Find new line php

Find extra space / new line after a closing ?> (php tag)

grep ‘?> ‘ *.php ? Of course, it may not be a space and could be a linebreak or a tab, so you may want to try other characters.

Similar Question and Answer

for i in `find . -name "*.php"`; do (echo -n "$i: "; tail -c 3 $i) | grep -v "[?]>"; done 

The idea is that you take just the last 3 characters with tail, then discard the files where those are ‘?’, ‘>’ and newline. If there’s a space or another newline, you won’t get the ‘?’ character..

sed -e :a -e '/^[ \n]*$/' -e '$ s/\([^ ]\)*?>[ ]*/\1?>/' file.php > new_file.php 

to be executed for each file not completely tested..

remember to work on a temporary file and after the sed operation copy the new file on the original one..

If you need to use in in a sublime-settings file or something like that which doesn’t like forward slashes, you might have to add an extra slash for each of them like so.

This worked for me to find white spaces before php files

find -name '*.php' | xargs grep -Pz '\?>[\s]+$' -l 
  • -0777 will slurp he whole file (-0 will be ok too)
  • -i — inplace editing, so the file will be replaces with the result
  • -p print lines
  • -e perl expression

s/\s*$//s — treat all lines as a single line and substitute any space at the end to nothing

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clt60 59458

This is possible with regular grep

Will search for all files starting from the current directory and list all that have a ?> followed by white space at the end of the file.

  • -P Interpret the pattern as a Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE).
  • -z Treats the input file as one long line — this is in part what makes it work
  • [\s]+ matches at least one white space — including newlines

If you want to match PHP files only:

find -name '*.php' | xargs grep -Pz '\?>[\s]+$' -l 

To search for white space at the beginning of the file before

find -name '*.php' | xargs grep -Pz '^[\s]+ 

The problem here is normal grep doesn't match multiple lines. So, I would install pcregrep and try the following command:

This will match all files in the folder and subfolders (the -r part) using PCRE multiline match (the -M part), and only list their filenames (the -l part).

As for the pattern, well that matches ?> followed by 1 or more whitespace or newline characters, followed by the end of the file \z . I found though, when I ran this on my folder, many of the PHP files do in fact end with a single newline. So you can update that regex to be '\?>[\s\n]+\n\z' to match files with whitespace over and above the single \n character terminator.

Lastly, you can always use od -c filename to print unambiguous representation of the file if you need to check its exact character sequence ending.

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How to detect if a string has a new line break in it?

Obviously because the string doesn't have the "n" character in it. But how else can I check to see if there is a line break that is the result of the user pressing enter in a form field?


Your existing test doesn't work because you don't use double-quotes around your line break character ( 'n' ). Change it to:

Or, if you want cross-operating system compatibility:

Also note that strpos will return 0 and your statement will evaluate to FALSE if the first character is n , so strstr is a better choice. Alternatively you could change the strpos usage to:

if(strpos($string, "n") !== FALSE) < echo 'New line break found'; >else

Here's what worked best for me when trying to script this (in case anyone else comes across this like I did):

$ pecl -d php_suffix=5.6 install $ pecl uninstall -r $ pecl -d php_suffix=7.0 install $ pecl uninstall -r $ pecl -d php_suffix=7.1 install $ pecl uninstall -r

The -d php_suffix= piece allows you to set config values at run time vs pre-setting them with pecl config-set . The uninstall -r bit does not actually uninstall it (from the docs):

[email protected]:~$ pecl help uninstall pecl uninstall [options] [channel/] . Uninstalls one or more PEAR packages. More than one package may be specified at once. Prefix with channel name to uninstall from a channel not in your default channel ( Options: . -r, --register-only do not remove files, only register the packages as not installed . 

The uninstall line is necessary otherwise installing it will remove any previously installed version, even if it was for a different PHP version (ex: Installing an extension for PHP 7.0 would remove the 5.6 version if the package was still registered as installed).


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