Dying light язык программирования

Dying light язык программирования

I watched all the Dying Light YouTube videos and decided to put this guide together for a reference to basic developer tools.


Camera Movement
Scroll Wheel – zoom in/ out
Shift to speed up, alt to slow down
Press and hold Scroll Wheel to pan camera, also use left and right keys
User Interface –use filters to hide/see objects and use windows tab for assets

Moving Objects
Use Select Tool from toolbar (arrow) to select object
Use Move tool from toolbar to move object
hold ctrl to select multiple objects, press F to centre camera on object
RGB axis = XYZ axis
Click coloured squares to move object along 2 axes
Disable hook snap by pressing 4
Press and hold Shift key to clone objects
Press A and left click new location to move object, combine with Shift to place same objects quickly

Rotating Objects
Use Rotate Tool from toolbar, 15 degree default rotate snap, disable by pressing 5
Note on local vs world coordinate system

Scaling Objects
Use Scale Object tool from toolbar
To scale in relation to 2 axes, grab the triangle in between them, grab centre triangle to scale in relation to all 3 axes
There is a 2nd Scale Object tool from toolbar that lets you scale objects according to their outlines (the difference is this is one direction and one axis only, the first one was one axis and two directions

Adding Assets
Go to Window – Assets
Collections – objects from dying light
Meshes – more items, no presets
Select object and then select map window to place object
Quick rotate with square brackets and quick sizing with +/-
Hold ctrl to place other objects at right angles
Press Esc to deselect object
Press T to align object to world surface (0point)
Press Del to delete an object

Adding Logic Assets
Go to object types — here are gameplay assets

Adding Enemies
Navmesh – click navmesh on toolbar, then click load to load the navmesh, to recalculate navmesh after placing objects click Build & Save, display new navmesh by pressing load again, click unload to hide navmesh
Want navmesh to auto build and save? Click brick wall on toolbar then click build under navmesh then click start.
2 types of spawners – Single enemy/small group or large group
Go to assets – object types – AI spawner
To open AI spawner attributes double click or use Attributes on toolbar
Fields Tab – AI Preset = type of enemy, m_ForcedTargetType = behaviour, m_CanLeaveSpawner = can move outside of spawn area, m_NumberOf Zombies = # of zombies spawned,
To open Crowd Spawner go to object types – m_Difficult = how many zombies fill that space

Environment Lighting
Envprobes. – collect data from environment then use it to generate object lighting
Found in object types
Be sure to scale envprobe to encompass entire map
Need to validate – go to validate and build, click generate envprobes, click generate
Have one global envprobe at beginning — click on attributes, go to DNY lighting, and click global envprobe

Dynamic Lighting
Uses lamp in meshes for example
Find dynamic lighting as Light in object types, by default dynamic light is omnidirectional
To change direction, colour and intensity go to the DNY lights tab in attributes, click apply to confirm
Increase range by using scaling, use type spot_shadow to create shadows with objects, but need to add object (uses barrel in ex)
In attributes under object tab, check cast shadows from dynamic lights, by default all are turned off
To get lights to turn on and off, go to Class under attributes and select LampDI
m_EnabledSkin and m_DisabledSkin and m_BlinkingSKin
m_DayNightCycleDependence to add day/night cycle
Now to add the dynamic light to the lamp, select lamp go to attributes then go to parent field, and then find the lamp in the menu – this is where naming is important
VAR list on toolbar will advance time to check light cycles
Shift + quitation to go back and forth at 1hr intervals

Editing Terrain
Window – Edit Terrain – Create Terrain – hold down mouse and select grids – once select right click and press create block
Raise/lower terrain – change type, area and precision of effect
Raise/lower terrain by specific value – hold ctrl to lower terrain during process
Pick set height – level to specific height, find existing terrain value by holding ctrl and clicking on terrain
Smooth tool
Ramp tool – create ramp between 2 set points
Terrain painting tool – to add layer, click add layer then select rename, rename it, then double click to edit, every layer consists of 2 materials, good for creating realistic slopes
Remove vertices tool – allows you to cut holes in the terrain
Be sure to save and lock block in grid window, unlock to edit terrain.

Playable area – create by adding Playable Area Point in object types
To close area, go to the last playable area point and click attributes, then click m_NextPlayableAreaPoint, then hold CTRL and right click on first Playable area Point and click add to next
Then select all playable area points and decrease their range to 2meters by putting 2 in m_MseomthingFallDistance,
Also need a playable area controller, click one of the playable area points then add Playable Area Controller from object types, it’s automatically connected to the area and you can control what the player is and isn’t allowed to do
Be sure to name the area so you can disable it after the quest completes and the player can leave
To smooth out playable area points, select ground underneath point, click matrix tab, click copy, then select the playable area points and click paste


Dying Light

Enhanced Edition includes the «Season Pass», «The Following» expansion pack and the «Crash Test Skin Bundle».

DLC and expansion packs

Essential improvements

Skip intro videos

Game data

General settings.

Configuration file(s) location

It’s unknown whether this game follows the XDG Base Directory Specification on Linux. Please fill in this information.

Save game data location

Save game cloud syncing


Graphics settings.

Field of view (FOV)

  1. Go to the configuration file(s) location.
  2. Open video.scr with a text editor.
  3. Add the following line to the bottom of the file: ExtraGameFov(x) .
  4. Replace x with a number, which will increase the vertical FOV by that amount (20 equates to 72° vertical (102° horizontal on a 16:9 monitor) FOV).

Disable sun shadows

  1. Open varlist_performance.scr with a text editor.
  2. Search for VarInt and change the following to («i_shadows_sun_on», 0) .
  3. Copy the modified varlist_performance.scr to Data3.pak/data/scripts (ie. maintaining the subfolder structure).
  4. Remove any extracted Data0.pak files (Do not remove the Data0.pak file itself).



  1. Go to \DW\ and open Data0.pak with 7-Zip.
  2. Extract the file inputs_keyboard.scr in folder data\scripts\inputs\ .
  3. Open the extracted file with a text editor (e.g. Sublime Text, Notepad++) and look for the action you want to change and edit the associated key (looks like «EKey__A»).
  4. Save the file.
  5. Open Data3.pak with 7-Zip.
  6. Create the following subfolders: data\scripts\inputs\ , i.e. the folder structure in this file must be the same as in the original file.
  7. Add the modified inputs_keyboard.scr into the inputs folder you just created in Data3.pak .
  8. Close 7-Zip.
  9. Start game.

For example, the key for changing the arrow/bolt type is bound to R and cannot be changed in-game. If you want to change this, you have to edit the following two lines in inputs_keyboard.scr :

AddAction(_ACTION_QUICK_ARROWS, EInputTarget_HUD, EInputDevice_Keyboard, false, EKey__R, false, true); AddAction(_ACTION_QUICK_BOLTS, EInputTarget_HUD, EInputDevice_Keyboard, false, EKey__R, false, true);

Vertical mouse sensitivity


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