Docxtemplater html module free

Docxtemplater html module free

For React, Angular, and Vue, you can use the npm packages and use these code samples from the FAQ:

Browser (JS files)

For usage in the browser without using npm, you can use the .js and .min.js files for docxtemplater on this repository

You will also need Pizzip, which you can download here

You can use the following code :

html> body> button onclick="generate()">Generate document button> body> script src=""> script> script src=""> script> script src=""> script> script src=""> script>  
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The generated files of docxtemplater will be in /browser (minified and non minified).

Minifying the build

On Browsers that have window.XMLSerializer and window.DOMParser (all browsers normally have it), you can use that as a replacement for the xmldom dependency.

As an example, if you use webpack, you can do the following in your webpack.config.js:

module.exports = < // . // . resolve: < alias: < "@xmldom/xmldom": path.resolve( "./node_modules/docxtemplater/es6/browser-versions/xmldom.js" ), >, >, // . // . >; 

Loading your template from the filesystem

Please note that if you want to load a docx from your filesystem, you will need a webserver or you will be blocked by CORS policy.

It is also possible to read the docx from a file input , by using the following:

html> body> script src=""> script> script src=""> script> script src=""> script> script src=""> script>  

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