Find source code in python

Locating Python Method Source Code in Visual Studio Code: A Guide

According to the documentation, the C code is compiled and there is no Python code representation of the function body. Regarding VS code, is there a shortcut for Python that you can recommend? I have noticed that while using .JS, suggestions are generated as I type, but this is not the case for .py.

How to find source code of python method in vscode

I utilized the function in vscode.

>>> s = 'hello' >>> s.capitalize() 'Hello' 

Curious to know the source code of the function, I performed a right-click on capitalize and selected go to Definition . This led me to a stub file located at builtins.pyi . The function provided by the stub file was the one I was looking for.

As the initial information was not very useful, I decided to search for the source code of the python string library on Google and found the following.

# Capitalize the words in a string, e.g. " aBc dEf " -> "Abc Def". def capwords(s, sep=None): """capwords(s [,sep]) -> string Split the argument into words using split, capitalize each word using capitalize, and join the capitalized words using join. If the optional second argument sep is absent or None, runs of whitespace characters are replaced by a single space and leading and trailing whitespace are removed, otherwise sep is used to split and join the words. """ return (sep or ' ').join(x.capitalize() for x in s.split(sep)) 

The link to the file can be found on GitHub at

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The code seems to be invoking capitalize , but I’m unable to locate its source code. This is just an instance of me struggling to locate the code for a method or function. Having the ability to easily view the source code from VScode while programming would be highly beneficial for my learning process.

Although the task at hand may seem simple, I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to complete it. Any guidance or direction provided would be greatly appreciated.

When working with functions in cpython, their implementation is written in C. Therefore, when using vscode, only the function signatures are displayed. To access the source code of built-in methods, you need to visit the corresponding GitHub page.

The source of the built-in functions can be found on the following GitHub link:

The GitHub repository for CPython contains the built-in types at this location:

Python — Show complete documentation in vscode, @IanHuff, I realized Ctrl + Shift + Enter shows full documentation on some methods (like pd.read_pickle) and on some don’t (like pd.read_csv ). The link you provided does answer the question. If you can place it as an answer I can accept it and close this question. – Vinicius.

Keyboard Shortcut to show documentation in VS code?

In Jupyter notebook , you can use shift+tab to view documentation and Tab to access suggestions (.ipynb). What is the equivalent shortcut in VS code for Python? While using VS code, suggestions appear as I type for .JS, but not for .py.

It seems that the installation of a Python extension is required for the autocomplete feature to function. Use the provided link to install required extension and gain access to IntelliSense.

The Visual Studio Marketplace has an item called «ms-python.python» available for download.

Intellisense can be brought up by pressing ctrl + space.

Documentation for Python Functions in Visual Studio, I am studying python in Visual Studio code, and watching some tutorials I noticed a difference between the tutorial’s IDE and mine. When writing code, the tutorial’s IDE will have suggestions and explanations on how to use functions. For example, when typing mystring.replace () a popup will appear with …

Retrieve func_code from builtin_function_or_method

Can the func_code object be extracted from a builtin_function_or_method, such as time.time when called with empty parentheses?


CPython’s built-in methods are coded in C or other languages such as C++, which means that obtaining a func_code is impossible. This attribute is exclusive to those who utilize Python and is not available for any other purpose.

The source code for time.time can be accessed via this link:

Built-in functions on certain Python implementations could provide access to func_code . PyPy, for instance, offers this capability.

$ pypy Python 2.7.1 (7773f8fc4223, Nov 18 2011, 22:15:49) [PyPy 1.7.0 with GCC 4.0.1] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>> import time >>>> time.time >>>> time.time.func_code >>>> time.time.func_code.co_consts ('time() -> floating point number\n\n Return the current time in seconds since the Epoch.\n Fractions of a second may be present if the system clock provides them.',) 

It’s unlikely that you have the ability to do so. As per the documentation:

Built-in functions

A built-in function object serves as a wrapper for a C function. Some examples of built-in functions include those found in the standard built-in module, such as ****() and math.sin() . The C function determines the number and type of arguments required. The function has read-only attributes, including __doc__ which is the function’s documentation string (or None if it’s unavailable), __name__ which is the function’s name, __self__ which is set to None (with some exceptions), and __module__ which is the name of the module where the function was defined (or None if it’s unavailable).

The function body is not included in Python code as it only contains compiled C code.

How to find source code of python method in vscode, The function it gave me was. def capitalize (self) -> str: This isn’t too helpful so I googled source code for python string library and got this. # Capitalize the words in a string, e.g. » aBc dEf » -> «Abc Def». def capwords (s, sep=None): «»»capwords (s [,sep]) -> string Split the argument into words using …

Where can I find python’s built-in classes’ methods and attributes?

My goal is to discover the available properties and functions of the primary exception classes in Python, which is the Exception class. Unfortunately, I am encountering some difficulty as the official documentation appears to be lacking in this regard.

The most helpful resource I could come across was, although it solely displays the exceptions that are pre-installed.

I’m confused. In Java and PHP documentations, everything is clearly presented, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.

Utilizing the dir function will present a roster of names encompassing both the methods and attributes of an object.

>>>print dir(Exception) ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribut e__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__new__', '__reduc e__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__unicode__', 'args', 'message'] 

Assistance can be obtained through the use of the help approach, which involves implementing the help(Exception) technique.

The only noteworthy feature of BaseException is args , which has been properly documented, thus presenting no issue.

Apart from the specific ( __ ) methods, there are no other techniques available on BaseException . It is not advisable to call them directly. The sentence that documents __str__ is the only one available.

When an instance of this class receives a call to str() or unicode() , it will return the representation of the argument(s) passed to it. If no arguments were passed, an empty string will be returned.

There is an additional publicly accessible attribute, message , however, accessing it would result in obtaining a DeprecationWarning . These outdated attributes are typically not documented since they should not be utilized in any new code.

Visual studio code — How can I view python library, I can use Ctrl+left-click in the name of function to view library functions in PyCharm, and I want to do the same in VScode; what should I do? I may not be very clear, so I recorded a gif. Stack Overflow. python visual-studio-code. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Aug 19, 2016 at 9:11. cnlkl. asked …


How to retrieve source code of Python functions keynote address

Sometimes we want to know what some functions’ source codes look like or where they are, or we need to manipulate the source codes as character strings. In such cases, we need to have a convenient way to retrieve our Python functions’ source codes.

There are two Python libraries that may help:


inspect is a built-in library. It’s already there after you install Python on your computer. The inspect module provides several useful functions to help you get information about live objects, such as modules, classes, methods, functions, tracebacks, frame objects, and code objects. Among its many features, its capability to retrieve the source code of functions stands out.

import pandas import inspect
source_DF = inspect.getsource(pandas.DataFrame) print(type(source_DF))

«»» Two-dimensional size-mutable, potentially heterogeneous tabular data

structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). Arithmetic operations

source_file_DF = inspect.getsourcefile(pandas.DataFrame) print(source_file_DF)
sourcelines_DF = inspect.getsourcelines(pandas.DataFrame) print(type(sourcelines_DF)) print(len(sourcelines_DF)) print(type(sourcelines_DF[0]))

In IPython or Jupyter, we can also use this method to retrieve the source code of the functions that we defined in the console.

def test(x): return x*2 print(inspect.getsource(test)) 

Note that retrieving source codes of self-defined functions only works in IPython or Jupyter. If we are using plain Python and define a function interactively, we will encounter error IOError: could not get source code and will not be able to retrieve the source code. This is because its setting only supports objects loaded from files, not interactive sessions.


dill extends Python’s pickle module for serializing and deserializing Python objects to the majority of the built-in Python types. At the same time, it can also retrieve the source code of your Python objects. Please note dill is not a standard library, so you must install it separately.

Its API is quite similar to inspect ‘s.

import dill source_DF = dill.source.getsource(pandas.DataFrame) print(type(source_DF)) print(len(source_DF)) print(source_DF[:200]) source_file_DF = dill.source.getsourcefile(pandas.DataFrame) print(source_file_DF) sourcelines_DF = dill.source.getsourcelines(pandas.DataFrame) print(type(sourcelines_DF)) print(len(sourcelines_DF)) print(type(sourcelines_DF[0])) 195262 class DataFrame(NDFrame): """ Two-dimensional size-mutable, potentially heterogeneous tabular data structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). Arithmetic operations align on both row a /Users/XD/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ 2

However, a big difference between dill and inspect is that dill ‘s retrieving feature supports self-defined objects in the plain Python console.


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