Exploratory data analysis with python

Exploratory Data Analysis in Python — A Step-by-Step Process

What is exploratory analysis, how it is structured and how to apply it in Python with the help of Pandas and other data analysis and visualization libraries

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an especially important activity in the routine of a data analyst or scientist.

It enables an in depth understanding of the dataset, define or discard hypotheses and create predictive models on a solid basis.

It uses data manipulation techniques and several statistical tools to describe and understand the relationship between variables and how these can impact business.

In fact, it’s thanks to EDA that we can ask ourselves meaningful questions that can impact business.

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In this article, I will share with you a template for exploratory analysis that I have used over the years and that has proven to be solid for many projects and domains. This is implemented through the use of the Pandas library — an essential tool for any analyst working with Python.

The process consists of several steps:

  1. Importing a dataset
  2. Understanding the big picture
  3. Preparation
  4. Understanding of variables
  5. Study of the relationships between variables
  6. Brainstorming

This template is the result of many iterations and allows me to ask myself meaningful questions about the data in front of me. At the end of the process, we will be able to consolidate a business report or continue with the data modeling phase.

The image below shows how the brainstorming phase is connected with that of understanding the variables and how this in turn is connected again with the brainstorming phase.

This process describes how we can move to ask new questions until we are satisfied.


Exploratory data analysis in Python.

Let us understand how to explore the data in python.


What is Exploratory Data Analysis?

Exploratory Data Analysis or (EDA) is understanding the data sets by summarizing their main characteristics often plotting them visually. This step is very important especially when we arrive at modeling the data in order to apply Machine learning. Plotting in EDA consists of Histograms, Box plot, Scatter plot and many more. It often takes much time to explore the data. Through the process of EDA, we can ask to define the problem statement or definition on our data set which is very important.

How to perform Exploratory Data Analysis?

This is one such question that everyone is keen on knowing the answer. Well, the answer is it depends on the data set that you are working. There is no one method or common methods in order to perform EDA, whereas in this tutorial you can understand some common methods and plots that would be used in the EDA process.

What data are we exploring today?

Since I am a huge fan of cars, I got a very beautiful data-set of cars from Kaggle. The data-set can be downloaded from here. To give a piece of brief information about the data set this data contains more of 10, 000 rows and more than 10 columns which contains features of the car such as Engine Fuel Type, Engine Size, HP, Transmission Type, highway MPG, city MPG and many more. So in this tutorial, we will explore the data and make it ready for modeling.

Let’s get started .

1. Importing the required libraries for EDA

Below are the libraries that are used in order to perform EDA (Exploratory data analysis) in this tutorial. The complete code can be found on my GitHub.

# Importing required libraries.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns #visualisation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #visualisation
%matplotlib inline

2. Loading the data into the data frame.


EDA — Exploratory Data Analysis: Using Python Functions

EDA - Exploratory Data Analysis: Using Python Functions

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In the previous articles, we have seen how to perform EDA using graphical methods. In this article, we will be focusing on Python functions used for Exploratory Data Analysis in Python. As we all know, how important EDA is it provides a brief understanding of the data. So, without wasting much time, let’s roll!

Exploratory Data Analysis — EDA

  • EDA is applied to investigate the data and summarize the key insights.
  • It will give you the basic understanding of your data, it’s distribution, null values and much more.
  • You can either explore data using graphs or through some python functions.
  • There will be two type of analysis. Univariate and Bivariate. In the univariate, you will be analyzing a single attribute. But in the bivariate, you will be analyzing an attribute with the target attribute.
  • In the non-graphical approach, you will be using functions such as shape, summary, describe, isnull, info, datatypes and more.
  • In the graphical approach, you will be using plots such as scatter, box, bar, density and correlation plots.

Load the Data

Well, first things first. We will load the titanic dataset into python to perform EDA.

#Load the required libraries import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns #Load the data df = pd.read_csv('titanic.csv') #View the data df.head() 

Titanic 3

Our data is ready to be explored!

1. Basic information about data — EDA

The df.info() function will give us the basic information about the dataset. For any data, it is good to start by knowing its information. Let’s see how it works with our data.

#Basic information df.info() #Describe the data df.describe() 

EDA Df Info


Using this function, you can see the number of null values, datatypes, and memory usage as shown in the above outputs along with descriptive statistics.

2. Duplicate values

You can use the df.duplicate.sum() function to the sum of duplicate value present if any. It will show the number of duplicate values if they are present in the data.

#Find the duplicates df.duplicated().sum() 

Well, the function returned ‘0’. This means, there is not a single duplicate value present in our dataset and it is a very good thing to know.

3. Unique values in the data

You can find the number of unique values in the particular column using unique() function in python.

#unique values df['Pclass'].unique() df['Survived'].unique() df['Sex'].unique() 
array([3, 1, 2], dtype=int64) array([0, 1], dtype=int64) array(['male', 'female'], dtype=object) 

The unique() function has returned the unique values which are present in the data and it is pretty much cool!

4. Visualize the Unique counts

Yes, you can visualize the unique values present in the data. For this, we will be using the seaborn library. You have to call the sns.countlot() function and specify the variable to plot the count plot.

#Plot the unique values sns.countplot(df['Pclass']).unique() 


That’s great! You are doing good. It is as simple as that. Though EDA has two approaches, a blend of graphical and non-graphical will give you the bigger picture altogether.

5. Find the Null values

Finding the null values is the most important step in the EDA. As I told many a time, ensuring the quality of data is paramount. So, let’s see how we can find the null values.

#Find null values df.isnull().sum() 
PassengerId 0 Survived 0 Pclass 0 Name 0 Sex 0 Age 177 SibSp 0 Parch 0 Ticket 0 Fare 0 Cabin 687 Embarked 2 dtype: int64 

Oh no, we have some null values in the ‘Age’ and ‘Cabin’ variables. But, don’t worry. We will find a way to deal with them soon.

6. Replace the Null values

Hey, we got a replace() function to replace all the null values with a specific data. It is too good!

#Replace null values df.replace(np.nan,'0',inplace = True) #Check the changes now df.isnull().sum() 
PassengerId 0 Survived 0 Pclass 0 Name 0 Sex 0 Age 0 SibSp 0 Parch 0 Ticket 0 Fare 0 Cabin 0 Embarked 0 dtype: int64 

Whoo! That’s awesome. It is very easy to find and replace the null values in the data as shown. I have used 0 to replace null values. You can even opt for more meaningful methods such as mean or median.

7. Know the datatypes

Knowing the datatypes which you are exploring is very important and an easy process too. Let’s see how it works.

PassengerId int64 Survived int64 Pclass int64 Name object Sex object Age object SibSp int64 Parch int64 Ticket object Fare float64 Cabin object Embarked object dtype: object 

That’s it. You have to use the dtypes function for this a shown and you will get the datatypes of each attribute.

8. Filter the Data

Yes, you can filter the data based on some logic.

#Filter data df[df['Pclass']==1].head() 

You can see that the above code has returned only data values that belong to class 1.

9. A quick box plot

You can create a box plot for any numerical column using a single line of code.

Eda Boxplot

10. Correlation Plot — EDA

Finally, to find the correlation among the variables, we can make use of the correlation function. This will give you a fair idea of the correlation strength between different variables.

Corr Matrix

This is the correlation matrix with the range from +1 to -1 where +1 is highly and positively correlated and -1 will be highly negatively correlated.

You can even visualize the correlation matrix using seaborn library as shown below.

#Correlation plot sns.heatmap(df.corr()) 

Sns Correlation Plot

Ending Note — EDA

EDA is the most important part of any analysis. You will get to know many things about your data. You will find answers to your most of the questions with EDA. I have tried to show most of the python functions used for exploring the data with visualizations. I hope you got something from this article.

That’s all for now! Happy Python 🙂

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