- Minecraft Forums
- Getting Started with Forge
- From Zero to Modding
- Customizing Your Mod Information
- Simple build.gradle Customizations
- Building and Testing Your Mod
- Minecraft Forge — скачать Майнкрафт Фордж [1.20.1] [1.19.4] [1.18.2] [1.17.1] [1.16.5] [1.12.2] [1.7.10]
- Как установить Minecraft Forge?
- Скачать Minecraft Forge (майнкрафт фордж):
Minecraft Forums
So you may have heard that as of Java 8 update 20, a bug came to light in Forge which causes a crash at startup. This appears to affect both Minecraft 1.6 and 1.7. Fortunately, later versions of Forge for 1.7.10 correct the issue. But 1.6.4 and 1.7.2 are still affected, as are many versions for 1.7.10 still in use. You could easily just use Java 7, or Java 8 update 11, and not be affected by this bug. But for future-proofing sake, in case someone wants to run Java 8 but a security issue is discovered at some point in the future which makes update 11 not very safe, I decided to just fix Forge.
Only one file is the problem, so that’s all you need:
CoreModManager.class, for Forge #965 for Minecraft 1.6.4.
CoreModManager.class, for Forge #1121 / #1147 for Minecraft 1.7.2
CoreModManager.class, for Forge #1208 for Minecraft 1.7.10
I’m going to assume you already have Forge installed into the vanilla launcher for these instructions.
From here you need to find your way into your libraries directory for Forge. On Windows, the direct route would be:
For 1.6.4: %appdata%\.minecraft\libraries\net\minecraftforge\minecraftforge\
For 1.7.2: %appdata%\.minecraft\libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.7.2- (or switch 1147 for the version you’re using)
For 1.7.10: %appdata%\.minecraft\libraries\net\minecraftforge\forge\1.7.10-
If you use Linux then you know your way around your home directory. And if you use OSX, then I’m sure someone else can help you find it, but I imagine that your base Minecraft directory is in your home directory somewhere as well like Linux.
You can make a backup of the JAR if you want at this point. But now open up the JAR in WinRAR or what ever program you use for such things. First, go ahead and delete the META-INF directory in the root of the JAR, or you’ll get a crash related to security, just like in the old JAR-modding days. Now navigate your way through cpw/mods/fml/relauncher. You should see a CoreModManager.class in here. Just drop this patched version on top, and you should be good to go!
This is relatively identical to the above instructions. The only difference is that you have to find the libraries directory inside your FTB directory instead. Then do the same process as above, and this should fix every related pack on the launcher.
This is a bit different. You need to patch individual modpacks. And every time a pack is updated, you’ll probably have to patch it again. But it’s not a big deal. For this, first go into your packs directory. For Windows this is: %appdata%\.technic\modpacks
Now go into whichever pack you want to fix. For this example we’ll use the main Tekkit. So navigate into tekkitmain, then into bin. You should see a modpack.jar here. This is basically your Forge JAR. Follow the process of above for patching the JAR, of deleting META-INF and adding the class file into the appropriate place, and your pack should now run again.
— ATLauncher —
Again, this is slightly different, requiring you to fix per-instance like Technic. Go to your ATLauncher directory, then into instances. Find the instance you want to repair, then go into jarmods. You should see the Forge JAR here. So do the above mentioned process to patch the JAR, and the pack should be fixed. Like Technic, updates might break it.
I have no easy fix for this at this time, because it automatically redownloads the Forge JAR after it detects modification, which is both nice and annoying depending on the situation!
In this case, Forge will already be in the server JAR. You won’t want to erase all of META-INF or the server won’t launch, just deleting FORGE.DSA is enough according to DAOWAce’s post below. Then just copy the class file you downloaded into the appropriate place in the JAR.
Now for the technical details of what this does, for those interested. Java 8 update 20 changed the way Collections.sort works, no longer cloning a List but modifying it in-place. Since FML is iterating this list at this particular moment, you get the crash. So what this patch does is replace Collections.sort with a wrapper function inside CoreModManager.
public static void sort(List list, Comparator c)
T[] toSort = list.toArray((T[])new Object[list.size()]);
Arrays.sort(toSort, c);
for (int j = 0; j < toSort.length; j++) list.set(j, toSort[j]);
This is basically a modified version of the same code used to fix later versions of FML, just implemented differently for the sake of a patch.
What I did was compile this bit of code in an otherwise empty class, then used Java Bytecode Editor to extract the bytecode from that class and create the identical method in CoreModManager. Lastly I modified the sortTweakList method to invoke cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/CoreModManager/sort instead of java/util/Collections/sort. You can use JBE to confirm youself that that’s the only difference between this patched file and the original if you’re concerned at all.
There’s a chance that the 1.6.4 patch will work on other versions of Forge for 1.6.x, you would just have to try it and see. The two 1.7.2 builds are the ‘latest’ and ‘recommended’ ones, and both had an identical version of CoreModManager, though it might work on earlier builds for that version as well if necessary.
Getting Started with Forge
This is a simple guide to get you from nothing to a basic mod. The rest of this documentation is about where to go from here.
From Zero to Modding
- Obtain a Java 8 Development Kit (JDK) and a 64-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Minecraft and MinecraftForge both compile against Java 8 and as such should be used for development. Using a 32-bit JVM will result in some problems when running the below gradle tasks. You can obtain one from AdoptOpenJDK.
- Obtain the Mod Development Kit (MDK) from Forge’s files site.
- Extract the downloaded MDK into an empty directory. You should see a bunch of files along with an example mod placed in src/main/java for you to look at. Only a few of these files are strictly necessary for mod development, and you may reuse these files for all your projects. These files are:
- build.gradle
- gradlew.bat
- gradlew
- the gradle folder
- Move the files listed above to a new folder. This will be your mod project folder.
- Choose your IDE:
- Forge only explicitly supports developing with Eclipse, but there are additional run tasks for IntelliJ IDEA or Visual Studio Code environments. However, any environment, from Netbeans to vim/emacs, can be made to work.
- For both Intellij IDEA and Eclipse, their Gradle integration will handle the rest of the initial workspace setup. This includes downloading packages from Mojang, MinecraftForge, and a few other software sharing sites. For VSCode, the ‘Gradle Tasks’ plugin can be used to handle the initial workspace setup.
- For most, if not all, changes to the build.gradle file to take effect, Gradle will need to be invoked to re-evaluate the project. This can be done through ‘Refresh’ buttons in the Gradle panels of both of the previously mentioned IDEs.
- Generating IDE Launch/Run Configurations:
- For Eclipse, run the genEclipseRuns gradle task ( gradlew genEclipseRuns ). This will generate the Launch Configurations and download any required assets for the game to run. After this has finished, refresh your project.
- For IntelliJ, run the genIntellijRuns gradle task ( gradlew genIntellijRuns ). This will generate the Run Configurations and download any required assets for the game to run. If you encounter an error saying “module not specified”, you can either edit the configuration to select your “main” module or specify it through the ideaModule property.
- For VSCode, run the genVSCodeRuns gradle task ( gradlew genVSCodeRuns ). This will generate the Launch Configurations and download any required assets for the game to run.
Customizing Your Mod Information
Edit the build.gradle file to customize how your mod is built (the file names, versions, and other things).
Do not edit the buildscript <> section of the build.gradle file, its default text is necessary for ForgeGradle to function.
Almost anything underneath the // Only edit below this line, the above code adds and enables the necessary things for Forge to be setup. marker can be changed. Many things can be removed and customized there as well.
Simple build.gradle Customizations
These customizations are highly recommended for all projects.
- To change the name of the file you build — edit the value of archivesBaseName to suit.
- To change your “maven coordinates” — edit the value of group as well.
- To change the version number — edit the value of version .
- To update the run configurations — replace all occurrences of examplemod to the mod id of your mod.
Building and Testing Your Mod
- To build your mod, run gradlew build . This will output a file in build/libs with the name [archivesBaseName]-[version].jar . This file can be placed in the mods folder of a Forge enabled Minecraft setup or distributed.
- To test run your mod, the easiest way is to use the run configs that were generated when you set up your project. Otherwise, you can run gradlew runClient . This will launch Minecraft from the location along with your mod’s code in any source sets specified within your run configurations. The default MDK includes the main source set, so any code written within src/main/java will be applied.
- You can also run a dedicated server using the server run config or via gradlew runServer . This will launch the Minecraft server with its GUI. After the first run, the server will shut down immediately until the Minecraft EULA is accepted by editing run/eula.txt . Once accepted, the server will load and can be accessed via a direct connect to localhost .
It is always advisable to test your mod in a dedicated server environment if it is intended to run there.
Minecraft Forge — скачать Майнкрафт Фордж [1.20.1] [1.19.4] [1.18.2] [1.17.1] [1.16.5] [1.12.2] [1.7.10]
Minecraft Forge или майнкрафт фордж это очень важное дополнение, при его помощи в игру устанавливаются моды. Это универсальный инструмент для добавления модов в игру, вы вставляете моды в папку, а майнкрафт фордж помещает их прямиком в игру.
Фордж умеет отслеживать проблемы с модами, если вы удалили моды, а на карте остались блоки из мода, фордж это заметит и заменит их на стандартные игровые. За много лет разработки фордж превратился в своеобразный язык программирования для модов, что позволяет устанавливать в игру 100-200 модов без проблем и конфликтов между ними.
Специально устанавливать фордж не нужно, но если выбранный вами мод требует его (95% всех модов требуют майнкрафт фордж), то это будет указано, без этого дополнения моды просто не будут работать, в игре просто не будет мода.
В данной новости вы сможете скачать фордж для большинства версий майнкрафта.
Как установить Minecraft Forge?
Клиент должен быть чистым, (лучше просто заново скачайте полностью чистый майнкрафт удалив из .minecraft все папки кроме saves).
После того как у вас есть чистый майнкрафт, скачайте фордж для вашей версии игры и запустите его. (если открывается как архив, то скачайте exe версию установочника, либо нажмите правой кнопкой мыши, открыть при помощи — выберите Java).
Нажмите Ок, ждите окончания.
После чего запустите (перезапустите) лаунчер и выберите версию игры с припиской Forge:
Готово, если не поняли, смотрите подробное видео:
Скачать Minecraft Forge (майнкрафт фордж):
Для версии 1.4.7 — Скачать [1,6 Mb]
для версии 1.4.6 — Скачать [1,65 Mb]
для версии 1.4.5 — Скачать [1,49 Mb]
для версии 1.4.4 — Скачать [1,49 Mb]
для версии 1.4.2 — Скачать [1,43 Mb]
Удалить МЕТА-INF в minecraft.jar (открыть при помощи winrar), Теперь кидайте сам forge (все файлы из архива) в minecraft.jar! forge содержит папку META-INF, её удалять не надо!
Minecraft-Forge-1.5.2-2.zip [1,88 Mb]