Find largest in array php

PHP Code to Find Second Largest Number in Array

Write a PHP code to find second largest number in array. Given an unsorted array, we have to write a PHP program to find the second largest number in an array.

Apart from solving this problem. We have to focus on time complexity. As the time complexity of an algorithm is very important in terms of how efficient your algorithm is.

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For example – Let’s take an array.

The second largest element in this array is 9.

We have discussed the problem statement. Let’s think, how we can solve this problem efficiently? There are multiple ways to solve this problem. Which approach you prefer and why?

How to Find Second Largest Number in Array – PHP Code

One approach is to sort an array. PHP provides several functions for sorting an array. After sorting, pick the element present at n-2 position where n is the size of an array.

The time complexity of this approach is O(nlogn).

NOTE: If the element of an array is repeated then this approach won’t work.

To understand this concept, let’s take an example.

So what will be the second highest number if we use above method (sort and pick the element present at n-2 index). The element is 55 which is wrong.

Traverse an array and maintain two indexes max and second max. The code for this approach is written below.

PHP Code to Find Second Largest Number in an Array

The idea here is to find the second largest number using single loop. To do that, declare two variables max and secondMax. Initially, Assign them with Integer minimum possible value (In PHP, we can do that by using PHP_INT_MIN).

In each iteration, Compare the value present at current index with max and secondMax variable. If current value is greater than the max then assign max value in secondMax and current value in max variable.

The time complexity of this approach is O(n).


PHP Program to find the largest element in an array

Tutorial Study Image

In this program, we are going to find the largest element in the array. To find the largest element we have to compare every element with each other and print the largest among them. For example, the array is 45,20,69,52,31 then the output will be 69.

How to find the largest element in an array using PHP?

To find the largest among the element we are taking the static values which are assigned to the array a[]. Then we have to assign the first element of the array to the variable lar and also assign the size of the array into the variable s using the built-in function count() and after that, we have to assign the value 0 into the variable i and perform the loop until the condition ‘i < s' and also increment the value of the variable i in every iteration and in the loop block we have to check the condition ‘a[i] > lar’ if it is true then assign the value of ‘a[i]’ into the variable lar after the completion of the loop we can print the value of the variable lar as the largest element of the array.


Step 1: Initialize an array a[] with values

Step 2: Assign the value of a[0] to the variable lar

Step 3: Assing the size of an array into the variable s using the built-in function count()

Step 4: Assign the value 0 into the variable i and perform the sub-step until the condition ‘i < s'and increment the value of variable i in every iteration

(i) Check the condition ‘a[i] > lar’ then assign the value of a[i] into the variable lar

Step 5: Print the value of the variable lar as the largest element of the array

PHP Source Code

 $lar) $lar = $a[$i]; > echo "Largest element in the array is $lar"; ?> 


PHP Get Max Value From Array | PHP Tutorial

PHP get the max/maximum/largest value from array. This tutorial has the purpose to explain to you several easy ways to find or get the maximum or largest value from an array in PHP.

Here, we will take e.g. PHP gets the maximum value in an array, get the largest number in the array PHP without a function or get the max value from an array in PHP using for loop

PHP find the highest value in an array

To get the maximum value from an array in PHP, you can use the max() function. This function takes an array as its parameter and returns the maximum value in the array.

PHP max() function

The max() function is inbuilt PHP function, which is used to find the numerically maximum or highest value in an array or find maximum or highest value of given specified values.


max(array) or max(value1, value2, value3 … valueN)

Example – 1 Get max value in array PHP using max() function

Let’s take the first example, we will use the PHP max() function to find the maximum value in the array. Let’s see the example below:

The output of the above program is: 100

Example 2 – Find largest number in array php without function

Let’s take the second example, in this example, we will find or get the largest or maximum number in array PHP without function. Let’s see the example below:

The output of the above program is: 1000

Example – 3 PHP get max or highest value in array using for loop

Let’s take the third example, to find the maximum or largest or highest value in array PHP without using any function. Let’s look at the examples below:

Example – 4 PHP get max or highest value in array using array reduce

We can also use the array_reduce() function to find the maximum value in an array. Here’s an example:

$numbers = array(1, 5, 3, 8, 2); $max = array_reduce($numbers, function($a, $b) < return $a >$b ? $a : $b; >); echo $max; // Output: 8

In this example, we use the array_reduce() function to iterate over the array and find the maximum value. The function passed as the second parameter to array_reduce() compares two values at a time and returns the larger of the two. The array_reduce() function returns the maximum value, which is then assigned to the $max variable. Finally, we use the echo statement to print the value of $max .


Through this tutorial, we have learned how to find or get max value or elements from array in PHP.


How to find the smallest and largest value from this array

Sample Solution :PHP Code : Sample Output: Flowchart: PHP Code Editor: find largest element of an array in php Question: I have this array which stores the values in the array in this format now how will I find the smallest and the largest numeric value from it ?

How to find the smallest and largest value from this array

I have this array which stores the values in the array in this format

Array ( [0] => 0,20 [1] => 21,50 [2] => 201,300 [3] => 301,400 ) 

now how will I find the smallest and the largest numeric value from it ?

I think you need minimum and maximum range.

For minimum and maximum range, first walk through array and replace

, by . so that they become numbers (comparable).

Them find out min() and max() of the resulting array.

Find out the key where the elements sit.

Now, access the elements of the original array with these keys.

, $result ); echo '
'; $minKey = array_search(min($result), $result); $maxKey = array_search(max($result), $result); $min2 = $org[$minKey]; // Returns 0,20 $temp = explode(',', $min2); $min = $temp[0]; echo $min; // Prints 0 echo "
"; $max2 = $org[$maxKey]; // Returns 301,400 $temp = explode(',', $max2); $max = $temp[1]; echo $max; // Prints 400 ?>
$final_array = array(); foreach($a as $val) < $exploded_val = explode(",",$val); $final_array[] = $exploded_val[0]; $final_array[] = $exploded_val[1]; >sort($final_array); $min = $final_array[0]; $max = $final_array[count($final_array)-1]; echo $min.'>>'.$max; 

Why not using min and max functions?

You should watch out how you store your data. If I understood well, you just need to explode the array values, to mount a proper array and then use max and min functions.

$ar = array("0,20","21,50","201,300","301,400"); foreach ($ar as $el) < $el = explode(",", $el); $result[] = $el[0]; $result[] = $el[1]; >echo "min: ".min($result)."\n"; echo "max: ".max($result); 

Get min and max value in PHP Array, It is interesting to note that both the solutions above use extra storage in form of arrays (first one two of them and second one uses one array) and then you find min and max using "extra storage" array. Code sample$min = min($numbers);$max = max($numbers);Feedback

Finding the smallest value in an array without looping through? (PHP)

$myArray = array("0x40x40" => 64, "0x50x40" => 65, "0x60x40" => 66); 

Now I want to find the smalles value, in this case its 64 (the first key/value pair). Is there a way other than looping through the array and to compare the values? The smallest value is not always the first and the values are not sorted by the way.

You can use the min() function to get your answer nicely.

$myArray=array(2, 3, 1, 6, 7); echo min($myArray); // 1 
$myArray = array( "0x40x40" => 64, "0x50x40" => 65, "0x60x40" => 66, "0x70x40" => 67, "0x80x40" => 68, "0x90x40" => 70, "0x100x40" => 71, "0x110x40" => 74, "0x120x40" => 76); echo min($myArray); 

Use below statement in your code and you are done.

will return # array('0x40x40')

$myArray = array( "0x40x40" => 64, "0x50x40" => 65, "0x60x40" => 66, ); array_keys($myArray, min($myArray)); 

PHP Get Highest Value from Array, PHP Get Highest Value from Array. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 1 month ago. I'm trying to get hold of the largest value in an array, while still preserving the item labels. I know I can do this by running sort(), but if I do so I simply lose the labels - which makes it pointless for what I need. Here's the array:

PHP Exercises: Compute the difference between the largest and smallest values in a given array of integers and length one or more

PHP Basic Algorithm: Exercise-107 with Solution

Write a PHP program to compute the difference between the largest and smallest values in a given array of integers and length one or more.

Sample Solution :

 0) $small_num = $biggest_num = $nums[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($nums); $i++) < $small_num = min($small_num, $nums[$i]); $biggest_num = max($biggest_num, $nums[$i]); >return $biggest_num - $small_num; > echo "Difference between the largest and smallest values: ". test([1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12] ); 
Difference between the largest and smallest values: 11

Flowchart: Compute the difference between the largest and smallest values in a given array of integers and length one or more.

PHP Code Editor:

Php - How to find the smallest and largest value from, I think you need minimum and maximum range. For minimum and maximum range, first walk through array and replace, by . so that they become numbers (comparable). Them find out min() and max() of the resulting array.. Find out the key where the elements sit.

Get biggest value from array php

find largest element of an array in php

 else if($array[$i] > $max2) < $max2 = $array[$i]; >> echo "Maximum value = ".$max1; echo " "; echo "Second maximum Value =".$max2; ?>

Php - How to get the highest and lowest value items of, Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers.


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