Discord python message content


This is the documentation for discord.py, a library for Python to aid in creating applications that utilise the Discord API.


discord.py works with Python 3.8 or higher. Support for earlier versions of Python is not provided. Python 2.7 or lower is not supported. Python 3.7 or lower is not supported.


You can get the library directly from PyPI:

python3 -m pip install -U discord.py 

If you are using Windows, then the following should be used instead:

py -3 -m pip install -U discord.py 

To get voice support, you should use discord.py[voice] instead of discord.py , e.g.

python3 -m pip install -U discord.py[voice] 

On Linux environments, installing voice requires getting the following dependencies:

For a Debian-based system, the following command will get these dependencies:

$ apt install libffi-dev libnacl-dev python3-dev

Remember to check your permissions!

Virtual Environments¶

Sometimes you want to keep libraries from polluting system installs or use a different version of libraries than the ones installed on the system. You might also not have permissions to install libraries system-wide. For this purpose, the standard library as of Python 3.3 comes with a concept called “Virtual Environment”s to help maintain these separate versions.

A more in-depth tutorial is found on Virtual Environments and Packages .

However, for the quick and dirty:

    Go to your project’s working directory:

$ cd your-bot-source $ python3 -m venv bot-env

Congratulations. You now have a virtual environment all set up.

Scripts executed with py -3 will ignore any currently active virtual environment, as the -3 specifies a global scope.

Basic Concepts¶

discord.py revolves around the concept of events . An event is something you listen to and then respond to. For example, when a message happens, you will receive an event about it that you can respond to.

A quick example to showcase how events work:

# This example requires the 'message_content' intent. import discord class MyClient(discord.Client): async def on_ready(self): print(f'Logged on as self.user>!') async def on_message(self, message): print(f'Message from message.author>: message.content>') intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True client = MyClient(intents=intents) client.run('my token goes here') 


How do i read message content in discord.py?

The following example will do what you want., Talent Recruit tech talent & build your employer brand , Word or expression to describe the feeling of nostalgia for a place that you used to like, but not any more, and are eager to leave behind again , Dynamic array implementation using C++

The following example will do what you want.

Bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="") @Bot.event async def on_message(message): if "not" in message.content: await Bot.send_message(message.channel, 'yes') 

Answer by Keenan Mercado

@bot.event async def on_message(message): if message.content == "pong": await message.channel.send('ping')

Answer by Ryker McKenzie

There are many variables we could want to track from a server’s message history. But, to keep it simple, we’ll only be looking at when the messages were sent, who sent them, and the content of the message itself. And, to do that, we create a Data Frame containing one column for each.,To do so, we use the on_message() asynchronous function from the discord.py library, which runs every time a new message is sent. Then, we check if the message author is the bot itself, and, if not, whether the message starts with whatever string we define as our command call, which in this case I set to “_”.,If the message does start with the command call, I like to split it’s content and then save the first element into a ‘command’ variable and the rest into a list of parameters. But since we’ll be making the bot read whichever channel we call the command on, that part is optional.,In this day and age, applications that make use of text analysis are everywhere from your typical e-mail spam filter to chatbots capable of making enough sense out of messages that they can even respond to them.

py -3 -m pip install -U discord.pypip install pandas
python3 -m pip install -U discord.pypip3 install pandas

Answer by Westley Bryant

Read-only list of messages the connected client has cached.,message (Message) – The deleted message.,message (Message) – The current message.,The emojis that the connected client has.

async for guild in client.fetch_guilds(limit=150): print(guild.name) 

Answer by Kieran Wise

In this repository All GitHub ↵ Jump to ↵ , I have shown the entire traceback, if possible., I have searched the open issues for duplicates., I have removed my token from display, if visible.

` import discord class MyClient(discord.Client): async def on_ready(self): print('Logged on as', self.user) async def on_message(self, message): print(message.content) client = MyClient() client.run('token') `

Answer by Lennon Trejo

How can I get it to print whatever text the user responds with?,Currently this is what it prints, rather than the users text string.,Can someone explain to me in the correct terms why this worked?

I am working on a project that uses discord.py and my goal is to have a user type !search. The bot responds «What do you want to watch?» then waits for the user to type something such as a movie title, then simply printing the users response to console. Here is my code right now.

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') @bot.event async def on_ready(): print(f' has connected to Discord!') @bot.command(name='search') async def search(ctx): await ctx.channel.send("What do you want to watch?") response = await bot.wait_for('message') print(response) bot.run(TOKEN) 

Currently this is what it prints, rather than the users text string.



This page gives a brief introduction to the library. It assumes you have the library installed, if you don’t check the Installing portion.

A Minimal Bot¶

Let’s make a bot that responds to a specific message and walk you through it.

It looks something like this:

# This example requires the 'message_content' intent. import discord intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True client = discord.Client(intents=intents) @client.event async def on_ready(): print(f'We have logged in as client.user>') @client.event async def on_message(message): if message.author == client.user: return if message.content.startswith('$hello'): await message.channel.send('Hello!') client.run('your token here') 

Let’s name this file example_bot.py . Make sure not to name it discord.py as that’ll conflict with the library.

There’s a lot going on here, so let’s walk you through it step by step.

  1. The first line just imports the library, if this raises a ModuleNotFoundError or ImportError then head on over to Installing section to properly install.
  2. Next, we create an instance of a Client . This client is our connection to Discord.
  3. We then use the Client.event() decorator to register an event. This library has many events. Since this library is asynchronous, we do things in a “callback” style manner. A callback is essentially a function that is called when something happens. In our case, the on_ready() event is called when the bot has finished logging in and setting things up and the on_message() event is called when the bot has received a message.
  4. Since the on_message() event triggers for every message received, we have to make sure that we ignore messages from ourselves. We do this by checking if the Message.author is the same as the Client.user .
  5. Afterwards, we check if the Message.content starts with ‘$hello’ . If it does, then we send a message in the channel it was used in with ‘Hello!’ . This is a basic way of handling commands, which can be later automated with the discord.ext.commands – Bot commands framework framework.
  6. Finally, we run the bot with our login token. If you need help getting your token or creating a bot, look in the Creating a Bot Account section.

Now that we’ve made a bot, we have to run the bot. Luckily, this is simple since this is just a Python script, we can run it directly.

Now you can try playing around with your basic bot.

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