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Is there a command for formatting HTML in the Atom editor?

I would like to format my HTML with a command, as I do in Visual Studio, using Ctrl + K + D . Is this possible in Atom? If not, are there other options?

Html Solutions

Solution 1 — Html

Atom does not have a built-in command for formatting html. However, you can install the atom-beautify package to get this behavior.

  1. Press CTRL + SHFT + P to bring up the command palette ( CMD + SHFT + P on a Mac).
  2. Type Install Packages to bring up the package manager.
  3. Type beautify into the search box.
  4. Choose atom-beautify or one of the other packages and click Install.
  5. Now you can use the default keybinding for atom-beautify CTRL + ALT + B to beautify your HTML ( CTRL + OPTION + B on a Mac).

Solution 2 — Html

There are a few packages for prettifying HTML. You can find them by searching the Atom package archive:

Once you’ve selected a package that does what you want you can install it by using the command: apm install [package name] from the command line or install it using the interface in Preferences.

Читайте также:  Меняем цвет шрифта при помощи HTML

When the package is installed, follow its instructions for how to activate its capabilities.

Solution 3 — Html

Includes many different languages, html too..

Solution 4 — Html

You can add atom beauty package for formatting text in atom..

then you type atom-beautify in search area.

then click Package button.. select atom beuty and install it.

next you can format your text using (Alt + ctrl + b) or right click and select beautify editor contents

Solution 5 — Html

  1. Go to «Packages» in atom editor.
  2. Then in «Packages» view choose «Settings View».
  3. Choose «Install Packages/Themes».
  4. Search for «Atom Beautify» and install it.

Solution 6 — Html

Not Just HTML, Using atom-beautify — Package for Atom, you can format code for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Coldfusion, SQL, and more) in Atom within a matter of seconds.

To Install the atom-beautify package :

  • Open Atom Editor.
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + P ( Cmd + Shift + P on mac), this will open the atom Command Palette.
  • Search and click on Install Packages & Themes . A Install Package window comes up.
  • Search for Beautify package, you will see a lot of beautify packages. Install any. I will recommend for atom-beautify .
  • Now Restart atom and TADA! now you are ready for quick formatting.

To Format text Using atom-beautify :

  • Go to the file you want to format.
  • Hit Ctrl + Alt + B ( Ctrl + Option + B on mac).
  • Your file is formatted in seconds.


Atom — Indent

Auto indent code on saving the file atom text editor How to format HTML in the Atom editor? tutorials and howto examples.

Auto indentation is formatting the code with tab and spaces and line breaks as per the language specification.

Indentation is done either manually or automatically while saving the code.

How to Auto indent code in Atom Editor?

  • Open Atom editor and open a code file
  • Select the code that you want to indent
  • Indent can be done in two ways
  • Open Command Palette using shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + P in Windows or ⌘ + Shift +P in MacOS)
  • type Auto Indent and Select Editor: Auto Indent as given below screenshot.

atom auto indent

Another way, use the key binding

  • Go to File > Settings, It opens the Settings window
  • Select Key bindings and open your keymap file link
  • It opens the keymap.cson file
  • Update below to this file, and save it

Restart the atom and reopen the file.

From now, shortcut command to auto-indent is ctrl+ alt + a

  • Go to File > Settings > Editor tab
  • Please make sure that the below options are enabled.
    • Auto Indent
    • Auto Indent On Paste

    How to format HTML in the Atom editor?

    • Open Command Palette using shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + P in Windows or ⌘ + Shift +P in MacOS)
    • type “install package”

    atom install beautify package

    • It opens the settings window and the installs tab is selected
    • Type “atom-beautify” in the search package list
    • and select atom-beautify, Installs it
    • Once installation is done, You can use the below command
    • use Ctrl + Shift + B in Windows and ⌘ + Shift + B in MacOS to format HTML


    Is there a command for formatting HTML in the Atom editor?

    As a web developer, it is essential to have a clean and organized codebase to ensure that your web page is functioning correctly. In Atom, there is a command that allows you to format your HTML code to make it more readable and organized. In this guide, we will show you how to use this command and provide examples of how it works.

    How to format HTML in Atom

    1. Open your HTML file in Atom.
    2. Select all of the code that you want to format.
    3. Press the `Ctrl + Shift + P` keys on Windows or `Cmd + Shift + P` keys on Mac to open the Command Palette.
    4. Type in “Beautify HTML” and select it from the list of options.
    5. Atom will automatically format your code, making it easier to read and organize.



    Welcome to my page!

    This is an example page.


    Welcome to my page!

    This is an example page.

    As you can see, the code is now properly indented and easier to read. This makes it easier to find errors in your code and makes collaboration more straightforward.


    In conclusion, Atom provides a straightforward and efficient way to format your HTML code. By using the “Beautify HTML” command, you can easily make your code more readable and organized. This can save you time and make it easier to collaborate with other developers.


    Is there a command for formatting HTML in the Atom editor?

    I would like to format my HTML with a command, as I do in Visual Studio, using Ctrl + K + D . Is this possible in Atom? If not, are there other options?

    6 Answers 6

    Atom does not have a built-in command for formatting html. However, you can install the atom-beautify package to get this behavior.

    1. Press CTRL + SHFT + P to bring up the command palette ( CMD + SHFT + P on a Mac).
    2. Type Install Packages to bring up the package manager.
    3. Type beautify into the search box.
    4. Choose atom-beautify or one of the other packages and click Install.
    5. Now you can use the default keybinding for atom-beautify CTRL + ALT + B to beautify your HTML ( CTRL + OPTION + B on a Mac).

    It is a contrary opinion that it is cool that Atom has the smallest core possible, so that you can install only what is necessary. ie, Atom can be used for developing non-web apps, which don’t require those formatters.

    There could be some custom installations like «Atom for Web developers» that come with the most downloaded packages related to the topic.

    atom-beautify is full of bugs. It doesn’t work on real-word documents. It incorrectly adds newlines in headings if inline elements are presents. Switching from the JS Beautify engine to the Pretty Diff engine makes things worse — inline elements such as are wrapped inside of paragraphs.

    I highly dislike the fact that atom-beautify doesn’t make use of personal indentation settings, and/or .editorconfig settings. It just formats everything its way.

    There are a few packages for prettifying HTML. You can find them by searching the Atom package archive:

    Once you’ve selected a package that does what you want you can install it by using the command: apm install [package name] from the command line or install it using the interface in Preferences.

    When the package is installed, follow its instructions for how to activate its capabilities.

    Includes many different languages, html too..

    You can add atom beauty package for formatting text in atom..

    then you type atom-beautify in search area.

    then click Package button.. select atom beuty and install it.

    next you can format your text using (Alt + ctrl + b) or right click and select beautify editor contents

    1. Go to «Packages» in atom editor.
    2. Then in «Packages» view choose «Settings View».
    3. Choose «Install Packages/Themes».
    4. Search for «Atom Beautify» and install it.

    Not Just HTML, Using atom-beautify — Package for Atom, you can format code for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Coldfusion, SQL, and more) in Atom within a matter of seconds.

    To Install the atom-beautify package :

    • Open Atom Editor.
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + P ( Cmd + Shift + P on mac), this will open the atom Command Palette.
    • Search and click on Install Packages & Themes . A Install Package window comes up.
    • Search for Beautify package, you will see a lot of beautify packages. Install any. I will recommend for atom-beautify .
    • Now Restart atom and TADA! now you are ready for quick formatting.

    To Format text Using atom-beautify :

    • Go to the file you want to format.
    • Hit Ctrl + Alt + B ( Ctrl + Option + B on mac).
    • Your file is formatted in seconds.


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