Javascript get all input elements in form and all img tags, divs, a tags, buttons and radio buttons
In the front-end design process of a web page, it is common to get all the images or inputs in the web page. Sometimes, a little change to get all the images, divs, inputs, buttons, a tags, buttons and radio buttons, etc in the specified elements, these operations are similar.
Get a specified element using document.getElementById in javascript, and get a class of elements use document.getElementsByTagName, which can be seen literally by tag name to get a class of elements. If the tag is img, then get all images tags in the page; if the tag name is input, all input elements are got, regardless of whether the type is text input box or button.
The «arrImg» is an array, and each image is stored in the array as an element of the array, and the elements can be fetched or traversed according to the array.
var arrImg = document.getElementsByTagName( «img» );
Get it through the image tag img, and save all the pictures to the array «arrImg».
2. Get all img tags in the specified elements in javascript
The got method is the same as above, the code is as follows:
var ul = document.getElementById( «ulId» ); var arrImg1 = ul.getElementsByTagName( «img» );
II. Get all divs javascript
1. Get all divs in the web page in javascript
The method of getting is the same as that of getting images, both use the getElementsByTagName method, the specific code is as follows:
var arrDiv = document.getElementsByTagName( «div» );
2. Get all divs in the specified elements in javascript
If there are specified elements as follows:
< div id ="divId"> < div >Get all divs in the specified elements in javascript
< div >Javascript get a class of element method
Javascript code:
var div = document.getElementById( «divId» ); var arrDiv = div.getElementsByTagName( «div» );
III. Javascript get all input elements in form
1. Javascript get all input elements in form in the web page, the specific code is as follows:
var arrInput = document.getElementsByTagName( «input» );
2. Get the input (button) of the specified element in the web page
If there are specified elements as follows:
Javascript code:
var dl= document.getElementById( «dlId» ); var arrInput = div.getElementsByTagName( «input» );
In this way, both the text box and the button are got. In actual application, it is necessary to determine whether it is a text box or a button according to the type. The method of judgment is as follows:
for ( var i = 0; i < arrInput.length; i++)if (arrInput[i].type == "button" ) // The current element is button > >
3. How to get all radio buttons in javascript
(1) How to get all radio buttons in the web page in javascript
Javascript code:
< script type ="text/javascript"> function GetAllRadioButtons() var arrInput = document.getElementsByTagName( «input» ), arrRadio = new Array(); var j = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < arrInput.length; i++) if (arrInput[i].type == "radio" ) arrRadio[j] = arrInput[i]; j++; > > return arrRadio; > var arr = GetAllRadioButtons(); // Call < / script >
(2) Get all selected radio buttons javascript
Javascript code:
function GetAllSelectRadioButtons() var arrInput = document.getElementsByTagName( «input» ), arrRadio = []; var j = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < arrInput.length; i++) if (arrInput[i].type == "radio" && arrInput[i].checked) arrRadio[j] = arrInput[i]; j++; > > return arrRadio; > var arr = GetAllSelectRadioButtons(); // Call
IV. Get all a tags javascript
1. Get all a link tags in the web page in javascript
The get method also uses getElementsByTagName method, the code is as follows:
var arrA = document.getElementsByTagName( «a» );
2. Get all a link tags in the specified elements in javascript
If there are specified elements as follows:
Javascript code:
var ul = document.getElementById( «ulId» ); var arrA = ul.getElementsByTagName( » a » );
const form =document.getElementById('my-form');// ✅ Get all form elementsconst formElements =Array.from(form.elements); formElements.forEach(element=>console.log(element);>);console.log('--------------------------');// ✅ Get only the input elements in a formconst onlyInputs =document.querySelectorAll('#my-form input'); onlyInputs.forEach(input=>console.log(input);>);
We selected the form element using the document.getElementById() method.
const form =document.getElementById('my-form');
The elements property on the form returns a collection containing all of the form controls.
const form =document.getElementById('my-form');// ✅ Get all form elementsconst formElements =Array.from(form.elements);
// ✅ Get all input elements with type = "text"const elements1 =document.querySelectorAll('input[type="text"]');console.log(elements1);// 👉️ [input#first_name]// -------------------------------------------------------// ✅ Get all input elementsconst elements2 =document.querySelectorAll('input');console.log(elements2);// 👉️ [input#first_name, input#age]// -------------------------------------------------------// ✅ Get all input elementsconst elements3 =document.getElementsByTagName('input');console.log(elements3);// 👉️ [input#first_name, input#age]
# Get all elements by type attribute
In the first example, we used the document.querySelectorAll method to get all input elements that have a type attribute with a value of text .
If you want to get a specific element, you can access the NodeList at an index.
JavaScript indexes are zero-based, so the first element in the NodeList has an index of 0 .
# Select all elements that have a type attribute set to text
You can adjust the selector as needed, e.g. the following example selects any type of element with a type attribute set to a value of text (not just input elements).
const elements =document.querySelectorAll('[type="text"]');console.log(elements);// 👉️ NodeList [input#first_name]
# Get all input elements on the page
In the second example, we used the querySelectorAll method to get a NodeList of all of the input tags.
const elements =document.querySelectorAll('input');console.log(elements);// 👉️ NodeList(2) [input#first_name, input#age]
# Iterating over a collection of elements
If you need to iterate over the collection, use the forEach() method.
const elements =document.querySelectorAll('input');console.log(elements);// 👉️ [input#first_name, input#age] elements.forEach(element=>console.log(element);>);
# Get all elements by Type using getElementsByTagName
The third example uses the document.getElementsByTagName method to select all input tags.
const elements =document.getElementsByTagName('input');console.log(elements);// 👉️ [input#first_name, input#age]
This serves as an alternative to the querySelectorAll method and you might see the getElementsByTagName method used in older code bases.
# Iterating over an HTMLCollection
The method returns an HTMLCollection , which you have to convert to an array if you need to use methods like forEach() .
const elements =Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('input'));console.log(elements);// 👉️ [input#first_name, input#age] elements.forEach(element=>console.log(element);>);
By converting the HTMLCollection to an array, we are able to use any of the array-supported methods.
You can also use a for. of loop to iterate over the collection.
const elements =Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('input'));console.log(elements);// 👉️ [input#first_name, input#age]for(const element of elements)console.log(element);>
If you need to get a specific element, access the array at an index.
const elements =Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('input'));console.log(elements);// 👉️ [input#first_name, input#age]console.log(elements[0]);// inptu#first-nameconsole.log(elements[elements.length-1]);// input#age
The first element in the array has an index of 0 and the last element has an index of array.length — 1 .
# Additional Resources
You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:
I wrote a book in which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer.
The HTMLFormElement property elements returns an HTMLFormControlsCollection listing all the form controls contained in the element.
Independently, you can obtain just the number of form controls using the length property.
You can access a particular form control in the returned collection by using either an index or the element’s name or id attributes.
Prior to HTML 5, the returned object was an HTMLCollection , on which HTMLFormControlsCollection is based.
Note: Similarly, you can get a list of all of the forms contained within a given document using the document’s forms property.
An HTMLFormControlsCollection containing all non-image controls in the form. This is a live collection; if form controls are added to or removed from the form, this collection will update to reflect the change.
The form controls in the returned collection are in the same order in which they appear in the form by following a preorder, depth-first traversal of the tree. This is called tree order.
Only the following elements are returned:
Quick syntax example
In this example, we see how to obtain the list of form controls as well as how to access its members by index and by name or ID.
formid="my-form">label> Username: inputtype="text"name="username"/>label>label> Full name: inputtype="text"name="full-name"/>label>label> Password: inputtype="password"name="password"/>label>form>
This example gets the form’s element list, then iterates over the list, looking for elements of type «text» so that some form of processing can be performed on them.
const inputs = document.getElementById("my-form").elements;// Iterate over the form controlsfor(let i =0; i inputs.length; i++)if(inputs[i].nodeName ==="INPUT"&& inputs[i].type ==="text")// Update text input inputs[i].value.toLocaleUpperCase();>>
Disabling form controls
const inputs = document.getElementById("my-form").elements;// Iterate over the form controlsfor(let i =0; i inputs.length; i++)// Disable all form controls inputs[i].setAttribute("disabled","");>
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BCD tables only load in the browser
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This page was last modified on Apr 7, 2023 by MDN contributors.