Future vs Promise
In Part I we briefly talked about the Future interface in Java. In other programming languages such as Javascript, there is also Promise, which is quite similar to Future, but are more powerful in the sense that you can chain them. Now Java 8 introduces CompletableFuture which can be considered as Java’s Promise. In this post I will use CompletableFuture and Promise interchangeably.
Now before diving into the features and usages of CompletableFuture, let us first consider the question: what’s the relationship & differences between Future and Promise? Other than that Future is an interface, and CompletableFuture is a class that implements it?
Both Future and Promise represents the result of an asynchronous computation result. The difference is that a Future is a read-only container of that result, while a Promise can be updated (completable).
One way to imagine this difference, is we have a Caller thread, the Consumer of a (potentially) slow routine, and a Callee thread, which is the (async) Implementor of the slow routine:
Caller/Consumer --- calls (async) ---> Callee/Implementor
The Caller/Consumer calls the async routine, and much like in Part I, gets a Future back, and wait on the Future object till the result is in. From this side of the view, the Future object is read-only: all we can do is to wait. We could decide to wait for a limited time only ( .get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) ), or even cancel it ( .cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) ), but we can’t alter the result. Afterall, we are the caller, the uninfluential outsider.
// Caller / Consumer public void someMethod() < Futuref = asyncSlowFetch(); String result = f.get(); System.out.println( "caller thread got result back: " + result ); >
The Callee/Implementor usually construct a CompletableFuture instance, and returns it immediately, before starting on its slow and steady routine. When the slow routine is finished, the Callee/Implementor finishes the CompletableFuture instance with the .complete(T value) method. (and it is at this point in time, that the caller’s .get() can return). From this side of the view, we are dealing with a CompletableFuture object that the implementor can manipulate.
private static final ExecutorService THREAD_POOL = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // Callee / Implementor public Future asyncSlowFetch() < CompletableFuturepromise = new CompletableFuture<>(); THREAD_POOL.execute( ()-> < String result = slow_calculattion(. ); promise.complete(result); >); return promise; >
A complete Java source code can be found here.
To hammer this point home, let’s try another example. Let’s say we have many threads all waiting for a single thread to finish, before they could continue. In the old days we could do something like this:
private static final String LOCK = "LOCK"; // in the N (waiting) threads synchronized (LOCK) < LOCK.wait(); >// in the Single (holding) thread, to wake up everyone synchronized (LOCK)
A complete Java source code can be found here (notify/wait version).
Now with Future & Promise we could achieve similar behavior like this:
private static final CompletableFuture PROMISE = new CompletableFuture<>(); // in the N (waiting) threads PROMISE.get(); // in the Single (holding) thread, to wake up everyone PROMISE.complete("WAKE UP. ");
A complete Java source code can be found here (future/promise version).
Futures and promises in core Java
This post is a summary of part of a talk I have given a few times about FnFlow — LINK!! internals. I’m writing up the talk as a series of posts of which this is the first.
Java 5
In 2004 Java 5 was released introducing a load of new features: generics, autoboxing, annotations, and…. java.util.concurrent .
You could use the exciting new j.u.c.Future class to perform asynchronous work, although you had to provide your own thread pool for it to run on.
Here’s a task which takes some time to run, so we’d like to call it asynchronously:
jshell> String sleepRandomlyThenReturn(String s) . > try Thread.sleep ((long) Math.random() * 2000); return s; > . > catch (Exception e)return s;> . > > | created method sleepRandomlyThenReturn(String)
And here’s us doing that; creating a future by submitting a Callable to a threadpool:
jshell> ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1) pool ==> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@56ef9176[ . = 0, completed tasks = 0] jshell> FutureString> f = pool.submit( . > new CallableString>() . > public String call() . > return sleepRandomlyThenReturn("Welcome to the Future!"); . > > . > > . > ); // returns immediately f ==> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask@29ca901e jshell> f.get(); // blocks until the callable has finished $6 ==> "Welcome to the Future!" jshell> pool.shutdownNow(); $7 ==> []
Chaining another task on after the .get() was up to you, and if you wanted to do lots of async work it was up to you to manage it all.
Java 7
Fast-forward to 2011, Doug Lea adds ForkJoinPool to Java, as a best-of-breed work-stealing thread pool. It’s possible to submit Callable instances to the ForkJoinPool.commonPool() and get a Future back. Neat.
Java 8
We’ve almost caught up with ourselves. Java 8 was released in 2014 and included a big update to the way we can use Future . More Doug Lea wizardry: The CompletableFuture .
CompletableFuture implements Future so everything above still applies. But it also implements a new interface: CompletionStage , which is intended to solve the problem I alluded to earlier about composition of async tasks.
A CompletionStage is, according to its own docs:
A stage of a possibly asynchronous computation, that performs an action or computes a value when another CompletionStage completes. A stage completes upon termination of its computation, but this may in turn trigger other dependent stages.
In other words, it is a Future which can be combined with other CompletionStage instances to create a workflow which is defined quite independently of the behaviour of the actual stages themselves.
There are methods which support simple do-this-then-do-that chaining, fan-out, fan-in, error-handling and dynamically adding new stages.
The error handling works like this: if the code running in a stage throws an Exception it doesn’t blow up the whole series of CompletionStages. The failed stage is marked as “completed exceptionally” and can be recovered by subsequent stages in a very try-catch kind of way.
There’s even a way for a stage to add new stages to itself which sounds mind-bending but really allows a whole lot of cool behaviours.
A basic example
jshell> cs = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> sleepRandomlyThenReturn("Hi there") ); cs ==> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture@7fac631b[Not completed] jshell> cs // it's completed after a few seconds cs ==> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture@7fac631b[Completed normally] jshell> (cs).thenApply( String::length ) .thenAccept( (x) -> System.out.println("You were " + x + " chars long") ) You were 8 chars long
Notice that there’s not many explicit types there. But the API enforces that Stages can only produce values that their dependents can accept — it’s pretty smart.
CompletionStage as a graph
I have come to think of these chains of CompletionStages as Execution Graphs and will refer to them as such liberally. I have a mental image of them something like this:
Properties of a CompletionStage
Each CompletionStage has 4 significant properties:
- The name (if it has one). The chaining style of the API allows a lot of stages to be anonymous but sometimes you need to actually have a reference to pass somewhere else.
- Which method was used to create it. This defines the behaviour of the stage.
- The value, or exception it is completed with.
- Whether or not it completed successfully, indicated by the colour.
Completing Exceptionally
Here’s an example with an stage that completes exceptionally:
jshell> cs = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> throw new RuntimeException("arrrgh!"); > ); cs ==> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture@cd2dae5[Not completed] jshell> cs // Completed exceptionally cs ==> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture@cd2dae5[Completed exceptionally] jshell> cs.thenAccept( System.out::println ) .exceptionally( (e) -> System.out.println(e.getMessage()); return null; > ) java.lang.RuntimeException: arrrgh!
Which looks something like this, in my head:
The type-checker bites back
We’ve offended by the type-checker a bit. The middle stage is of type CompletionStage , which the final stage has to match. If we just try to call System.out.println as the lambda in the final stage we get a type error, so we need to explicitly return null :
jshell> cs.thenAccept( System.out::println ).exceptionally( (e) -> System.out.println(e.getMessage()) ) | Error: | incompatible types: bad return type in lambda expression | void cannot be converted to java.lang.Void | cs.thenAccept( System.out::println ).exceptionally( (e) -> System.out.println(e.getMessage()) ) |
The method zoo
There are tons of methods on the CompletionStage API but they break down into groups are are easy to understand in isolation so it’s not as bad as it looks.
Java 9
New CompletionStage methods