ExcelJS tutorial
ExcelJS tutorial shows how to work with Excel files in JavaScript with ExcelJS library.
is a JavaScript library for reading, manipulating and writing spreadsheet data in XLSX format.
We install ExcelJS with npm i exceljs command.
Excel xlsx
In this article we work with xlsx files. The xlsx is a file extension for an open XML spreadsheet file format used by Microsoft Excel. The xlsm files support macros. The xltm are macro-enabled template files. The xls format is a proprietary binary format while xlsx is based on Office Open XML format.
ExcelJS cells
In the first example, we work with cells. We get the reference to a cell with the getCell function.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet'); ws.addRows([ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19, 20]] ); const v0 = ws.getCell('A1').value; console.log(v0); const v1 = ws.getCell(1, 1).value; console.log(v1); const v2 = ws.getRow(2).getCell(2).value; console.log(v2);
In the example, we add data to a worksheet and later read them.
const Excel = require('exceljs');
The ExcelJS library is imported.
const wb = new Excel.Workbook();
A new workbook is generated.
const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet');
The addWorksheet adds a new worksheet to the workbook.
ws.addRows([ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19, 20]] );
The addRows function adds rows of data to the worksheet.
const v0 = ws.getCell('A1').value; console.log(v0);
We refer to the top-left cell via the ‘A1’ address; the typical Excel notation. We get the value of the cell with the value property.
const v1 = ws.getCell(1, 1).value; console.log(v1);
Another way is to pass a row and a column number to the getCell function.
const v2 = ws.getRow(2).getCell(2).value; console.log(v2);
The third way is to chain the getRow and getCell calls.
ExcelJS write to file
We write the data to a file with writeFile method.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const fileName = 'simple.xlsx'; const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet'); ws.getCell('A1').value = 'John Doe'; ws.getCell('B1').value = 'gardener'; ws.getCell('C1').value = new Date().toLocaleString(); const r3 = ws.getRow(3); r3.values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; wb.xlsx .writeFile(fileName) .then(() => < console.log('file created'); >) .catch(err => < console.log(err.message); >);
The example adds some data to a worksheet and writes it into the simple.xslx file.
ws.getCell('A1').value = 'John Doe'; ws.getCell('B1').value = 'gardener'; ws.getCell('C1').value = new Date().toLocaleString();
We write data to three cells.
const r3 = ws.getRow(3); r3.values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
In adddition, we add an array of values to the third row.
wb.xlsx .writeFile(fileName) .then(() => < console.log('file created'); >) .catch(err => < console.log(err.message); >);
The worksheet is written to the file with writeFile function.
ExcelJS read file
In the following example, we read from an existing xlsx file. We assume some data in the first two columns.
const ExcelJS = require('exceljs'); const wb = new ExcelJS.Workbook(); const fileName = 'items.xlsx'; wb.xlsx.readFile(fileName).then(() => < const ws = wb.getWorksheet('Sheet1'); const c1 = ws.getColumn(1); c1.eachCell(c =>< console.log(c.value); >); const c2 = ws.getColumn(2); c2.eachCell(c => < console.log(c.value); >); >).catch(err => < console.log(err.message); >);
The example reads data from two columns of the sheet.
wb.xlsx.readFile(fileName).then(() =>To read the worksheet data, we use the readFile function.
const ws = wb.getWorksheet('Sheet1');We get the worksheet with the getWorksheet function.
We get the first column with getColumn .
We iterate over the current cells using the eachCell function.
ExcelJS columns
In the next example, we work with columns.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet'); const headers = [ < header: 'First name', key: 'fn', width: 15 >, < header: 'Last name', key: 'ln', width: 15 >, < header: 'Occupation', key: 'occ', width: 15 >, < header: 'Salary', key: 'sl', width: 15 >, ] ws.columns = headers; ws.addRow(['John', 'Doe', 'gardener', 1230]); ws.addRow(['Roger', 'Roe', 'driver', 980]); ws.addRow(['Lucy', 'Mallory', 'teacher', 780]); ws.addRow(['Peter', 'Smith', 'programmer', 2300]); ws.getColumn('fn').eachCell((cell, rn) => < console.log(cell.value); >); console.log('--------------'); ws.getColumn('B').eachCell((cell, rn) => < console.log(cell.value); >); console.log('--------------'); ws.getColumn(3).eachCell((cell, rn) => < console.log(cell.value); >); console.log('--------------'); console.log(`There are $ columns`);We define column headers and iterate over column cells.
const headers = [ < header: 'First name', key: 'fn', width: 15 >, < header: 'Last name', key: 'ln', width: 15 >, < header: 'Occupation', key: 'occ', width: 15 >, < header: 'Salary', key: 'sl', width: 15 >, ] ws.columns = headers;Via the columns property, we add column headers and define column keys and widths.
ws.addRow(['John', 'Doe', 'gardener', 1230]); ws.addRow(['Roger', 'Roe', 'driver', 980]); .We add some row data with addRow .
ws.getColumn('fn').eachCell((cell, rn) => < console.log(cell.value); >);We refer to the first column via the key name. The eachCell is used to iterate over data.
ws.getColumn('B').eachCell((cell, rn) => < console.log(cell.value); >);Here, we get the column by the assigned letter.
ws.getColumn(3).eachCell((cell, rn) => < console.log(cell.value); >);Finally, we refer to the third column via the index value.
console.log(`There are $ columns`);We get the number of columns with data with the actualColumnCount property.
$ node app.js First name John Roger Lucy Peter -------------- Last name Doe Roe Mallory Smith -------------- Occupation gardener driver teacher programmer -------------- There are 4 columnsExcelJS rows
In the first example, we work with rows.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet'); const headers = [ < header: 'First name', key: 'fn', width: 15 >, < header: 'Last name', key: 'ln', width: 15 >, < header: 'Occupation', key: 'occ', width: 15 >, < header: 'Salary', key: 'sl', width: 15 >, ] ws.columns = headers; ws.addRow(['John', 'Doe', 'gardener', 1230]); ws.addRow(< 'fn': 'Roger', 'ln': 'Roe', 'occ': 'driver', 'sl': 980 >); ws.addRows( ['Lucy', 'Mallory', 'teacher', 780], ['Peter', 'Smith', 'programmer', 2300]); console.log(`There are $ rows`); let rows = ws.getRows(1, 4).values(); for (let row of rows) < row.eachCell((cell, cn) =>< console.log(cell.value); >); >We add data with addRow and addRows functions and retrieve the rows of data with getRows .
ws.addRow(['John', 'Doe', 'gardener', 1230]);We add an array of values with addRow .
Here, we add the data using key/value pairs, where each key is the column key name.
ws.addRows( ['Lucy', 'Mallory', 'teacher', 780], ['Peter', 'Smith', 'programmer', 2300]);Multiple rows can be added with addRows .
console.log(`There are $ rows`);The actualRowCount property returns the number of rows that have values.
let rows = ws.getRows(1, 4).values();We get values from rows 1..4.
We iterate over the rows and their cells.
$ node app.js There are 3 rows First name Last name Occupation Salary John Doe gardener 1230 Roger Roe driver 980ExcelJS load CSV
ExcelJS allows to read data from a CSV file.
id,name,price 1,Audi,52642 2,Mercedes,57127 3,Skoda,9000 4,Volvo,29000 5,Bentley,350000 6,Citroen,21000 7,Hummer,41400 8,Volkswagen,21600 9,Toyota,26700We have some simple CSV data.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const fileName = 'cars.xlsx' const data = 'cars.csv'; const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); wb.csv.readFile(data).then((ws) => < console.log( `Sheet $- $, Dims=$`); for (let i = 1; i `); > console.log(); > >).then(() => < writeData(); >); function writeData() < wb.xlsx .writeFile(fileName) .then(() =>< console.log('Done.'); >) .catch(err => < console.log(err.message); >); > In the example, we read data from the cars.csv file, print it to the console and write it to the xlsx file.
We read the CSV data with the readFile function of the csv property.
for (let i = 1; i `); > console.log(); >We iterate over the data with two for loops.
When the reading is finished, we call the writeData function.
function writeData() < wb.xlsx .writeFile(fileName) .then(() =>< console.log('Done.'); >) .catch(err => < console.log(err.message); >); >Inside the writeData function, we write the worksheet data into a xlsx file.
ExcelJS cell alignment
In the next example, we show how to align data in cells. We can align content horizontally and vertically.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const fileName = 'align.xlsx'; const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet'); const headers = [ < header: 'First name', key: 'fn', width: 15 >, < header: 'Last name', key: 'ln', width: 15 >, < header: 'Occupation', key: 'occ', width: 15 >, < header: 'Salary', key: 'sl', width: 15 >, ] ws.columns = headers; ws.addRow(['John', 'Doe', 'gardener', 1230]); ws.addRow(['Roger', 'Roe', 'driver', 980]); ws.addRow(['Lucy', 'Mallory', 'teacher', 780]); ws.addRow(['Peter', 'Smith', 'programmer', 2300]); ws.getColumn('A').style.alignment = < vertical: 'middle', horizontal: 'left' >; ws.getColumn('B').style.alignment = < vertical: 'middle', horizontal: 'left' >; ws.getColumn('C').style.alignment = < vertical: 'middle', horizontal: 'left' >; ws.getColumn('D').style.alignment = < vertical: 'middle', horizontal: 'right' >; ws.getRow(1).style.alignment = ; wb.xlsx .writeFile(fileName) .then(() => < console.log('file created'); >) .catch(err => < console.log(err.message); >);To align content, we utilize the style and alignment properties.
ExcelJS hyperlink
In the next example, we create a hyperlink.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const fileName = 'hyperlink.xlsx'; const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet'); ws.getCell('A1').value = < hyperlink: 'http://webcode.me', text: 'WebCode', tooltip: 'http://webcode.me', >; ws.getCell('A1').font = < underline: true, color: 'blue' >; wb.xlsx .writeFile(fileName) .then(() => < console.log('Done.'); >) .catch(err => < console.log(err.message); >);To create a hyperlink, we use the hyperlink property of the cell value property. We make the text underlined with the font property.
ExcelJS merge cells
We can use the mergeCells function to merge cells.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const fileName = 'merged.xlsx'; const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet'); ws.getCell('A1').value = 'old falcon'; ws.getCell('A1').style.alignment = < horizontal: 'center', vertical: 'middle' >; ws.mergeCells('A1:C4'); wb.xlsx .writeFile(fileName) .then(() => < console.log('file created'); >) .catch(err => < console.log(err.message); >);The example merges cells A1 through C4.
ExcelJS formula
To add formulas to cells, we can use the formula property.
const Excel = require('exceljs'); const fileName = 'formula.xlsx'; const wb = new Excel.Workbook(); const ws = wb.addWorksheet('My Sheet'); ws.getCell('A1').value = 1; ws.getCell('A2').value = 2; ws.getCell('A3').value = 3; ws.getCell('A4').value = 4; ws.getCell('A5').value = 5; ws.getCell('A6').value = 6; let a7 = ws.getCell('A7'); a7.value = < formula: 'SUM(A1:A6)' >; a7.style.font = < bold: true >; writeFile(wb); async function writeFile(wb)
The example inserts the SUM formula into the A7 cell.
In this article we have worked with Excel files using the ExcelJS library.
My name is Jan Bodnar and I am a passionate programmer with many years of programming experience. I have been writing programming articles since 2007. So far, I have written over 1400 articles and 8 e-books. I have over eight years of experience in teaching programming.