Entity class example java

JPA Entities

An entity is persistence domain object which represents a table in relational database. Each instance of an entity corresponds to a row in the table. The instance variables (fields and/or JavaBean properties) of an entity correspond to columns of the table.

In this tutorial we will quickly go through basic aspects of using entities per JPA 2.1 specifications. Examples are also included using database H2 and JPA implementation Eclipse link.

Using @Entity

Each class which needs to be persisted in the database must be annotated with @Entity . @Entity has a ‘name’ element which is used in query and also for table name. By default Entity name defaults to unqualified name of the class. If multiple entity classes have same name (but in different packages), explicit names should be set using ‘name’ element. Every entity must also have an instance variable with @Id to specify a primary key.

@Entity public class MyEntity

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Entity — Table mapping using @Table

By default database table is mapped by the entity name (as stated above). If table and entity name cannot be same then we can use @Table (along with @Entity). The ‘name’ element of @Table annotation can specify the table name. This annotation also has other optional elements to specify things like database schema, catalog etc.

@Table(name = «exampleTable») @Entity public class MyEntity

Entity instance variables to column mapping

All instance variables of the entity class are mapped to individual columns of the table. By default table column name will be same as variable name.

@Entity public class MyEntity

Specifying different column names by using @Column

If we need to map different column names to our entity instance variables then we will use @Column and specify it’s ‘name’ element for the table’s column name.

@Entity public class ExampleEntity

@Column annotation has other optional elements to specify attributes like length, nullable, unique for the column.

Excluding entity variables

If we want to exclude any of entity variables from being mapped to a column and persisted in the table then we will use @Transient . We can also use transient keyword to exclude them. Also all ‘static’ fields are implicitly excluded.

In the following example only id, aFinalString, aVolatileString and anInstanceString are mapped.

@Entity public class MyEntity

final fields are not allowed

Final fields or final entity classes are not allowed. According to the specs:

The entity class must not be final. No methods or persistent instance variables of the entity class may be final.

The reason for this restriction is: a JPA implementation cannot set the field values loaded from the database if they are final. Some implementation (e.g. EclipseLink like in above example) can ignore this restriction and can use reflection to set final fields. We, however, should avoid that for portable application.

The difference between @Transient and transient

transient keyword is used to exclude variables from being serialized (saving to file or sending a copy remotely), whereas, @Transient is to exclude from being persisted in the database. Serialization can be considered a general way to save to a disk (that includes saving to database as well). A field with @Transient will be not be saved to the database but can be serialized. According to Specification:

All non-transient instance variables that are not annotated with the Transient annotation are persistent.

Mapping annotations (e.g. @Column) cannot be applied to the fields or properties that are declared @Transient, doing so will end up in exception during deployment/validation time.

No enum or interface allowed

The entity class must be top-level class (not inner/nested). An enum or interface cannot be an entity

Entity class constructor

The class must have a public or protected, no-argument constructor. The class may have other additional constructors.

Non final Entity class

The class must not be declared final. No persistent instance variables or corresponding methods must be declared final.

Implementing Serializable

The entity can optionally implement Serializable interface. This interface is needed when object must be replicated remotely, e.g. scenario like this .

Note that some of the above rules may be ignored by some implementations but we should stick to the specification to write a portable application.


Entity class in JPA – attributes, & metadata

An entity is a lightweight persistent domain object. Entity classes are also known as domain models. In a School ERP System, Student is a domain model or Entity class that can be managed by JPA. You will learn Entity class in JPA and what are the rules one has to follow in details in this tutorial.

You learned about the basics of JPA and Hibernate on the previous page. Let us understand where the Entity class fits in a typical Multilayered Java application.

A typical multilayered Java Application

In a multilayer java architecture, a domain model is accessed from every component. DAO will use it to manage data, the presentation may use it to convert it to a JSON payload and so on.

Domain model in a Multilayer architecture

It is important to design Entity/domain models in a way that it does not depend on any orthogonal Java API. For example, the domain object should not perform database operations, JNDI lookup, etc.

Domain models (JPA Entities) are advised to be written as POJOs. POJO – Plain Old Java Object.

POJO terminology was coined by Martin Fowler, Rebecca Parsons, and Josh Mackenzie in 2000.

Rules for writing @Entity classes

  • Entity classes must be annotated with @Entity .
  • Must have a public/protected no-arg constructor, can have other constructors.
  • Entity classes must be a top-level class, enum or interface must not be designated as an entity.
  • Both abstract and concrete classes can be entities.
  • The entity class must not be final. No methods or persistent instance variables of the entity class may be final.
  • I advise making entity class implement Serializable , though this is not mandatory.
  • Every private/protected class properties should have Getter/Setter implemented.

@Entity public class Attachment implements java.io.Serializable

  • Entities support inheritance, polymorphic associations, and polymorphic queries.
  • Additional you can have JavaBean Validation annotations applied to @Entity classes.
@Entity @Table(name = "departments") public class Department implements java.io.Serializable < private Integer id; private SocialProfile socialProfile; private Institute institute; private String deptName; private String shortName; //Must have public Department() < >@Id @GeneratedValue public Integer getId() < return id; >public void setId(Integer id) < this.id = id; >@OneToOne public SocialProfile getSocialProfile() < return socialProfile; >public void setSocialProfile(SocialProfile socialProfile) < this.socialProfile = socialProfile; >@ManyToOne public Institute getInstitute() < return institute; >public void setInstitute(Institute institute) < this.institute = institute; >public String getDeptName() < return deptName; >public void setDeptName(String deptName) < this.deptName = deptName; >public String getShortName() < return shortName; >public void setShortName(String shortName) < this.shortName = shortName; >@Override public String toString() < return new StringJoiner(", ", Department.class.getSimpleName() + "[", "]") .add("id=" + id) .add("socialProfile=" + socialProfile) .add("institute=" + institute) .add("deptName='" + deptName + "'") .add("shortName='" + shortName + "'") .toString(); >>
public class Department < private Integer id; private SocialProfile socialProfile; private Institute institute; private String deptName; private String shortName; public Department() < >public Integer getId() < return id; >public void setId(Integer id) < this.id = id; >public SocialProfile getSocialProfile() < return socialProfile; >public void setSocialProfile(SocialProfile socialProfile) < this.socialProfile = socialProfile; >public Institute getInstitute() < return institute; >public void setInstitute(Institute institute) < this.institute = institute; >public String getDeptName() < return deptName; >public void setDeptName(String deptName) < this.deptName = deptName; >public String getShortName() < return shortName; >public void setShortName(String shortName) < this.shortName = shortName; >@Override public String toString() < return new StringJoiner(", ", Department.class.getSimpleName() + "[", "]") .add("id=" + id) .add("socialProfile=" + socialProfile) .add("institute=" + institute) .add("deptName='" + deptName + "'") .add("shortName='" + shortName + "'") .toString(); >>

Attributes of Persistent class ( @Entity )

Attributes here means persistent fields and properties of the domain model (entity class). Properties that hold values are called states. I discourage using public states, rather make the fields private/protected and implement getter/setter for them.

1. Every Persistent property should have getter/setter

public class MyDomain implements Serializable < private T property; public MyDomain()<>public T getProperty() public void setProperty(T prop) < this.property = prop; >>

2. Use Collection interfaces, not concrete classes.

For java.util.Collection fields, propertied must be defined to use one of the interfaces java.util.Collection , java.util.Set , java.util.List or java.util.Map based on use cases.

It is always a good practice to assign an empty collection to the property, so you don’t encounter NullPointerException , accidentally.

@Entity @Table(name = "academic_terms") public class AcademicTerm implements java.io.Serializable < // Good practice to assign an empty HashSet(). private Setsections = new HashSet(0); >

3. List of supported property types in JPA

The persistent fields an entity may be of the following types: Java primitive types & their wrapper class , java.lang.String , java.math.BigInteger , java.math.BigDecimal , java.util.Date , java.util.Calendar , java.sql.Date , java.sql.Time , java.sql.Timestamp , byte[] , Byte[] , char[] , Character[] , java.time.LocalDate , java.time.LocalTime , java.time.LocalDateTime , java.time.OffsetTime , java.time.OffsetDateTime , and user-defined types that implement the Serializable interface , enums, entity types, collections of entity types , embeddable classes, collections of basic and embeddable types.

Avoid using java.util.Date . Instead use the classes from java.time.* , such as java.time.LocalDate , java.time.LocalTime , and etc.

Entity metadata – using JPA annotations

Metadata means data about data. Entity metadata (Domain model metadata) is information about domain models.

This simply means, metadata has the information such as the db-table name where the data will be stored, the Column names, foreign key, Unique constraints and other details needed by the JPA to manage the domain objects.

There are basically 2 ways to specify these metadata:

  1. Using JPA annotations from javax.persistence.*
    You already used @Entity and @Table .
  2. Using XML descriptor files. This will not be covered in this course.

You will only learn to use JPA annotations, I don’t recommend separating it to XML descriptor files.

Maximum part of your JPA learning is to understand the metadata configurations correctly.


For reference, keep the JPA API doc handy. Please share your feedback in the comments below.


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