Example Web Page

Cascading Style Sheets/Applying CSS to HTML and XHTML

CSS can be applied to HTML or XHTML using three methods: linked, embedded, and inline. In the linked method, the CSS is stored in a separate file, instead of directly in the HTML page. In the embedded method, CSS is stored as part of the HTML page, in the header section. In the inline method, CSS is stored directly in the style attributes of the HTML tags, as

Bold Font


The neatest method is probably the linked one, but the other ones are convenient and quick in the phases of prototyping a web page. The embedded and inline methods do not require having a separate file. The inline method saves you the trouble of considering what CSS classes your document should have. For a larger site, in which many web pages share the same styling, and in which the styling should be customizable by the user, the linked method is the only viable option.

The methods are treated in detail in the following sections.

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Linking [ edit | edit source ]

With linked CSS, CSS rules are stored in a separate file. To refer to that file from the HTML page, add the link element (and its closing element within XHTML) to the head element, as shown in the following example, which assumes that the stylesheet is stored in the file named «style.css».

The link element in the example has three attributes. The first, rel , tells the browser the type of the target of the link. The second, type , tells the browser what type of stylesheet it is. And the third, href , tells the browser under which URL to find the stylesheet. In the example, the URL is relative, but it can also be absolute.

The «style.css» with a single rule contains only the following text:

This tells the browser that the text in the paragraph ( p ) element should be rendered as bold.

Text that will be formatted.

The source code for the complete HTML document is thus as follows:


Text that will be formatted.

Embedding [ edit | edit source ]

Dynamically generated webpages may need to use embedded CSS, but this should be kept to a minimum. Even in dynamic pages, any CSS that is common to multiple pages should generally be moved to a linked stylesheet.

Embedded CSS is CSS that is located in the header of the HTML document that requires styling. For example we would like the text in this HTML document to appear bold.


Text that will be formatted.

The CSS may be placed in the document’s header section:

The CSS is contained in a style element. Setting the element’s type attribute to text/css tells the browser that the enclosed sheetstyle is written in CSS and should be used to format the page. If the attribute type is missing or set to an unrecognized value, the CSS will not be applied to the page.

The bit of CSS in this example tells the browser to make all the text found in any paragraph ( p ) elements bold. The text on the page would look like this:

Text that will be formatted.

Here is the complete document including the CSS.


Text that will be formatted.

Remember, you should use linked stylesheets in preference to embedded stylesheets whenever possible. That will allow easy replacement of the general style information without having to keep track of styles within the various HTML files.

Inlining [ edit | edit source ]

Inline CSS is specified directly in the opening tag of the element you want it to apply to. It is entered into the style attribute within HTML or XHTML 1.1.

As mentioned, you should in general prefer linked CSS to embedded CSS, and both are preferred over inline CSS.


Uses of an embedded style sheet in CSS

CSS stylesheets are used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML. It provides color, layout, background, font, and border properties while also allowing better content accessibility, enhanced flexibility, and control, as well as the specification of the characteristics of presentation. CSS stylesheets can be applied to an HTML document in 3 ways – inline styles, embedded stylesheet, and external stylesheet.

Embedded Stylesheet: It allows you to define styles for a particular HTML document as a whole in one place. This is done by embedding the tags containing the CSS properties in the head of your document. Embedded style sheets are particularly useful for HTML documents that have unique style requirements from the rest of the documents in your project. However, if the styles need to be applied across multiple documents, you should link to an external style sheet instead of using individual embedded style sheets. Using embedded stylesheets holds a distinct advantage over inline styles which only allow you to address one HTML element at a time.

Syntax: The CSS syntax for embedded style sheets is exactly the same as other CSS code, apart from the fact that it is now wrapped within the tags. The tag takes the ‘type’ attribute that defines the type of style sheet being used (ie. text/CSS).

Example 1: Below is an HTML document with the CSS styling for the entire web page enclosed within the tags. These properties would be applied to all corresponding elements in the HTML document.


The Ultimate Guide to Including CSS in HTML: Best Practices and Tips

Learn how to properly include CSS in your HTML pages with our comprehensive guide. Discover best practices and tips for optimizing CSS and organizing files.

HTML and CSS are essential for creating visually appealing and functional websites. CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is used to define the styles and layout of a webpage. CSS can be included in HTML pages in three ways: inline, embedded, and external. Understanding these methods and best practices for including css in html is important for web developers. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide on how to properly include css in html pages, as well as helpful tips and best practices for optimizing css .

Inline CSS

Inline CSS is added using the style attribute within HTML elements. This method is useful for making quick style changes to specific elements. However, it can result in repetitive and difficult-to-maintain code. To minimize the use of inline CSS, it’s recommended to use external or embedded CSS instead.

Examples of using inline CSS

Let’s consider an example where you want to add a background color to a paragraph element. Here’s how you can do it using inline CSS:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Best practices for minimizing inline CSS

To minimize the use of inline CSS, it’s important to follow best practices such as:

  • Use external or embedded CSS instead of inline CSS as much as possible.
  • Use inline CSS only when necessary and for specific elements.
  • Avoid using inline CSS for global styles that affect multiple elements.
  • Use shorthand properties to reduce the amount of code needed.

Embedded CSS

Embedded CSS is added using the element in the head section of the HTML document. This method allows for more extensive styling and organization of code.


Embedded CSS and how it works

learn CSS

Embedded CSS is very useful and here you will learn how to use it.

Embedded CSS is also known as internal CSS.

I use single page HTML sites to display my Python programming as I embed the Python into my HTML and send documents to a server. Embedded CSS is very useful here as I can put all the CSS inside the of the HTML file.

What is embedded CSS?

Embedded CSS is simply all the styling (CSS cascading style sheet) inside the head tags of an HTML document. There are no external links necessary and the webpage can be whole and complete without having multiple files or folders of files.

It’s a clean way of sending single page websites or webpages to others. This is also an easy way of hosting single page HTML pages on a server. Emails are often done this way to avoid external links that may not be available or blocked.

Place your CSS rules into an HTML document using the element. This tag is placed inside … tags. Rules defined using this syntax will be applied to all the elements available in the document, hence the name ‘cascading’.

Here is an example of embedded HTML:

html> html> head> style media = "all"> body < background-color: pink; > h1 < color: blue; margin-left: 30px; > style> head> body> h1>This is a heading h1> p>This is a paragraph. p> body> html>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

CSS Rules and Syntax

Each rule contains a selector, and at least one property and one value. A selector can have multiple properties and values.

The selector is the HTML element that you want to edit with CSS such as

, , or . These are the selectors that are going to be targeted by the CSS. Some HTML elements can be classes or id’s which are more specific.

Property is the specific CSS property.

Value is the specific CSS value of the CSS property.

style> .main < text-align:center; > .GFG < color:#009900; font-size:50px; font-weight:bold; > .shores < font-style:bold; font-size:20px; > style> Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Properties of CSS: Inline CSS has the highest priority, then comes Internal/Embedded followed by External CSS which has the least priority. Multiple style sheets can be defined on one page. If for an HTML tag, styles are defined in multiple style sheets then the below order will be followed.

  • As Inline has the highest priority, any styles that are defined in the internal and external style sheets are overridden by Inline styles.
  • Internal or Embedded stands second in the priority list and overrides the styles in the external style sheet.
  • External style sheets have the least priority. If there are no styles defined either in inline or internal style sheet then external style sheet rules are applied for the HTML tags.


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