Flex grid to html

Don’t Overthink It (Flexbox) Grids

Four years ago I posted “Don’t Overthink it Grids” and it resonated with quite a few people. Even back then, I thought we might have been at Peak Grid. Someone was promoting a new grid framework practically every week. That article was my way of saying: “Fear not! You can make a grid yourself! You don’t need a complicated framework.” It might not have been quite as fancy, but that’s how I rolled. You float a couple of elements with some percentage widths and call it a day. These days, if you are ready to jump to flexbox for layout, DIY grids are even easier. This is how I normally do it:

That supports any number of columns and they are automatically equal width and flexible! Wanna have them break into a column for small screens? Easy:

Need gutters? You could add margins to the columns. You could add padding to the columns. I like the idea of using justification to create the columns, like:

.flex-grid-thirds < display: flex; justify-content: space-between; >.flex-grid-thirds .col

If you go the flexbox route, you also now have the ability to change the order of columns as needed, which can be great for keeping more important content higher in the source as well as responsive design reshuffling. See the Pen Easy Flexbox Grid by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) on CodePen. My point, again: it’s not required that you reach for a grid framework to build a grid. You can do it! This is also not to say that flexbox is trivially easy and you’ll never have any problems. There are plenty of edge cases and weird browser support things that you may run into if you start using more niche flexbox features. The stuff we looked at here is pretty vanilla though and I’d be surprised if you had problems.

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Philip Walton has written more on the glory of flexbox grid systems. To be fair, grid frameworks tend to be fairly robust, and plenty of teams find success in having predefined classes and recipes for building any type of grid they need. If you’re interested in leaning on a grid framework that is flexbox specific, here’s a few I know about: Frow, Flexbox Grid, and Gridlex.


Flex grid to html

It’s attractive when you can place content on your site in a grid-like formation. Don’t you love it when you can resize the screen or change the device’s orientation, and the content adapts? Well, good news, you can create a responsive flexbox grid.

A responsive flexbox grid is just as it sounds, a responsive grid. There are many examples of this online; for example, Imgur and Pinterest use grids to display their content.

Pinterest Style Grid Showing Forests

The grids they use are also responsive, changing and adapting to different screen sizes. This tutorial will show you how to create a responsive flexbox grid using no JavaScript or jQuery.

How CSS Flexbox Works

CSS Flexbox was designed to dynamically allow content within containers to be spaced according to an unknown size. It’s more efficient than using float and width CSS properties.

Natively CSS Flexbox distributes the width of each item in a flexbox container to fill the space and prevent overflow. The items will shrink or expand according to the parent flexbox container width. The browser will automatically calculate the width of each item in a flexbox container.

Flexbox Grid Browser Sizing

Flexbox allows the items to be stacked (column) or side-by-side (row). With this flexibility, one could use CSS media queries to tell the flexbox container to display the child elements as a row or columnize them.

/* On screens that are 992px or less, triggers the CSS properties */ @media screen and (max-width: 992px) < .column < /* Some CSS Properties */ >> /* On screens that are 600px or less, triggers the CSS properties */ @media screen and (max-width: 600px) < .column < /* Some CSS Properties */ >>

Creating a Responsive Flexbox Grid

This tutorial will require some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. We won’t be using JavaScript or jQuery. Let’s get started by adding HTML to create the structure and model for the grid. Below, you’ll find the code to create the model for the grid.


Responsive Flexbox Grid

Resize the browser window to see the grid adapt to the new window size.


Info: When we call an element by its name, we will be referring to the CSS class name the element was given.

Essentially, we are adding four div elements to an element called .flex-container using a CSS class as the reference. When the screen changes, we will use CSS media queries to dictate the number of child elements in the .flex-container allowed in a row. Each of these four div elements will be called .column and they will function just as the name indicates. The columns will have child elements, and these elements within each .column will be the container for the content you would like to place on your website.

Rendering of Grid Without CSS

Below is a rendering of the grid without any styling or layout properties. It doesn’t look charming, so it’s required that we need to decorate the grid to give it some fashion and love.

Responsive Flexbox Grid Without CSS Responsive Properties

So as you see above, it’s essential again that we must use CSS to achieve the looks and functionality of a flexbox grid.

Giving the Grid Style

Let’s give the grid some style! Below we will add styling to all the HTML elements in the structure above.

html < font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; >h2 < text-align: center; >p < text-align: center; >.flex-container < width: 100%; overflow: auto; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; overflow: hidden; >.content-container < height: 180px; background: #0066ff; line-height: 180px; text-align: center; color: white; font-size: 20vh; width: 100%; margin: 10px 0; box-shadow: 0 5px 9px 0 #0000008c; border-radius: 8px; >.column < padding: 0 10px; box-sizing: border-box; flex: 25%; max-width: 25%; >@media (max-width: 800px) < .column < flex: 50%; max-width: 50%; >> @media (max-width: 400px) < .column < flex: 100%; max-width: 100%; >> .content-container:hover

Important CSS properties to take note of are the .flex-container and the .column class. The flex-container class declares that all its children elements are part of a flex display. The declaration is done using the display and flex-wrap property.

The column class tells the grid how the columns will work within the flexbox grid. The flex and max-width property set the size of the column to 25%.

How the Grid Works

By default, the flexbox grid sets the columns as 25%. Since 25% is 1/4 of 100. That means all four columns will be in the “flex-container” as a row.

Full Page Responsive Flexbox Grid

When the screen size is between 800 and 400 pixels. The “max-width: 800px” CSS media query is activated. This sets each column to be 50% of the available space within the “flex-container”. This would result in two columns being displayed simultaneously next to each other.

Double Column Responsive Flexbox Grid

The last media query will be activated at 400 pixels. At 400 pixels, we set each column to be 100% of the area in the flexbox. This stacks all the columns on top of each other, which looks like a single large content column.

Single Column Responsive Flexbox Grid

.column < flex: 25%; max-width: 25%; >@media (max-width: 800px) < .column < flex: 50%; max-width: 50%; >> @media (max-width: 400px) < .column < flex: 100%; max-width: 100%; >>

Rendering the Flexbox Grid

You are rendering the responsive flexbox grid with the HTML and CSS together.

Responsive Flexbox Grid Layout

Edit and Use This Example

You can find the code for this example on codepen.io. Just click this link: Responsive Flexbox Grid.


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