Disable a tag css

Как сделать блокировку ссылок

От автора: недавно на работе была поднята тема того, как делается блокировка ссылок. В прошлом году каким-то образом к стилям наших шрифтов был добавлен якорь disabled, пока я этого не видел. Есть проблема: в HTML нет реального способа заблокировать тег a (с валидным атрибутом href). А зачем вообще это делать? Ссылки лежат в основе веба.

В какой-то момент я понял, что моим коллегам это не понравится, поэтому я начал думать, как реализовать блокировку ссылок. Понимая, что это потребует много времени, я хотел доказать, что затея не стоит тех усилий и кода, который придется поддерживать. Но я боялся, что если покажу, что это все-таки сделать можно, они проигнорируют все мои предупреждения и просто используют мой пример как доказательство того, что все в порядке. Меня это не потрясло, но я подумал, что вам может пригодиться мое исследование.

Просто не делайте этого

Заблокированная ссылка уже не ссылка, это текст. Вам нужно пересмотреть дизайн, если в нем есть заблокированные ссылки.

В BootStrap есть примеры применения класса .disabled к якорям, я их ненавижу. По крайней мере, они сказали, что этот класс всего лишь добавляет стиль disabled. Формулировка вводит в заблуждение. Чтобы реально отключить ссылку, недостаточно просто придать ей вид отключенной ссылки.

Читайте также:  Удалить срез строки python

Онлайн курс по JavaScript

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Это основной язык для современной веб-разработки — почти 100% сайтов работает на JavaScript. Освойте его с нуля всего за 4 месяца, и вы сможете зарабатывать от 70 000 рублей.

Надежный способ: удалите href

Если вы приняли решение игнорировать мои предупреждения и все еще хотите заблокировать ссылку, то лучший способ, который я знаю – удалите href атрибут.

Из спецификации Hyperlink: «Атрибут href в тегах a и area необязателен; когда атрибут отсутствует, эти элементы не создают гиперссылки.»

У MDN определение попроще: «Для создания плейсхолдер ссылки этот атрибут можно пропустить (в HTML5). Плейсхолдер ссылка похожа на обычную ссылку, но она никуда не ведет.»

Стандартный JS код вставки и удаления атрибута href:


To disable a HTML anchor element with CSS, we can apply the pointer-events: none style.

pointer-events: none will disable all click events on the anchor element.

The pointer-events can be set using CSS properties and selectors:
This is a great option when you only have access to class or style attributes. It can even be used to disable all the HTML links on a page.
 We’ve now seen how to disable an HTML anchor/link element ( a tag) using pointer-events: none , which can be done without touch the existing href attribute using styles.

Next we’ll see how to disable an HTML anchor/link element using inline JavaScript inside of the href attribute.

Disable HTML anchor with inline JavaScript href=»javascript:void(0)»

The following link is disabled using inline JavaScript in the href attribute.

This can be useful when combined with a JavaScript library like Alpine.js:
"The examples in this post can be found on CodePen.

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Hugo Di Francesco

Co-author of «Professional JavaScript», «Front-End Development Projects with Vue.js» with Packt, «The Jest Handbook» (self-published). Hugo runs the Code with Hugo website helping over 100,000 developers every month and holds an MEng in Mathematical Computation from University College London (UCL). He has used JavaScript extensively to create scalable and performant platforms at companies such as Canon, Elsevier and (currently) Eurostar.

Get The Jest Handbook (100 pages)

Take your JavaScript testing to the next level by learning the ins and outs of Jest, the top JavaScript testing library.


Tips For Students Choosing Their First Programming Language

More and more colleges offer their students the opportunity to try their hand in coding. With technologies continuing making massive inroads people’s our everyday lives, such professions as a computer programmer, web developer, software engineer, mobile app developer, and others ranks among the best paying and on-demand. No wonder, so many students, even those who initially chose completely different majors, strive to become conversant with popular programming languages. Being able to write code and program is not only promising, it’s prestigious. But slews of your learners find themselves plagued by some concerns and doubts we’ll try to dispel in today’s article. What’s more, we’ll help you answer the hardest questions most beginners ask themselves when tackling programming and choose the programming language you’ll be most comfortable with. .

Hugo Di Francesco

An accessible Alpine.js menu toggle

The “Hello World” of JavaScript frameworks and libraries seems to have become the todo app. In the case of Alpine.js a todo app is almost too large to showcase Alpine’s core benefits and use case. Another issue with a lot of JavaScript examples is that they forego accessibility. Therefore we won’t be building a todo app but an accessible navigation menu. Our menu is as follows (read on for a breakdown of how it’s built). .

Hugo Di Francesco


How to Disable a HTML Anchor Tag

How to Disable a HTML Anchor Tag

In this post, we’ll learn how to disable a HTML anchor tag using CSS or inline JavaScript.

Disable HTML Anchor Tag with CSS

The best way to disable a link tag is by using the CSS property pointer-events: none; . When you apply pointer-events: none; to any element, all click events will be disabled.

Because it applies to any element, you can use it to disable an anchor tag.

Here’s how to use pointer-events: none; inline to disable a link tag:

Alternatively, you can use CSS classes and separate the CSS:

By using a CSS class, you can disable multiple anchor tags at once.

If you really wanted to, you could even disable all anchor tags on a page by targeting the a tag:

Be careful with this technique as it can have unintended consequences!

Disable HTML Anchor Tag with JavaScript

If you don’t want to use CSS, you can also disable a link tag by using inline JavaScript.

Here’s an example of a link that is disabled using JavaScript:

If you try clicking on this link, it won’t work, thereby disabling the link.

While this works, the best way to disable a link tag is to use CSS.


We’ve seen how to disable a link tag using CSS or JavaScript. We’ve also seen how to disable multiple anchor tags at once.

Hopefully, you’ve found this post helpful!

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A disabled link is not a link, it’s just text. You need to rethink your design if it calls for disabling a link. Bootstrap has examples of applying the .disabled class to anchor tags, and I hate them for it. At least they mention that the class only provides a disabled style, but this is misleading. You need to do more than just make a link look disabled if you really want to disable it.

Surefire way: remove the href

If you have decided that you are going to ignore my warning and proceed with disabling a link, then removing the href attribute is the best way I know how. Straight from the official Hyperlink spec:

The href attribute on a and area elements is not required; when those elements do not have href attributes they do not create hyperlinks.

This attribute may be omitted (as of HTML5) to create a placeholder link. A placeholder link resembles a traditional hyperlink, but does not lead anywhere.

/* * Use your preferred method of targeting a link * * document.getElementById('MyLink'); * document.querySelector('.link-class'); * document.querySelector('[href="https://unfetteredthoughts.net"]'); */ // "Disable" link by removing the href property link.href = ''; // Enable link by setting the href property link.href = 'https://unfetteredthoughts.net';

That’s not enough, I want something more complex so that I can look smarter!

If you just absolutely have to over-engineer some extreme solution, here are some things to consider. Hopefully, you will take heed and recognize that what I am about to show you is not worth the effort. First, we need to style our link so that it looks disabled.

Setting color to currentColor should reset the font color back to your normal, non-link text color. I am also setting the mouse cursor to not-allowed to display a nice indicator on hover that the normal action is not allowed. Already, we have left out non-mouse users that can’t hover, mainly touch and keyboard, so they won’t get this indication. Next the opacity is cut to half. According to WCAG, disabled elements do not need to meet color contrast guidelines. I think this is very risky since it’s basically plain text at this point, and dropping the opacity in half would make it very hard to read for users with low-vision, another reason I hate this. Lastly, the text decoration underline is removed as this is usually the best indicator something is a link. Now this looks like a disabled link! But it’s not really disabled! A user can still click/tap on this link. I hear you screaming about pointer-events .

Ok, we are done! Disabled link accomplished! Except, it’s only really disabled for mouse users clicking and touch users tapping. What about browsers that don’t support pointer-events ? According to caniuse, this is not supported for Opera Mini and IE pointer-events unless display is set to block or inline-block . Also, setting pointer-events to none overwrites our nice not-allowed cursor, so now mouse users will not get that additional visual indication that the link is disabled. This is already starting to fall apart. Now we have to change our markup and CSS…

Wrapping the link in a < span >and adding the isDisabled class gives us half of our disabled visual style. A nice side-affect here is that the disabled class is now generic and can be used on other elements, like buttons and form elements. The actual anchor tag now has the pointer-events and text-decoration set to none . What about keyboard users? Keyboard users will use the ENTER key to activate links. pointer-events are only for pointers, there is no keyboard-events. We also need to prevent activation for older browsers that don’t support pointer-events . Now we have to introduce some JavaScript.

// After using preferred method to target link link.addEventListener('click', function (event) < if (this.parentElement.classList.contains('isDisabled')) < event.preventDefault(); >>);

Now our link looks disabled and does not respond to activation via clicks, taps, and the ENTER key. But we are still not done! Screen reader users have no way of knowing that this link is disabled. We need to describe this link as being disabled. The disabled attribute is not valid on links, but we can use aria-disabled=»true» .

Now I am going to take this opportunity to style the link based on the aria-disabled attribute. I like using ARIA attributes as hooks for CSS because having improperly styled elements is an indicator that important accessibility is missing.

.isDisabled < cursor: not-allowed; opacity: 0.5; >a[aria-disabled="true"] < color: currentColor; display: inline-block; /* For IE11/ MS Edge bug */ pointer-events: none; text-decoration: none; >

Now our links look disabled, act disabled, and are described as disabled. Unfortunately, even though the link is described as disabled, some screen readers (JAWS) will still announce this as clickable. It does that for any element that has a click listener. This is because of developer tendency to make non-interactive elements like div and span as pseudo-interactive elements with a simple listener. Nothing we can do about that here. Everything we have done to remove any indication that this is a link is foiled by the assistive technology we were trying to fool, ironically because we have tried to fool it before. But what if we moved the listener to the body?

document.body.addEventListener('click', function (event) < // filter out clicks on any other elements if (event.target.nodeName == 'A' && event.target.getAttribute('aria-disabled') == 'true') < event.preventDefault(); >>);

Are we done? Well, not really. At some point we will need to enable these links so we need to add additional code that will toggle this state/behavior.

function disableLink(link) < // 1. Add isDisabled class to parent span link.parentElement.classList.add('isDisabled'); // 2. Store href so we can add it later link.setAttribute('data-href', link.href); // 3. Remove href link.href = ''; // 4. Set aria-disabled to 'true' link.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); >function enableLink(link) < // 1. Remove 'isDisabled' class from parent span link.parentElement.classList.remove('isDisabled'); // 2. Set href link.href = link.getAttribute('data-href'); // 3. Remove 'aria-disabled', better than setting to false link.removeAttribute('aria-disabled'); >

That’s it. We now have a disabled link that is visually, functionally, and semantically disabled for all users. It only took 10 lines of CSS, 15 lines of JavaScript (including 1 listener on the body), and 2 HTML elements. Seriously folks, just don’t do it.


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