
Adding a Single Line Comment in HTML: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Add Single-Line Comment in HTML For the clarity of concepts, we will explain the idea of comments with the help of below given example: Example 1 < html > < head >< title >HTML < / title > < / head > < body > < h1 >HTML Comments < / h1 > < p >Hello world!! Now we will consider another example that has a comparatively complex source code and we will see how comments can make it easy to read: < html > < head >< title >HTML < / title > < style >p < color : blueviolet; background- color : antiquewhite; > < / style > < / head > < body > < h1 >HTML Comments < / h1 >

Single-line comment in HTML

As HTML is considered an SGML application, the comment syntax utilized in HTML documents is essentially the SGML comment syntax; however, initially, this syntax can be somewhat ambiguous.

The basic definition of an SGML comment is as follows:

A comment declaration starts with , followed by zero or more comments, followed by > . A comment starts and ends with » — «, and does not contain any occurrence of » — «.

  1. Note that an «empty» comment tag, with just » — » characters, should always have a multiple of four » — » characters to be legal. (And yes, is also a legal comment — it’s the empty comment).

Not every HTML parser accurately handles this situation. For instance, the code » hello—> » is considered a valid comment according to the aforementioned rule. This comment tag consists of two comments, with the first one being empty and the second one containing «> hello». When tested in a browser, the text will be displayed on the screen.

There are two potential explanations for this occurrence.

  1. The browser interprets the presence of the «>» character as the end of the comment.
  2. The text » —> » is perceived by the browser as the end of the comment.

To ensure the validity and acceptance of comments, follow this straightforward guideline.

In HTML, there is solely one comment syntax, which is .

To avoid confusion among beginners, I will attempt to simplify digitaldreamer’s answer, as I found it quite appealing.

The sole HTML comment, identified as , can be utilized as either a single line comment or a double line comment, depending on the preference of the developer.

To create an HTML comment, utilize the at the end. Stick to this format to prevent any compatibility problems, regardless of the comment’s legitimacy.

Html add comment to paragraph Code Example, Insert a single-line, or multi-line comment. 2. Comments are designated by the tags . 3. ​. 4. Use the comment function to hide

How to Comment in HTML

When you open up the file, comments are not displayed as they are only used with a source
Duration: 0:42

HTML comments within comments?

I think the key point is this:

Note that comments are markup.

Refer to for more information.

. just like the one you refer to.

Given that all of my websites are coded in PHP, I typically use PHP comments to comment out sections of code.

Maybe you could employ a comparable technique.

Nested comments are not allowed, and HTML only supports one style of comment.

The comment section is always concluded by the closing comment tag —>, regardless of whether your comment contains another comment or not.

In the section where you plan to comment out, you can replace «—>» with a unique alternative. This way, if you decide to reverse your commenting, you can easily replace the unique alternative back to «—>».

HTML Comments, You can add comments to your HTML source by using the following syntax: you can comment out HTML lines of code, one at a time, to search for errors.

HTML Comments

Comments are explanatory statements. They are used either for adding notes and explanations in the html document or to comment the unwanted/unnecessary code. It makes no difference whether it’s a code or explanatory guidelines; the browser will ignore everything that comes within the comment tag.

Introducing the «Rephrased MSDTHOT»: «»» In this post, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of HTML comments. It will cover the techniques for commenting single lines and multiple lines, while also highlighting the important aspects of utilizing HTML comments effectively. «»»

To commence this journey, let us grasp the syntax of HTML comments.


To generate comments, simply surround the content with the opening and closing tag, which starts with «». The syntax of the comment tag can be seen in the provided code snippet.


Individuals with familiarity in any programming language can appreciate the usefulness of comments. The significance of comments stems from the following characteristics:

  • Comments serve the purpose of aiding comprehension of the source code.
  • Developers made use of HTML comments to specify the functionality of each tag.
  • For testing purposes, developers can conceal their source code from the browser by utilizing HTML comments.
  • A developer includes comments in their source code to facilitate easy understanding for other developers who read them.
  • A programmer includes comments within their code to facilitate comprehension when revisiting it after an extended period.

How to Add Single-Line Comment in HTML

To ensure clear understanding of the concept, we will illustrate the idea of comments using the provided example below.


How to Make a Single Line and Multi-line Comment in HTML

How to Make a Single Line and Multi-line Comment in HTML

In this post, we will learn how to make single line and multi-line comments in HTML.

Comments in HTML

You can make comments in HTML by using the tags. Everything between these tags is ignored by the browser.

You have to use these tags for both making single line and multi-line comments. Let’s look at examples of how to make single line comments and multi-line comments in HTML.

Single line comments

This is an example of a single-line HTML comment:

Multi-line comments

This is an example of a multi-line HTML comment:

 This is a paragraph inside a multi-line comment.


Keep in mind that if you use multi-line comments, you will have to make sure you use the —> tag to close the comment. If you don’t, the rest of the markup will be ignored and potentially break your page.


You can use comments to explain the HTML markup you’ve written to yourself. You can also use comments to make your markup easier to read and understand by labeling different sections.

Another use for comments is to hide parts of a website from rendering, like things that are still in development or to quickly disable certain functionality.

Either way, hopefully this post has helped you learn how to make single line and multi-line comments in HTML.

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HTML Comment – How to Comment Out a Line or Tag in HTML

Dionysia Lemonaki

Dionysia Lemonaki

HTML Comment – How to Comment Out a Line or Tag in HTML

In this article, you’ll learn how to add single and multi-line comments to your HTML documents.

You’ll also see why comments are considered a good practice when writing HTML code.

The HTML Comment Tag

The general syntax for an HTML comment looks like this:

Comments in HTML start with .

Don’t forget the exclamation mark at the start of the tag! But you don’t need to add it at the end.

The tag surrounds any text or other HTML tag you want to comment out.

When to Use HTML Comments

HTML comments don’t get displayed in the browser. This means that any comments you add to your HTML source code will not be shown when the document gets rendered in a web browser.

That being said, keep in mind that anyone can view the source code of practically every website published on the Internet by going to View -> Developer -> View Source – and this also includes all comments!

So your comments will be visible for others to see if you make the HTML document public and they choose to look at the source code.

Writing comments is helpful and it’s a good practice to follow when writing source code. Comments help you document and communicate about your code and thought process to yourself (and others). It also reminds you what you were thinking/doing when you come back to a project after months of not working on it.

Comments also help you communicate with other developers who are working on the project with you. Your comments can clearly explain to them why you added certain lines of code.

How to Write Single-Line Comments in HTML

A single-line comment only spans one line. As mentioned earlier, that line will not get displayed in the browser.

Use a single-line comment when you want to explain and clarify the purpose behind the code that follows it or when you want to add reminders to yourself like so:


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Single-line comments are also helpful when you want to make clear where a tag ends. This comes in handy in a long and complex HTML document where a lot is going on and you may get confused as to where a closing tag is situated.

How to Write Inline Comments in HTML

You can also add comments in the middle of a sentence or line of code.

Only the text inside the will be commented out, and the rest of the text inside the tag won’t be affected.


I am a web developer

How to Write Multi-Line Comments in HTML

Comments can also span multiple lines, using the exact same syntax you’ve seen so far.


I am a web developer

How to Comment Out a Tag in HTML

So what if you want to comment out a tag in HTML?

You wrap the tag you’ve selected in , like so:

 !DOCTYPE html>       

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Commenting out tags helps with debugging.

When something isn’t working the way it’s supposed to or they way you intended it to, start commenting out individual tags one by one. This lets you test them and see which one is causing the issue.

Keyboard Shortcut for Adding HTML Comments

There are shortcuts you can use for adding comments – and you’ll probably end up using them a lot. The shortcut is Command / for Mac users or Control / for Windows and Linux users.

To add a single-line comment, just hold down the combo of keys shown above inside the code editor. Then the whole line you’re on will be commented out. Just keep in mind that since everything will be commented out on that line, this only works for single-line comments. You’ll need to add inline comments manually.

For adding multi-line comments, select and highlight all the text or tags you want to comment out and hold down the two keys shown previously. Each line you selected will now have a comment.


And there you have it – now you know how and why to use comments in HTML!

Learn more about HTML by watching the following videos on freeCodeCamp’s YouTube channel:

freeCodeCamp also offers a free, project-based certification on Responsive Web Design.

It is ideal for complete beginners and assumes no previous knowledge. You’ll start from the absolute necessary basics and build your skills as you progress. In the end, you’ll complete five projects.

Thanks for reading and happy learning 🙂


Single-line Comment in HTML

Comments are the sections in HTML that are not processed and recognized by the web browser. The source code or text embedded in the comment tag is not displayed on websites. However, developers can add comments to their code to make it self-explanatory. Additionally, comments are useful when another developer needs to edit complicated and lengthy code.

What is a Single-line Comment in HTML?

In HTML, a single line can be added in a single line using the comment tag “ ”. The comments are defined in HTML by the starting tag “” and ending tag “–>”. There is no other alternative method for specifying comments in the HTML.

How to Insert a Single-line Comment in HTML?

To insert a single-line comment in HTML, follow up on the listed steps.

Step 1: Create a “div” Container
First, create a “div” container by utilizing the “ ” tag.

Step 2: Add Single-line Comment
Next, add a single-line comment between the “ ” tag using the starting comment tag “”, then embed some text and at the end, add the “–>” ending tag.

Step 3: Add Heading
Then, embed the heading of level two with the help of the “ ” tag.

Step 4: Add Paragraph
Now, utilize the “ ” tag to add a paragraph in the HTML document:

Linuxhint LTD UK < / h2 >
Linuxhint is one of the top tutorial Website < / p >
< / div >The below-highlighted area shows the comment in HTML code:

It can be noticed that the text placed in the comment is invisible in the browser. However, it will be helpful for understanding the code.


In HTML, the comment tag “ ” is used to create either a single-line comment or multi-line command. To insert a single-line comment, utilize the starting comment tag “”, then embed some text and add the “–>” ending tag. This post has demonstrated the easiest method for creating single-line comments in HTML.


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