Get attribute from element javascript

Element: getAttribute() method

The getAttribute() method of the Element interface returns the value of a specified attribute on the element.

If the given attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or «» (the empty string); see Non-existing attributes for details.




Return value

A string containing the value of attributeName .


// in a console const div1 = document.getElementById("div1"); //=> 
Hi Champ!
const exampleAttr = div1.getAttribute("id"); //=> "div1" const align = div1.getAttribute("align"); //=> null


Lower casing

When called on an HTML element in a DOM flagged as an HTML document, getAttribute() lower-cases its argument before proceeding.

Non-existing attributes

All modern web browsers return null when the specified attribute does not exist on the specified element.

Retrieving nonce values

For security reasons, CSP nonces from non-script sources, such as CSS selectors, and .getAttribute(«nonce») calls are hidden.

let nonce = script.getAttribute("nonce"); // returns empty string 

Instead of retrieving the nonce from the content attribute, use the nonce property:

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Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

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HTML DOM Element getAttribute()

Get the value of the target attribute of an element:


The getAttribute() method returns the value of an element’s attribute.

See Also:




Return Value

More Examples

Get the value of the onclick attribute of a element:

Browser Support

element.getAttribute is a DOM Level 1 (1998) feature.

It is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9-11

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.get Attribute ( )

Метод get Attribute ( ) позволяет получить значение указанного атрибута у HTML-элемента. Если атрибута нет, то метод вернёт null .

Как пишется

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get Attribute ( ) принимает один аргумент – строку с именем атрибута. В ответ метод возвращает значение атрибута в виде строки или null , если атрибута нет на элементе.

  script type="application/json" id="hydration"> script>      
 const scriptElement = document.querySelector('script') console.log(scriptElement.getAttribute('type'))// 'application/json'console.log(scriptElement.getAttribute('id'))// 'hydration'console.log(scriptElement.getAttribute('class'))// null const scriptElement = document.querySelector('script') console.log(scriptElement.getAttribute('type')) // 'application/json' console.log(scriptElement.getAttribute('id')) // 'hydration' console.log(scriptElement.getAttribute('class')) // null      

Как понять

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Существует множество стандартных HTML-атрибутов, и разработчики могут задавать элементу свои собственные атрибуты. Метод get Attribute ( ) является универсальным способом прочитать значение любого атрибута.

Не все атрибуты имеет смысл считывать с помощью get Attribute ( ) . Например, атрибут hidden лучше читать из поля hidden DOM-элемента, а дата-атрибуты — из поля dataset .

Сравним два варианта получения значения атрибута. Возьмём элемент и считаем его атрибуты:

  div data-color="red" hidden>Ошибка!div>      
 const element = document.querySelector('div') console.log(element.hidden)// trueconsole.log(element.getAttribute('hidden'))// "" – пустая строка, т.к строкового значения у атрибута нет console.log(element.dataset.color)// "red"console.log(element.getAttribute('data-color'))// "red" const element = document.querySelector('div') console.log(element.hidden) // true console.log(element.getAttribute('hidden')) // "" – пустая строка, т.к строкового значения у атрибута нет console.log(element.dataset.color) // "red" console.log(element.getAttribute('data-color')) // "red"      


How to Get and Set Attributes with Javascript

Just like jQuery’s $.attr() method, there are native browser methods that can get and set attributes of an element.

Checking whether an Attribute Exists

The hasAttribute method can tell whether the element has the given attribute or not.

A true is returned if the element has the attribute, and false otherwise.

if(document.querySelector("#container").hasAttribute('data-post-id')) < console.log('Attribute present'); >else

Checking whether Element has Any Attributes

The hasAttributes method tells whether the element has at least one attribute present (it can be any attribute).

A true is returned if the element has any attributes present, and false if the element has no attributes at all.

if(document.querySelector("#container").hasAttributes()) < console.log('At least one attribute present'); >else

Getting the Value of an Attribute

The getAttribute method returns the value of the attribute.

var post_id = document.querySelector("#container").getAttribute('data-post-id');

If the attribute is not existing, then null or a blank value «» will be returned. There are confusions among specifications whether to return null or a blank. To be on the safer side, it is best to first check whether the attribute is existent (using hasAttribute ), and then getting its value. Otherwise a blank value may be mistaken for its value.

Getting All Attributes of the Element

The getAttributeNames method returns an array of all attribute names (values are not returned). If element has no attributes then an empty array is returned.

Once the attribute name is retrieved, its value can be found with getAttribute .

// all attributes var attributes = document.querySelector("#container").getAttributeNames(); var attribute_value; // show values of all attributes for(var i=0; i

Setting the Value of an Attribute

The setAttribute method sets the value of the attribute. If the attribute is not existing then it is added.

document.querySelector("#container").setAttribute('data-post-id', '12');

Removing an Attribute

The removeAttribute method removes the attribute from the element. If the attribute does not exist, no error is thrown.



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