Filename from url php

5 Ways to Get File Name from URL String in PHP: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to extract a filename from a URL string in PHP using five different methods. This comprehensive guide covers the pros and cons of each method along with practical examples.

  • Using basename() function
  • Using pathinfo() function
  • Using parse_url() function
  • Using explode() and substr() functions
  • Other helpful PHP code examples for getting a file name by URL in PHP
  • Conclusion
  • How to get only file name from URL in PHP?
  • How to get file name with extension from URL in PHP?
  • How to get file name in PHP?
  • How to get the name of a folder from URL in PHP?

If you are working with PHP, you may need to extract the filename from a URL string at some point. This can be a tricky task, especially if the URL contains variable values, which can make it difficult to extract the filename. In this article, we will provide you with 5 ways to get the file name from a URL string in PHP, without any variable values.

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Using basename() function

The basename() function is a built-in PHP function that returns the last component of a path. In the context of a URL string, this means that it will return the filename. Here is an example of how to use basename() to extract a filename from a URL string:

$url = ''; $filename = basename($url); echo $filename; // Output: file.txt 

One limitation of using basename() is that it will also return any query string or fragment identifier that may be present in the URL string. This may not be desirable in some cases.

Using pathinfo() function

The pathinfo() function is another built-in PHP function that can be used to extract the filename from a URL string. This function returns an array containing information about the path, including the filename. Here is an example of how to use pathinfo() to extract a filename from a URL string:

$url = ''; $path_parts = pathinfo($url); $filename = $path_parts['filename']; echo $filename; // Output: file 

One advantage of using pathinfo() is that it can also be used to extract the file extension from the URL string.

$url = ''; $path_parts = pathinfo($url); $extension = $path_parts['extension']; echo $extension; // Output: txt 

One limitation of using pathinfo() is that it may not work correctly with non-ASCII characters in the URL string.

Using parse_url() function

The parse_url() function is a built-in PHP function that can be used to parse a URL string into its components. By using the PHP_URL_PATH constant, we can extract the path from the URL string. Here is an example of how to use parse_url() with PHP_URL_PATH to extract a path from a URL string:

$url = ''; $path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH); 

Once we have the path, we can use pathinfo() with the PATHINFO_FILENAME constant to extract the filename.

$filename = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME); echo $filename; // Output: file 

One limitation of using parse_url() is that it may not work correctly with URLs that contain non-standard components.


The $_SERVER array is a built-in PHP array that contains server and execution environment information. The SCRIPT_NAME element of this array contains the name of the current script. Here is an example of how to use $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’] to extract the current filename and its path:

$filename = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); echo $filename; // Output: index.php 

One limitation of using $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’] is that it will only work correctly if the script is located in the root directory of the server.

Using explode() and substr() functions

The explode() function can be used to split a string into an array, based on a delimiter. The substr() function can be used to extract a substring from a string. Here is an example of how to use explode() and substr() to extract a folder name from a URL string:

$url = ''; $parts = explode('/', $url); $folder_name = substr($parts[count($parts)-2], 0, -1); echo $folder_name; // Output: to 

One limitation of using explode() and substr() is that it can be more error-prone than the other methods.

Other helpful PHP code examples for getting a file name by URL in PHP

In php, get file name from url in php code example

// Get Opened Script Page Name $pagename = basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);


In this article, we have provided 5 ways to get the file name from a URL string in PHP, without any variable values. We have covered the basename() , pathinfo() , parse_url() , $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’] , and explode() and substr() methods. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs.

When working with file and url manipulation in php, it’s important to follow best practices and be aware of common issues. Additional resources for learning more about PHP functions and URL manipulation include websites like Hacker News, DEV,, Hackernoon, FreeCodeCamp, HoneyPot, Lynda, Geeksforgeeks and Programiz.


5 Ways to Get File Name from URL String in PHP: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to extract a filename from a URL string in PHP using five different methods. This comprehensive guide covers the pros and cons of each method along with practical examples.

  • Using basename() function
  • Using pathinfo() function
  • Using parse_url() function
  • Using explode() and substr() functions
  • Other helpful PHP code examples for getting a file name by URL in PHP
  • Conclusion
  • How to get only file name from URL in PHP?
  • How to get file name with extension from URL in PHP?
  • How to get file name in PHP?
  • How to get the name of a folder from URL in PHP?

If you are working with PHP, you may need to extract the filename from a URL string at some point. This can be a tricky task, especially if the URL contains variable values, which can make it difficult to extract the filename. In this article, we will provide you with 5 ways to get the file name from a URL string in PHP, without any variable values.

Using basename() function

The basename() function is a built-in PHP function that returns the last component of a path. In the context of a URL string, this means that it will return the filename. Here is an example of how to use basename() to extract a filename from a URL string:

$url = ''; $filename = basename($url); echo $filename; // Output: file.txt 

One limitation of using basename() is that it will also return any query string or fragment identifier that may be present in the URL string. This may not be desirable in some cases.

Using pathinfo() function

The pathinfo() function is another built-in PHP function that can be used to extract the filename from a URL string. This function returns an array containing information about the path, including the filename. Here is an example of how to use pathinfo() to extract a filename from a URL string:

$url = ''; $path_parts = pathinfo($url); $filename = $path_parts['filename']; echo $filename; // Output: file 

One advantage of using pathinfo() is that it can also be used to extract the file extension from the URL string.

$url = ''; $path_parts = pathinfo($url); $extension = $path_parts['extension']; echo $extension; // Output: txt 

One limitation of using pathinfo() is that it may not work correctly with non-ASCII characters in the URL string.

Using parse_url() function

The parse_url() function is a built-in PHP function that can be used to parse a URL string into its components. By using the PHP_URL_PATH constant, we can extract the path from the URL string. Here is an example of how to use parse_url() with PHP_URL_PATH to extract a path from a URL string:

$url = ''; $path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH); 

Once we have the path, we can use pathinfo() with the PATHINFO_FILENAME constant to extract the filename.

$filename = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME); echo $filename; // Output: file 

One limitation of using parse_url() is that it may not work correctly with URLs that contain non-standard components.


The $_SERVER array is a built-in PHP array that contains server and execution environment information. The SCRIPT_NAME element of this array contains the name of the current script. Here is an example of how to use $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’] to extract the current filename and its path:

$filename = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); echo $filename; // Output: index.php 

One limitation of using $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’] is that it will only work correctly if the script is located in the root directory of the server.

Using explode() and substr() functions

The explode() function can be used to split a string into an array, based on a delimiter. The substr() function can be used to extract a substring from a string. Here is an example of how to use explode() and substr() to extract a folder name from a URL string:

$url = ''; $parts = explode('/', $url); $folder_name = substr($parts[count($parts)-2], 0, -1); echo $folder_name; // Output: to 

One limitation of using explode() and substr() is that it can be more error-prone than the other methods.

Other helpful PHP code examples for getting a file name by URL in PHP

In php, get file name from url in php code example

// Get Opened Script Page Name $pagename = basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);


In this article, we have provided 5 ways to get the file name from a URL string in PHP, without any variable values. We have covered the basename() , pathinfo() , parse_url() , $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_NAME’] , and explode() and substr() methods. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs.

When working with file and url manipulation in php, it’s important to follow best practices and be aware of common issues. Additional resources for learning more about PHP functions and URL manipulation include websites like Hacker News, DEV,, Hackernoon, FreeCodeCamp, HoneyPot, Lynda, Geeksforgeeks and Programiz.


get filename from url php – How to get filename from path in PHP?

get filename from url php using pathinfo($fullpathimg, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), basename() function and basename($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], ‘?’ . $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’]) Examples.

get filename from url php

Given full path, find file name in the path. The basename() function returns the filename from a path.

Get file name form url in PHP

To get the file name from a URL in PHP, you can use the basename() function. Here’s an example:

$url = ''; $filename = basename($url); echo $filename; // Outputs "image.jpg"

In this example, the basename() function takes the URL as an argument and returns the file name from the URL. The file name is then stored in the $filename variable and displayed using the echo statement.


How to get filename without extension in PHP?

$fullpathimg = "/new-logo-pakainfo.png"; $ext = pathinfo($fullpathimg, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $file = basename($fullpathimg,".".$ext); print_r($file);
$ext = pathinfo($fullpathimg, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

Get only filename from url in php without any variable values which exist in the url

echo basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

I hope you get an idea about get filename from url php.
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