var c : X509Certificate ? = null
if ( cf != null )
c = cf . generateCertificate ( input ) as X509Certificate
> catch ( e : CertificateException )
e . printStackTrace ()
val md : MessageDigest = MessageDigest . getInstance ( «SHA-256» )
var publicKey = ByteArray ( 0 )
if ( c != null )
publicKey = md . digest ( c . encoded )
val hexString = StringBuilder ()
for ( aPublicKeybyte in publicKey )
val appendString = Integer . toHexString ( 0xFF and aPublicKeybyte . toInt ())
if ( appendString . length == 1 ) hexString . append ( «0» )
hexString . append ( appendString )
certificate = hexString . toString ()
> catch ( e1 : NoSuchAlgorithmException )
e1 . printStackTrace ()
> catch ( e1 : CertificateEncodingException )
e1 . printStackTrace ()
return certificate


syuan / How to get fingerprint of keystore certificate(SHA).java

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public static String getKeyHash ( final Context context )
PackageInfo packageInfo = getPackageInfo ( context , PackageManager . GET_SIGNATURES );
if ( packageInfo == null )
return null ;
for ( Signature signature : packageInfo . signatures )
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest . getInstance ( «SHA» );
md . update ( signature . toByteArray ());
return Base64 . encodeToString ( md . digest (), Base64 . NO_WRAP );
> catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
Log . w ( TAG , «Unable to get MessageDigest. signature=» + signature , e );
return null ;

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public static String getHashKey ( Context context )
String hashKey = null ;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
PackageInfo packageInfo = context . getPackageManager (). getPackageInfo (
context . getPackageName (),
PackageManager . GET_SIGNATURES );
for ( Signature signature : packageInfo . signatures )
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest . getInstance ( «SHA» );
messageDigest . update ( signature . toByteArray ());
for ( byte b : messageDigest . digest ())
stringBuilder . append ( String . format ( «%02x» , b & 0xff )). append ( ‘:’ );
hashKey = stringBuilder . toString (). toUpperCase ( Locale . getDefault ());
hashKey = hashKey . substring ( 0 , hashKey . length () — 1 );
> catch ( Exception e )
return hashKey ;


Code example for obtaining the debug certificate fingerprint in Java

To test the application on the Android emulator, you should find the SDK debug certificate in the default folder of «C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application Data\Android». Once you have found it, you can copy the debug.keystore file to a new folder in C:\ for simplicity. As an example, you could create a folder called «C:\Android».

Trying to obtain MD5 fingerprint for debug certificates, getting Errors

Ensure that you enclose the path to your debug keystore in quotation marks as Windows is incapable of identifying spaces within the Documents and Settings folder. Your command should resemble the following format:

List the androiddebugkey alias by running the keytool command. Make sure to specify the path of the debug.keystore file located at «C:\Documents and Settings\\», and provide the store password as «android» and key password as «android».

Simply copy and paste the given command prompt code without any alterations. Upon execution, it should function properly.

Sha-1 fingerprint of keystore certificate Code Example, Get code examples like «sha-1 fingerprint of keystore certificate» instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. Grepper . Follow. GREPPER; SEARCH SNIPPETS; PRICING; FAQ; USAGE DOCS ; INSTALL GREPPER; Log In; All Languages >> C >> sha-1 fingerprint of keystore certificate …

Cant get MD5 Fingerprint of the SDK Debug Certificate

Eliminate the backslashes if you are typing the entirety of this on a single line. Consequently, it must appear similar to:

keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass android 

Assuming that your debug keystore is located in the current directory on Ubuntu, which is identified as ~/.android .

To integrate Google Maps into your Android application, you must request a free Google Maps API key after the Android SDK release v1.0. To apply for the key, follow the outlined steps below, and refer to Google’s comprehensive documentation on the process at If using jdk 1.7, use -v.

To test the application on the Android emulator, find the SDK debug certificate in the default folder of «C: \Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Android». The debug keystore has the filename debug.keystore. If you are deploying the application to an actual Android device, you need to replace the debug.keystore file with your own keystore file. Generating your own keystore file will be discussed in a later article.

To make things easier, move the debug.keystore file to a directory on the C:\ drive, such as a newly created folder named «C:\Android».

To acquire the free Google Maps key, you must extract the MD5 fingerprint of the debug keystore. This can be done by utilizing the Keytool.exe application provided in your JDK installation. Typically, the Keytool.exe can be located in the «C:\Program Files\Java\bin» directory.

To obtain the MD5 fingerprint, execute the given command.

In the directory «C:\Program Files\Java\bin», use the command «keytool.exe» to list the alias «androiddebugkey» in the keystore located at «C:\Android\debug.keystore». The store password and key password are both «android».

The command «keytool.exe» is used in the directory «C:\Program Files\Java\bin» with the options «-v -list». It specifies the alias «androiddebugkey» and the keystore location «C:\Android\debug.keystore». The store password and key password are both set as «android».

  1. Open command prompt
  2. Go to your jdk/bin directory
  3. Type following

    \\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ keytool\\ \\-v\\ \\-list\\ \\-alias\\ androiddebugkey\\ \\-keystore\\ «C:\Users\Akshay\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ Taru\\\.android\debug\\.keystore»\\ \\-storepass\\ android\\ \\-keypass\\ android\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \

Make sure to replace «C:\Users\Akshay\debug.keystore» with your own .keystore path, and don’t forget to enclose the path in double quotes.

Sha-1 certificate fingerprint android visual studio Code, “sha-1 certificate fingerprint android visual studio” Code Answer. Get SHA1 fingerprint certificate in Android Studio . whatever by Adventurous Albatross on Apr 20 2021 Comment Adventurous Albatross on Apr 20 2021 Comment

Having trouble getting the MD5 Fingerprint of the SDK Debug Certificate

Your question lacks specific details about the problem or error encountered. For instance, you did not mention the command you attempted or the resulting output.

It is possible that the default hash displayed on your JDK 7 is SHA1 instead of MD5. To resolve this issue, the following thread might be useful.

Is it possible to obtain the MD5 fingerprint using Java’s keytool instead of just SHA-1?

Api — Trying to obtain MD5 fingerprint for debug, To generate an MD5 fingerprint of the debug certificate, first locate the debug keystore. By default, build tools create the debug keystore in the active AVD directory. The location of the AVD directories varies by platform: MY CODE IN CMD: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin>keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keys tore C:\Documents and

How To get the release certificate fingerprint

how To get the release certificate fingerprint:

$ keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:/Users/< YOUR USERNAME >/.android/debug.keystore -list -v

How To get the release certificate fingerprint: Code, $ keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore C:/Users/< YOUR USERNAME >/.android/debug.keystore -list -v


williamdes /

This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

* Get fingerprint from a certificate in
* @return String fingerprint that contains the SHA-256 digest
private static String getFingerprint ( android . content . pm . Signature ce )
String certificate = «» ;
InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream ( ce . toByteArray ());
CertificateFactory cf = null ;
cf = CertificateFactory . getInstance ( «X509» );
> catch ( CertificateException e )
e . printStackTrace ();
X509Certificate c = null ;
if ( cf != null )
c = ( X509Certificate ) cf . generateCertificate ( input );
> catch ( CertificateException e )
e . printStackTrace ();
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest . getInstance ( «SHA-256» );
byte [] publicKey = new byte [ 0 ];
if ( c != null )
publicKey = md . digest ( c . getEncoded ());
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder ();
for ( byte aPublicKeybyte : publicKey )
String appendString = Integer . toHexString ( 0xFF & aPublicKeybyte );
if ( appendString . length () == 1 ) hexString . append ( «0» );
hexString . append ( appendString );
certificate = hexString . toString ();
> catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException | CertificateEncodingException e1 )
e1 . printStackTrace ();
return certificate ;


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