Elliotte rusty harold java network programming

Java Network Programming, 4th Edition

Java Network Programming, 4th Edition

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Book description

This practical guide provides a complete introduction to developing network programs with Java. You’ll learn how to use Java’s network class library to quickly and easily accomplish common networking tasks such as writing multithreaded servers, encrypting communications, broadcasting to the local network, and posting data to server-side programs.

Author Elliotte Rusty Harold provides complete working programs to illustrate the methods and classes he describes. This thoroughly revised fourth edition covers REST, SPDY, asynchronous I/O, and many other recent technologies.

  • Explore protocols that underlie the Internet, such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP
  • Learn how Java’s core I/O API handles network input and output
  • Discover how the InetAddress class helps Java programs interact with DNS
  • Locate, identify, and download network resources with Java’s URI and URL classes
  • Dive deep into the HTTP protocol, including REST, HTTP headers, and cookies
  • Write servers and network clients, using Java’s low-level socket classes
  • Manage many connections at the same time with the nonblocking I/O

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Table of contents

  1. Dedication
  2. Preface
    1. About the Fourth Edition
    2. Organization of the Book
    3. Who You Are
    4. Java Versions
    5. About the Examples
    6. Conventions Used in This Book
    7. Request for Comments
    8. Using Code Examples
    9. Safari® Books Online
    10. How to Contact Us
    11. Acknowledgments
    1. Networks
    2. The Layers of a Network
      1. The Host-to-Network Layer
      2. The Internet Layer
      3. The Transport Layer
      4. The Application Layer
      1. IP Addresses and Domain Names
      2. Ports
      1. Internet Address Blocks
      2. Network Address Translation
      3. Firewalls
      4. Proxy Servers
      1. IETF RFCs
      2. W3C Recommendations
      1. Output Streams
      2. Input Streams
        1. Marking and Resetting
        1. Chaining Filters Together
        2. Buffered Streams
        3. PrintStream
        4. Data Streams
        1. Writers
        2. OutputStreamWriter
        3. Readers
        4. Filter Readers and Writers
        5. PrintWriter
        1. Running Threads
          1. Subclassing Thread
          2. Implementing the Runnable Interface
          1. Race Conditions
          2. Polling
          3. Callbacks
          4. Futures, Callables, and Executors
          1. Synchronized Blocks
          2. Synchronized Methods
          3. Alternatives to Synchronization
          1. Priorities
          2. Preemption
            1. Blocking
            2. Yielding
            3. Sleeping
            4. Joining threads
            5. Waiting on an object
            6. Finish
            1. The InetAddress Class
              1. Creating New InetAddress Objects
                1. Caching
                2. Lookups by IP address
                3. Security issues
                1. Factory Methods
                  1. public static NetworkInterface getByName(String name) throws SocketException
                  2. public static NetworkInterface getByInetAddress(InetAddress address) throws SocketException
                  3. public static Enumeration getNetworkInterfaces() throws SocketException
                  1. public Enumeration getInetAddresses()
                  2. public String getName()
                  3. public String getDisplayName()
                  1. SpamCheck
                  2. Processing Web Server Logfiles
                  1. URIs
                    1. URLs
                    2. Relative URLs
                    1. Creating New URLs
                      1. Constructing a URL from a string
                      2. Constructing a URL from its component parts
                      3. Constructing relative URLs
                      4. Other sources of URL objects
                      1. public final InputStream openStream() throws IOException
                      2. public URLConnection openConnection() throws IOException
                      3. public final Object getContent() throws IOException
                      4. public final Object getContent(Class[] classes) throws IOException
                      1. public String getProtocol()
                      2. public String getHost()
                      3. public int getPort()
                      4. public int getDefaultPort()
                      5. public String getFile()
                      6. public String getPath()
                      7. public String getRef()
                      8. public String getQuery()
                      9. public String getUserInfo()
                      10. public String getAuthority()
                      1. Constructing a URI
                      2. The Parts of the URI
                      3. Resolving Relative URIs
                      4. Equality and Comparison
                      5. String Representations
                      1. URLEncoder
                      2. URLDecoder
                      1. System Properties
                      2. The Proxy Class
                      3. The ProxySelector Class
                      1. The Authenticator Class
                      2. The PasswordAuthentication Class
                      3. The JPasswordField Class
                      1. The Protocol
                        1. Keep-Alive
                        1. CookieManager
                        2. CookieStore
                        1. Opening URLConnections
                        2. Reading Data from a Server
                        3. Reading the Header
                          1. Retrieving Specific Header Fields
                            1. public String getContentType()
                            2. public int getContentLength()
                            3. public String getContentEncoding()
                            4. public long getDate()
                            5. public long getExpiration()
                            6. public long getLastModified()
                            1. public String getHeaderField(String name)
                            2. public String getHeaderFieldKey(int n)
                            3. public String getHeaderField(int n)
                            4. public long getHeaderFieldDate(String name, long default)
                            5. public int getHeaderFieldInt(String name, int default)
                            1. Web Cache for Java
                            1. protected URL url
                            2. protected boolean connected
                            3. protected boolean allowUserInteraction
                            4. protected boolean doInput
                            5. protected boolean doOutput
                            6. protected boolean ifModifiedSince
                            7. protected boolean useCaches
                            8. Timeouts
                            1. The Request Method
                              1. HEAD
                              2. DELETE
                              3. PUT
                              4. OPTIONS
                              5. TRACE
                              1. Error conditions
                              2. Redirects
                              1. Using Sockets
                                1. Investigating Protocols with Telnet
                                2. Reading from Servers with Sockets
                                3. Writing to Servers with Sockets
                                  1. Half-closed sockets
                                  1. Basic Constructors
                                  2. Picking a Local Interface to Connect From
                                  3. Constructing Without Connecting
                                  4. Socket Addresses
                                  5. Proxy Servers
                                  1. Closed or Connected?
                                  2. toString()
                                  1. TCP_NODELAY
                                  2. SO_LINGER
                                  3. SO_TIMEOUT
                                  4. SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF
                                  5. SO_KEEPALIVE
                                  6. OOBINLINE
                                  7. SO_REUSEADDR
                                  8. IP_TOS Class of Service
                                  1. Whois
                                  2. A Network Client Library
                                  1. Using ServerSockets
                                    1. Serving Binary Data
                                    2. Multithreaded Servers
                                    3. Writing to Servers with Sockets
                                    4. Closing Server Sockets
                                    1. What to Log
                                    2. How to Log
                                    1. Constructing Without Binding
                                    1. SO_TIMEOUT
                                    2. SO_REUSEADDR
                                    3. SO_RCVBUF
                                    4. Class of Service
                                    1. A Single-File Server
                                    2. A Redirector
                                    3. A Full-Fledged HTTP Server
                                    1. Secure Communications
                                    2. Creating Secure Client Sockets
                                    3. Choosing the Cipher Suites
                                    4. Event Handlers
                                    5. Session Management
                                    6. Client Mode
                                    7. Creating Secure Server Sockets
                                    8. Configuring SSLServerSockets
                                      1. Choosing the Cipher Suites
                                      2. Session Management
                                      3. Client Mode
                                      1. An Example Client
                                      2. An Example Server
                                      3. Buffers
                                        1. Creating Buffers
                                          1. Allocation
                                          2. Direct allocation
                                          3. Wrapping
                                          1. SocketChannel
                                            1. Connecting
                                            2. Reading
                                            3. Writing
                                            4. Closing
                                            1. Creating server socket channels
                                            2. Accepting connections
                                            1. The Selector Class
                                            2. The SelectionKey Class
                                            1. The UDP Protocol
                                            2. UDP Clients
                                            3. UDP Servers
                                            4. The DatagramPacket Class
                                              1. The Constructors
                                                1. Constructors for receiving datagrams
                                                2. Constructors for sending datagrams
                                                1. public InetAddress getAddress()
                                                2. public int getPort()
                                                3. public SocketAddress getSocketAddress()
                                                4. public byte[] getData()
                                                5. public int getLength()
                                                6. public int getOffset()
                                                1. public void setData(byte[] data)
                                                2. public void setData(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
                                                3. public void setAddress(InetAddress remote)
                                                4. public void setPort(int port)
                                                5. public void setAddress(SocketAddress remote)
                                                6. public void setLength(int length)
                                                1. The Constructors
                                                  1. public DatagramSocket() throws SocketException
                                                  2. public DatagramSocket(int port) throws SocketException
                                                  3. public DatagramSocket(int port, InetAddress interface) throws SocketException
                                                  4. public DatagramSocket(SocketAddress interface) throws SocketException
                                                  5. protected DatagramSocket(DatagramSocketImpl impl) throws SocketException
                                                  1. public void send(DatagramPacket dp) throws IOException
                                                  2. public void receive(DatagramPacket dp) throws IOException
                                                  3. public void close()
                                                  4. public int getLocalPort()
                                                  5. public InetAddress getLocalAddress()
                                                  6. public SocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress()
                                                  1. public void connect(InetAddress host, int port)
                                                  2. public void disconnect()
                                                  3. public int getPort()
                                                  4. public InetAddress getInetAddress()
                                                  5. public InetAddress getRemoteSocketAddress()
                                                  1. SO_TIMEOUT
                                                  2. SO_RCVBUF
                                                  3. SO_SNDBUF
                                                  4. SO_REUSEADDR
                                                  5. SO_BROADCAST
                                                  6. IP_TOS
                                                  1. Simple UDP Clients
                                                  2. UDPServer
                                                  3. A UDP Echo Client
                                                  1. Using DatagramChannel
                                                    1. Opening a socket
                                                    2. Receiving
                                                    3. Sending
                                                    4. Connecting
                                                    5. Reading
                                                    6. Writing
                                                    7. Closing
                                                    8. Socket Options // Java 7
                                                    1. Multicasting
                                                      1. Multicast Addresses and Groups
                                                      2. Clients and Servers
                                                      3. Routers and Routing
                                                      1. The Constructors
                                                      2. Communicating with a Multicast Group
                                                        1. Joining groups
                                                        2. Leaving groups and closing the connection
                                                        3. Sending multicast data
                                                        4. Loopback mode
                                                        5. Network interfaces

                                                        Product information

                                                        • Title: Java Network Programming, 4th Edition
                                                        • Author(s): Elliotte Rusty Harold
                                                        • Release date: October 2013
                                                        • Publisher(s): O’Reilly Media, Inc.
                                                        • ISBN: 9781449365950


                                                        Java network programming

                                                        [WorldCat (this item)]

                                                        Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2009-11-24 20:35:24 Boxid IA107313 Boxid_2 CH111101 Camera Canon 5D City Beijing Donor alibris Edition 2nd ed. External-identifier urn:oclc:record:1035925950
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                                                        9781565928701 Lccn 2001265833 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Ocr_converted abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.11 Ocr_module_version 0.0.14 Openlibrary_edition OL15477416M Openlibrary_work OL2022431W Page-progression lr Page_number_confidence 91.66 Pages 770 Ppi 300 Related-external-id urn:isbn:1449357679
                                                        urn:oclc:876505530 Scandate 20091126042152 Scanner scribe11.sfdowntown.archive.org Scanningcenter sfdowntown Worldcat (source edition) 223027459

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