Explode by space in php

How can I explode a string by more than one space, but not by exactly one space in php

This could be because of the way whitespace displays in HTML: tabs, newlines, and other whitespace characters all look like simple spaces. Notice that there is a space before . To include non-breaking spaces you could add to the expression, like this: Examples: Where will check for 2 or more occurrences of either a space or non-breaking space .

How can I explode a string by more than one space, but not by exactly one space in php

I have a text line that is delimited by tabs and multiple spaces but not single spaces. I have found:

parsed = preg_split('/ +/', $line); // one or more spaces 

which can a split a line with one or more spaces. Is there a regex for only more than 1 space but not exactly 1 space?

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Just use preg_split(‘/ +/’, $line); — this is a blank followed by one or more blanks. Note that there are 2 blanks between the / and the +, even if it looks like one. Or, you could write it as ‘/ /’ , which also means previous expression (the blank) repeated at least 2 times.

parsed = preg_split('/ /', $line); // two or more spaces 

How to make an array in php with these data, Explode string by one or more spaces or tabs (8 answers). Closed last month. i have some number data with have multipal spaces , i want to

How to PHP : Explode string by one or more spaces or tabs

How to PHP : Explode string by one or more spaces or tabs [ Ext for Developers : https://www Duration: 1:00

PHP : Explode string by one or more spaces or tabs

PHP : Explode string by one or more spaces or tabs [ Beautify Your Computer : https://www Duration: 1:12

Explode string by one or more spaces and new lines

How can I explode a string by one or more spaces or tabs?

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O 

I have successfully tokenize on spaces and tab’s with this code:

but the issue rises when there is new line.

I want to make this an array so that i can run mysqlquery as well.

If you want to get a matrix of characters, split by newline first:

 $line) < $parts[$key] = preg_split("/\s+/", $line); >//output $n = count($parts); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) < $m = count($parts[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < $m; ++$j) < print $parts[$i][$j]." "; >print "\n"; > 

Splitting a string with multiple spaces, Since the argument to split() is a regular expression, you can look for one or more spaces ( » +» ) instead of just one space ( » » ). String[] array

Explode() doesn’t separate a string by spaces?

I am attempting to open a text file and explode the list of names within into an array but when I var_dump the new array I get this:

array(1) < [0]=>string(61) «name name name name » >

The entire contents of the list goes into one single key field in the array.

This is the code I’m using:

$ingame_list = file_get_contents('../../../../home/folder/folder/list.txt'); $newarray = explode(" ", $ingame_list); var_dump($newarray); 

How can I get each name to be in its own key field within the new array?

tl;dr Your list is separated by something other than simple spaces — most likely multiple adjacent whitespace characters. You’re actually seeing an HTML rendering of the data, in which multiple adjacent whitespace characters are displayed as one.

Note the string(61) in the results of var_dump() . var_dump() reports the type, length, and content of a variable (in the case of a string). That string(61) means there are 61 characters in your string. So, if you are really getting back the string «name name name name » , this implies there are characters that you are not seeing here. This could be because of the way whitespace displays in HTML: tabs, newlines, and other whitespace characters all look like simple spaces. Are you sure the text is separated by spaces, not tabs or other whitespace?

explode() will only split the string on exact matches to the specified character/string. If the text is separated by \t , \n , \r , or other non-printing characters, your explode() statement won’t work. For example, if you have this:

(pretend those are tab characters above), then your explode() doesn’t find any plain old space ( , character value 32) characters.

How to Fix This

Based on your comments below, your data contains newline ( \n ) characters, not plain spaces. You need to replace the second line of your code with this:

$newarray = explode("\n", $ingame_list); 

If they are separated by newlines then you don’t even need explode:

$newarray = file('../../../../home/folder/folder/list.txt'); 

C# — Split string by any number of tabs and spaces, Just read the entire line until a return character. Once you have entire line break it up into two strings one which contains XXX.XXX. · 1. I

In Ruby, how do I split on two or more spaces or a tab?

With Ruby, how do I split into two or more spaces or a tab? that is I have:

2.4.0 :005 > str = "a\t\tb c d" => "a\t\tb c d" 

and applying my rules above, I would like the result to be:

since the consecutive tabs are capturing an empty string. But when I try the below:

2.4.0 :007 > str.split(/(?:[[:space:]][[:space:]]+|\t)/) => ["a", "b", "c d"] 

The tabs are getting merged into a single [[:space:]] .

How do I adjust my Regular expression to split into two or more spaces or a tab character?

"a\t\tb c d".split(/\t| /) #=> ["a", "", "b", "c d"] "ab \t\t\tf".split(/\t| /) #=> ["ab ", "", "", "f"] 

Where \t is for a tab and for two or more spaces . Notice that there is a space before .

To include non-breaking spaces you could add \u00A0 to the expression, like this:

str = "a\t\tb \u00A0 c d" #=> "a\t\tb c d" str.split(/\t|[ |\u00A0]/) #=> ["a", "", "b", "c d"] str = "ab \t\t\tf" #=> "ab \t\t\tf" str.split(/\t|[ |\u00A0]/) #=> ["ab ", "", "", "f"] 

Where [ |\u00A0] will check for 2 or more occurrences of either a space or non-breaking space .

Split string into substrings on one or more whitespaces, Try strsplit(test, ‘\\s+’) [[1]] [1] «123» «nnn» «dddddd». \\s will match all the whitespace characters.



Возвращает массив строк, полученных разбиением строки string с использованием delimiter в качестве разделителя.

Список параметров

Если аргумент limit является положительным, возвращаемый массив будет содержать максимум limit элементов, при этом последний элемент будет содержать остаток строки string .

Если параметр limit отрицателен, то будут возвращены все компоненты кроме последних — limit .

Если limit равен нулю, то он расценивается как 1.


По историческим причинам, функции implode() можно передавать аргументы в любом порядке, но для explode() это недопустимо. Убедитесь в том, что delimiter указан перед аргументом string .

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает массив ( array ) строк ( string ), созданный делением параметра string по границам, указанным параметром delimiter .

Если delimiter является пустой строкой («»), explode() возвращает FALSE . Если delimiter не содержится в string , и используется отрицательный limit , то будет возвращен пустой массив ( array ), иначе будет возвращен массив, содержащий string .

Список изменений

Версия Описание
5.1.0 Добавлена поддержка отрицательных значений limit


Пример #1 Пример использования explode()

// Пример 1
$pizza = «кусок1 кусок2 кусок3 кусок4 кусок5 кусок6» ;
$pieces = explode ( » » , $pizza );
echo $pieces [ 0 ]; // кусок1
echo $pieces [ 1 ]; // кусок2

// Пример 2
$data = «foo:*:1023:1000::/home/foo:/bin/sh» ;
list( $user , $pass , $uid , $gid , $gecos , $home , $shell ) = explode ( «:» , $data );
echo $user ; // foo
echo $pass ; // *

Пример #2 Пример возвращаемого значения explode()

Строка, которая не содержит разделителя, будет
просто возвращать массив с одним значением оригинальной строки.
$input1 = «hello» ;
$input2 = «hello,there» ;
var_dump ( explode ( ‘,’ , $input1 ) );
var_dump ( explode ( ‘,’ , $input2 ) );

Результат выполнения данного примера:

array(1) ( [0] => string(5) "hello" ) array(2) ( [0] => string(5) "hello" [1] => string(5) "there" )

Пример #3 Примеры с использованием параметра limit

// положительный лимит
print_r ( explode ( ‘|’ , $str , 2 ));

// отрицательный лимит (начиная с PHP 5.1)
print_r ( explode ( ‘|’ , $str , — 1 ));

Результат выполнения данного примера:

Array ( [0] => один [1] => два|три|четыре ) Array ( [0] => один [1] => два [2] => три )


Замечание: Эта функция безопасна для обработки данных в двоичной форме.

Смотрите также

  • preg_split() — Разбивает строку по регулярному выражению
  • str_split() — Преобразует строку в массив
  • mb_split() — Разделение строк в многобайтных кодировках, используя регулярное выражение
  • str_word_count() — Возвращает информацию о словах, входящих в строку
  • strtok() — Разбивает строку на токены
  • implode() — Объединяет элементы массива в строку


PHP Explode – How to Split a String into an Array

Kolade Chris

Kolade Chris

PHP Explode – How to Split a String into an Array

The PHP explode() function converts a string to an array. Each of the characters in the string is given an index that starts from 0. Like the built-in implode() function, the explode function does not modify the data (string).

Syntax of the explode() Function

The explode() function takes in three parameters:

The full syntax looks like this:

explode(separator, string, limit) 

Unlike implode() which works even if the separator is not provided, the explode() function won’t work without the separator. So, just like the string split into an array, the separator is required. You can use the limit parameter to specify the number of arrays expected. It is optional.

Examples of implode()

Let’s say that I have the string «Hello World». If the string is passed into an explode() function, Hello takes an index of 0 in the array, and World takes an index of 1. Remember that arrays use zero-based indexing.

$str = "Hello world"; $newStr = explode(" ", $str); // We are printing an array, so we can use print_r() print_r($newStr); 


If you specify a limit in the explode() function, the index(es) won’t be more than that number. For example, if you specify 2, all the strings would show, but the index won’t be more than 2.

$str = "CSS, HTML, PHP, Java, JavaScript"; $newStr = explode(" ", $str, 2); // We are printing an array, so we can use print_r() print_r($newStr); 


You can see that the first element takes an index of 0 and the rest of the comma-separated elements take 1. The index is not more than the limit of 2 specified.

The explode() function looks at spaces in the string to split the string into an array. If you type two different words together, they are treated as one:

$str = "CSS HTMLPHP Java JavaScript"; $newStr = explode( " ", $str); // We are printing an array, so we can use print_r() print_r($newStr); 


You can see that HTML and PHP got ptinted together because there was no space between them.


This article showed you how to use the explode() function in PHP.

Note that unlike implode() which works without the separator, the separator is very important in explode() . If you don’t specify a separator, explode() won’t work as expected.

$str = "CSS, HTML, PHP, Java, JavaScript"; $newStr = explode($str, 2); // We are printing an array, so we can use print_r() print_r($newStr); 


And if you leave the separator as an empty string, you get an error:


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